
An Uchiha Tale

Hello there! This is my first fan-fiction and I am very excited about this. I decided to write it because I wanted to create a story within the naruto-verse that would reflect my own view on different parts of the original story. This fan-fiction will have an original main character which will not become OP from the start or get the Rinnegan on birth or anything like that. This will be a story about a normal, but talented, kid belonging to the Uchiha clan, and will be greatly inspired by canon but also other fictions. I hope that I do well with character development and the story itself, but keep in mind that this is my first time. Also, expect good grammar, although i might make a few typo's here and there. Disclaimer: This is based on a manga originally written by Masashi Kishimoto, named Naruto. I do not own the characters belonging to said manga, only those made by myself.

Joey91991 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs


(Two Weeks Later)


Today, Izuna is going to take the chunin exam and try to progress from his position as genin. To him, this exam was more than just a chance for promotion.

This exam could tell him how strong he was.

As he arrived at the place they were told to go, two jonin approached him.

"You! Where is your registration?"

"Right here."

As Izuna handed them his scroll, signed by Yuki, they started chuckling:

"Hah, sorry kid, but it seems you failed even before entering. Unfortunately the registration was a test to see if all three of you would come, but you arrived alone!" he said, before reading the scroll.

"Wait... Izuna Uchiha? You're the genin allowed to take the exam by himself huh? Sorry for all this then, you can go."

"Thank you." he replied.

He then headed inside, where he noticed a lot of shinobi from different villages, all staring straight at him.

This was sort of intense. Around 100 pairs of eyes all focused on Izuna. He decided to ignore them all and sit somewhere. They would have to stop eventually anyway.

Soon, a jonin appeared in the room.

"Hello everyone, I am the first proctor, here to test your abilities in espionage. As you all know, the chunin exam was made in order to test your capabilities as shinobi, and there is nothing more important to a shinobi than being able to secure intel."

Everyone stood in silence as they listened to what he said.

"The first exam is simple. Each team will be given thirty minutes to infiltrate this base filled with traps and extract the scroll. Once you come back with it, you pass."

Since the proctor did not want the rest of the genin to see what the traps were, every team had to go one at the time, with the others waiting in a concealed room.

After about six teams went, out of which only four came back with the scroll, the proctor called out Izuna's name:

"Uchiha Izuna, you are next."

"He's alone? I thought this was a team exam..." whispers could be heard.

"Yeah! I heard that he was allowed to go by the hokage himself!"

Izuna went to the place where the proctor lead him. The base he had to infiltrate was some sort of fort about the same size as a normal house.

"You will start... now!" the man announced before leaving.

Izuna went to the front door, expecting some sort of trap to be set up at the entrance. He noticed a small wire leading to a kunai held in place by a spring. If he opened the door, that kunai, and maybe more, would fly at him.

He then figured that simply dodging the trap would be effective enough.


Izuna opened the door and immediately dodged the kunai by slightly tilting his head to the side.

He continued inside where he noticed some stairs going down into the basement. After heading there, he entered a large room in the middle of which was a pedestal with the scroll on it.

'This is weird, there don't seem to be any traps here.'

With his Sharingan still activated, he searched the room, but could not find any signs of traps.

Then, he decided to test what would happen so he stepped inside the room in order to take the scroll.

As soon as his foot touched the ground, ten shuriken flew right at him, but Izuna swiftly dodged backwards, realizing how this protection worked.

'I see. Every time the floor is touched, opening in the walls are made, out of which shuriken fly out with immense speed. This way, it is assured no one can enter the room without being injured. A great defense, but there is a major flaw.'

He took out a kunai and dashed forward down the stairs at full speed. He then front flipped right before entering the room and threw the kunai at the ground, using it as a platform to step on before jumping on the pedestal itself.

'In order to detect steps, this mechanism uses pressure plates. By throwing the kunai between two plates, I created a safe surface to step on.'

He then took the scroll and left the room in the same way he entered.

When he reached the top of the stairs, however, he found the exit blocked by an obstacle, with no other exits.

Izuna looked around and analised the situation. He noticed that the walls were not very dense and could probably be broken if enough force is used, so he decided to do just that.

'I haven't used this in a long time...'

He started concentrating chakra into his arm, completely engulfing it, before changing the nature of the chakra into lightning.

Sparks started to fly everywhere as he got into his stance. Soon, he dashed at the wall, and in a swift blow, made a massive hole in it.

As he came out the other side, the proctor looked at him a little shocked.

'Incredible strength and agility... he might really be able to compete alone...'

"Well done, Uchiha Izuna. You pass the first test! Please head back now as we prepare for the next participants."

"I will, thank you."

A few moments later, when he got back to the other genin, they seemed a bit surprised that he passed.

As one of them was walking by, he intentionally shoulder-bumped Izuna. This guy was a Sunagakure genin, judging by his headband. He was probably getting bored from waiting and wanted a little action.

Everyone turned towards him and Izuna when they noticed the incident. Many Suna shinobi were waiting to see what would Izuna do while the others simply watched.

Izuna slowly turned his head to the guy, looking at him straight in the eyes. After two seconds of silence, Izuna turned his attention away as the Sunagakure rookie fell on his knees.

"I will forgive you for now." Izuna said, walking away from the man.

"Kenjiro, are you okay?!" his two teammates asked, jumping next to him.

Kenjiro simply stood in place, shaking as he said:

"He's... a monster..."