
An Uchiha Tale

Hello there! This is my first fan-fiction and I am very excited about this. I decided to write it because I wanted to create a story within the naruto-verse that would reflect my own view on different parts of the original story. This fan-fiction will have an original main character which will not become OP from the start or get the Rinnegan on birth or anything like that. This will be a story about a normal, but talented, kid belonging to the Uchiha clan, and will be greatly inspired by canon but also other fictions. I hope that I do well with character development and the story itself, but keep in mind that this is my first time. Also, expect good grammar, although i might make a few typo's here and there. Disclaimer: This is based on a manga originally written by Masashi Kishimoto, named Naruto. I do not own the characters belonging to said manga, only those made by myself.

Joey91991 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs


(The next day)


Somewhere in the Forest of Death, hidden in a tree hole, Izuna was almost done recovering from the fight he had.

'I've recovered most of my chakra, and my body feels a lot better now. I should probably start looking for the other scroll now...'

He thought, before taking out the scroll he stole from that genin team.

'Heaven... So I need to find someone that has the Earth scroll and then I will be ready to leave for the tower...'

It was then that an idea struck Izuna.

'Wait... the only people that would go to the tower are those that have both scrolls, meaning that if I set up an ambush on the way there, I should be able to find one of those teams and take their Earth scroll! Of course, there might be other people who thought of this, so I need to be careful. I already wasted a lot of time fighting that Hyuga yesterday.'

He then got out of the tree and started dashing in the direction of the tower.


(Fifteen minutes later)


On his way to the tower, Izuna noticed that a team decided to follow him there.

Immediately realising they had bad intentions, he slowed down in order to let them catch up and took out his scroll.

"Before you try to attack me, know that I currently only have the Heaven scroll. Do not risk your lives for nothing." he said.

Then, one of the three threw a kunai at Izuna, who, upon seeing the kunai, dodged and stopped running from them.

"It seems you won't be a waste of time after all..." he told them.

"What do you mean?"

"You have the Earth scroll... don't you?"

"What?! How can you tell?!" the one that looked like their leader asked, as the three of them got in a defensive stance.

"It is simple. You wouldn't have attacked me unless you needed this Heaven scroll. If you didn't attack and simply left, I wouldn't have followed you...

You're unlucky, however. I had enough time to regain my chakra and rest. This is the worst possible scenario for you to be in."

"What? You think you can scare us into running? It's three against one idiot! What can you do?"

'Hmm... Sunagakure shinobi. They seem to be pretty weak at first sight.'

Izuna checked the genin out, noticing nothing weird apart from the fact that one of them wielded a katana.

"I will tell you this now. Surrender, or you will be destroyed. Numbers mean nothing in the face of quality and strength. Do not force me to kill you."

Izuna's last sentence made one of the Suna-nin flinch.

"We will not cower now! Attack!"

"Too bad..." he said.


One of the genin tried a direct attack, punching Izuna.

As a response, he simply grabbed his hand and tightened his grip so much that the hand cracked.


Then, as his teammate jumped back, the katana-wielding shinobi tried a diagonal slash.

Izuna dodged to the side, going under the blade which prompted the enemy into trying to continue the blade's movement by rotating his body and slashing at Izuna's left arm, who then reacted before the attack could even come close and kicked the genin in the back mid-turn, sending him flying back.

"Is this the extent of your force? I do not have time for you. Just surrender your scroll."

Then, the three started doing different hand signs.

'A triple jutsu attack?!' Izuna was surprised. Using Sharingan, however, he quickly realised what the three were trying to do.

The first jutsu: Doton: Doryuheki (Earth Style: Earth Wall) with the purpose of trapping him in place with three walls in a triangle shape.

The second jutsu: Futon: Daitoppa (Wind Style: Great Breakthrough) meant to damage Izuna and leave him weakened for the final jutsu:

Futon: Shinkugyoku (Wind Style: Vacuum Bullets) which would then finish him.

The Uchiha however jumped out of the middle of the three walls before they even formed.

Then, he copied the earth style jutsu and made a wall of his own to block the Great Breakthrough.

When the Vacuum Bullets were sent towards him, he started running to the group, easily dodging all bullets because of his Sharingan.

Once he got next to the three, in a single smooth motion he took the katana from the Sunagakure-nin's back, slashing at one of the others' legs, making him fall to the ground and then attacked the other genin, severing his hand with a swift blow.

Before the guy could even pass out, Izuna grabbed the original wielder of the katana by the neck and held him up, staring straight into his eyes with the Sharingan still active.

"I told you to surrender, but you did not listen." he said, before putting him under genjutsu and slamming him into the ground, knocking the shinobi out.

Izuna then searched the three bodies and found the Earth scroll.

'With this, I can get to the tower and finish this exam.'

Then he left the three lying there on the ground, two of them bleeding slowly and the other completely unconscious.


(A bit later, at the tower)


Izuna finally reached his destination with both scrolls. When he climbed it he got to a room that had a giant sign speaking about the importance of both Earth and Heaven, both Intelligence and Strength. He opened both scrolls and threw them on the ground before a giant puff of smoke appeared in between them.

Out of the smoke, however, to the surprise of the Uchiha, came out Yuki.

"Yuki-sensei! Were the scrolls containing a summoning jutsu this entire time?"

"Izuna! You made it past the second exam! Yes, the scrolls, if opened, would summon me anytime, meaning that if you opened them during the exam I would have been summoned and would've had to knock you out and disqualify you!"

Yuki then stared at Izuna, half-amazed at the fact that he managed to pass this test.

"Congratulations on passing the second stage of the Chunin Exam! I will now take you to a room where you will have to wait until the five days have passed."