
An Uchiha Tale

Hello there! This is my first fan-fiction and I am very excited about this. I decided to write it because I wanted to create a story within the naruto-verse that would reflect my own view on different parts of the original story. This fan-fiction will have an original main character which will not become OP from the start or get the Rinnegan on birth or anything like that. This will be a story about a normal, but talented, kid belonging to the Uchiha clan, and will be greatly inspired by canon but also other fictions. I hope that I do well with character development and the story itself, but keep in mind that this is my first time. Also, expect good grammar, although i might make a few typo's here and there. Disclaimer: This is based on a manga originally written by Masashi Kishimoto, named Naruto. I do not own the characters belonging to said manga, only those made by myself.

Joey91991 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs


Short note:

1200+ words, enjoy!


(In front of the Hokage building)


"Why is our sensei always so late?"

"Maybe he is still preparing for today's mission." replied a serious looking Yoji.

"Be serious, we all know he is going to give us a D-rank mission again, especially since its Izuna-kun's first mission!"

(Five minutes later)

"Hey you guys, sorry for being late, I was helping an old lady pass the street so that she co-"

"Yeah, yeah, sure. You give us that excuse everytime, Yuki-sensei."

"Well, since you're so excited for today's mission, lets go ahead and get it."

They all entered the Hokage building and went up to the Hokage office.

"Good morning, Hiruzen-sama!" bowed the jonin, along with the children

"Ah, Yuki! Are you here for a mission? Let me see what I have available."

Hiruzen started looking through the many files he had lying around in his office

"Here you go! A D-rank capture mission."

Hearing this, the genin's faces lit up.

'A capture mission?'

They were intrigued. What would they capture? A shinobi? A civilian? Maybe even a VIP of some sort!

They couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities.

"You will have to capture a lost cat."

"Noooo! Not another cat mission! We only get boring missions!"

"Calm down, Himuka. This is the Hokage's order."

"Wait, Yuki. If the kids think they can handle a harder mission, maybe they are right. After all, they have the genius Izuna Uchiha with them now right?"

"B-but, Hiruzen-sama, Izuna is still a rookie-"

"He graduated early after managing to defeat a great threat even to an experienced chunin." Hiruzen looked quite interested towards Izuna. He felt that his kid had great potential, not only as a shinobi, but also a leader. "And we all know he even defeated you, Yuki."

'What?! He knows about our training?' the jonin was surprised. 'But he couldn't have seen us!'

"How about you and your team take on a C-rank mission?"

Hearing this, Himuka's eyes widened. Yuki looked a bit worried while Yoji and Izuna had an indifferent look on their faces. They knew that C-rank missions were more difficult compared to D-ranks, but still not difficult enough to pose a threat to a genin's life, especially when they are led by a jonin like Yuki.

"So, what is our mission, Hiruzen-sama?"

"An escort. The client has specified he might be targeted by bandits, so we classed the mission as C-rank. You should be able to handle this easily. It's about time the rookies get some combat experience. They aren't children anymore, Yuki."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."


(Later, at the Konoha gates)


"Ah, you must be Yuki-san, my escort, right? I am Tadaichi." replied an old man, who looked uninterested at the genin.

"Yes, I am Yuki, and these are my teammates, Izuna, Himuka and Yoji. We must get going know, we need to get you there in less than two days."

They went on with the mission, escorting Tadaichi to his destination. On the way there, Izuna kept inspecting his surroundings. He felt something was wrong, but couldn't notice what.

After some walking, they soon left the forest into a clearing.

"Everyone, stay back! There is something wrong here, someone really strong, not an ordinary bandit, is hiding somewhere." Yuki felt someone with great chakra staring at them.

"Sensei, look!" yelled Izuna as he noticed a silhouette coming out of the dark

Before he could act, however, everyone around him dropped to the ground. He himself started feeling nauseous as well.


He quickly undid the genjutsu and noticed his teammate, Yoji, sitting in front of the man that attacked them.

"Izuna! Take everyone else and run, I'll distract him!"

Yoji looked confident and determined to save everyone. Izuna looked at him like he stared at some superhero. The man in front of him took a defensive stance, protecting the others behind him.

'Is this what being a genin means?'

The attacker unveiled himself, a man wearing a mask with an opening for his right eye.

Before Izuna could even react, the man dashed at Yoji and killed him with a single movement of his sword. His teammate's body fell lifelessly on the ground, his head hitting the dust on the path.

Izuna looked at this scene with a shocked expression. Death. Loss of a life. Death. A soul leaving this Earth. Death. A once lively person disappearing forever. Death. Death. Death. Izuna was scared. His mind was filled with this idea, this concept. His friend, his teammate, just a little older than him, dead. In the blink of an eye, everything he had built up, lost. His family, his friends, his memories, all lost for him.

Izuna was going through a great pain. He was distraught.

Suddenly, his vision blurred before becoming more accurate than ever before. His eyes turned red and started spinning with two tomoe taking shape on his cornea.

The Sharingan. The greatest power of the Uchiha had awakened in Izuna.

"Hmm, you... are an Uchiha..." the masked man turned his head slightly to the left, making his three tomoe Sharingan visible.

"Y-you p-p-possess the Sharingan?!" Izuna was shocked. Just who was this person?

"You are interesting. I won't kill you and your team. Just this person." said the masked man, before swiftly executing Tadaichi.

After seeing this, Izuna fainted.


(Back in Konoha, at the hospital)


"Look, he is awake again!"

"Huh? Where am I?! Is Yoji ok?!"

"Yoji... your teammate... is dead"

Images of what happened quickly flashed through Izuna's mind. He remembered everything. His friend's death, his client's death, his awakening of the Sharingan. It all shocked him again.

"Oh no... if only I could have stopped that man..."

"There is nothing we could have done, Izuna." Yuki came in the room. "That man is stronger even than me. Still, I am surprised you managed to dispel that genjutsu."

Izuna stared at Yuki. He thought that being with a jonin meant they were safe.

"The mission was changed to A-rank. The assassin was no ordinary bandit. He was a rogue ninja. No bandit could defeat our team so easily. In fact, I came here to ask you about something."

Izuna knew what he was going to ask: they wanted to know about this rogue ninja. If he was asked about this, he decided not to mention him having a Sharingan. That was something he had to tell Shisui and Itachi first.

"About this shinobi, you saw him right? What did he look like, did he have any specific traits?"

"No, sensei. He looked normal apart from the fact that he wore a mask to cover his whole face."

He knew it. It is better this way. That man was too powerful for them to hunt down. Even a genin could see that.

"Ok then, we're going to need more info about this person. You should rest now, Izuna. We have told your family about what happened. Have a good day."

"You too, Sensei."