
An Uchiha With A System.

Read the Journey Of Kaiten Uchiha, a prodigy whose mother died during the kyuubi attack, he was a cold hearted and ruthless shinobi, but things take a turn when he receives a system that helps with alot of things.... Read this to find out what happens. Open for suggestions.

sPenK_XD · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs

Chapter 5 (Short Chapter)

Chapter 5 :

- Near Naka River -

Kaiten threw a punch towards shisui, Shisui quickly dodged the punch and threw out his own which was dodged by kaiten as he jumped back and prepared to shoot a fireball, "You've gotten much better, Kaiten." Said shisui but his face was sad and crestfallen unlike his usual self, but kaiten paid it no heed, maybe he got over his idiotic attitude. 

Kaiten nodded and turned around and left, whenever Shisui would stop their spar, it meant that he had to go and do something, they gotten very close over the year. 

As Kaiten Walked Away, "Status." He called out, he hadn't opened it in a long time, he had just been doing quests there and there. 

Kaiten Uchiha

LvL : 27 (71.9%) 

Title : The Greatest Prodigy Ever.






INT : 300

WIS : 300

Status Effects : Mastered Three Tomoe Sharingan (+80 To All Physical Attributes While Active, Much Greater Visual Prowess Than TTS, (Same the other versions)) Greatest Prodigy ( +55% To All Experience Gain) 

POINTS : 125

RYO : 780541

Fast Forward. (Basically the same things happen like the cannon where shisui goes to danzo etc etc rn itachi comes to kill the clan) 

- Uchiha Compound - 

Kaiten was in the backyard of his house and suddenly his danger senses went off the charts and he quickly looked to his left and saw blood being splattered on the Windows of his neighboring house and their chakra signals suddenly vanished and another chakra signal appeared that he knew too well. 

He quickly jumped high to barely avoid a attack that would have killed him, he thanks shisui for training his instincts, Itachi was way too fast for him to react to him normally, "Itachi! What is the meaning of this?!" Asked Kaiten. 

"I am simply using the clan as a way to test my new power." Said Itachi as his eyes turned into the mangekyo sharingan. 

Kaiten looked at the eyes and his eyes instantly widened, "Who did you kill for that?" Asked kaiten. He had learned about the mangekyo sharingan from Fugaku. 

"Shisui." Said Itachi blankly staring at Kaiten. 

Kaiten instantly froze, those simple words were like a knife being stabbed into him multiple times, the words repeated in his mind, as the knife struck again and again. 

Shisui, he would never admit it out loud, but, in this world, only Shisui was the one who managed to get close to him, To him, Shisui was a rival, a friend, a..... A brother. 

Kaiten's eyes cried, but what fell down were not tears, but blood. 

Itachi looked at Kaiten's eyes and his eyes widened as Kaiten's sharingan spinned at a incredible speed and took the form of a circle with five edges with a circle in it, The Mangekyo Sharingan. 

Kaiten jumped at Itachi with a chidori, attacking like a beast, Itachi quickly dodged the chidori and kicked kaiten in the stomach sending him far away as he coughed up blood. 

Kaiten shook and he put hand on his face leaving only his left eye visible as it span at speeds faster than lightning, Kaiten Screamed and immediately, Black Hot flames formed on Itachi, as if he ordered the flames to appear there, Kaiten fell unconscious afterwards from exhaustion. 

But just before he blacked out, a screen appeared in front of him. 


Quest Complete! Awakened The Mangekyo Sharingan! 

+1000000 EXP


.... Then he blacked out. 

- Itachi POV -

I quickly threw away the vest I was wearing, I looked as the flames burned it into ashes. 

I walked past Kaiten and walked towards the house which was once mine... Once again to ruin another child. 


So Yo! The reason this chapter is so short is because I was kinda busy. 

Please a review, a like and boosts to support me. 

Give me suggestions in the comments, Cya!