
An Otherworldly Magician [HP X Marvel]

Disclaimer: I do not own anything in the Harry Potter world or Marvel, including the names of the characters. All of those belong to J.K Rowling and Disney _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Allen stood on the fire dragon, confronting Thanos and his host of alien fighters, and drew out his wand. "Crucio," "Imperio," "Avada Kedavra," "Shenfeng Shadowless Curse," "Diffindo," "Expecto patronum," and so on. An army of numerous supernatural beasts stands behind him. While travelling around the Marvel world, Allen stumbled upon a weird screen that rewarded him with red stars for doing good. He may go to other magical planets to study magic by devouring the small red star. Consuming red stars can also rejuvenate his thoughts and boost the efficiency with which he learns magic. Allen has no option but to go on the path of doing good things to earn a small star and study hard to study and master magic to defend himself and his family. The protagonist's three arguments are correct: she is not the Virgin; there is no brain, no system; the screen is simply responsible for travelling and refreshing the mind; and all magic is achieved via learning and driven by study. Well, what's up, guys? Well, this book isn't mine. It's Chinese fanfiction, and I'm translating it as I read it. It was a lot of pleasure to read. So I want everyone to read this book, and I hope you like it as much as I did. My first language is not English... As a result, there may be some grammatical problems... Please point out my faults so that I can remedy them. Thank you, folks...

ethen098 · Anime e quadrinhos
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32 Chs

Allen in Superman State

Why do you need to turn on the "Refreshing" function before the battle?

That's because, after many experiments, Allen discovered that this "refreshing" function is actually to stimulate the potential of his brain in a short period and keep his brain in a highly active state.

And this state, since it can be used to speed up the learning of magic knowledge, of course, can also be used in battle.

When used in studies, one can greatly improve one's comprehension, memory, and analysis abilities, and when used in combat, the highly strengthened brain can be used to open the shackles of the body and liberate the body.

This state of using the brain to liberate the body, Allen calls it "superman form"!

He had seen a movie called "Super Body" in his previous life, in which the heroine's body and brain were developed beyond the limit because of a drug.

In the end, it became an omniscient and omnipotent existence like a god.

Of course, Allen's superhuman state is not that exaggerated, but it can also allow his body to be nearly 100% liberated under the control of the brain.

We all know that it is difficult for ordinary people who have not been trained to coordinate their muscles and exert their body strength to the extreme.

But those martial artists who have undergone long-term training can use the same body to erupt with greater strength through subtle control of muscles.

Allen's current superhuman state is like transforming from an amateur fighting enthusiast to a master-level fighting in an instant.

The body is still this body, but at this time in the superman state, both his strength and speed are much stronger than normal.

Coupled with a high-end brain, his five senses have also been improved. With cooperation, his combat effectiveness can even soar to several levels.

However, this state is not without side effects, and the longer it is turned on, the greater the side effects.

The first is the brain. After stopping the function of "boosting the brain", his brain will become very sluggish due to the overdraft potential, and he especially wants to sleep.

If it is used for too long, the overdraft is serious, and it will even go directly into a deep sleep state, just like the last time he read for four hours continuously.

And if the body uses the enhanced brain to release the superhuman state after turning on the "boosting and refreshing" function, and performing body movements beyond the routine, then the body muscles will become abnormally sore afterwards, and it will take a period of rest to relieve it.

Excessive use, he guessed that there may be a large area of ​​muscle strain after the event.

So the opening of this superhuman form is either to make a quick decision as much as possible or to make sure that he is in a completely safe environment when the end is over.

Otherwise, it would be dangerous.

"The smoke screen is lingering!"

Raising the wand in his hand, he pointed at the four people who were counting the money, and a beam of magic light shot out, and the entire centre of the warehouse was suddenly enveloped in a puff of smoke.

"Smoke bombs? No, those policemen are chasing you!"

When he noticed smoke suddenly rising from his side, the robber leader Smith's first reaction was to be found by the police.

So in a hurry, he asked his subordinates to pick up the rifles placed beside them and started shooting towards the warehouse door and windows, while retreating towards the interior of the warehouse.

At this time, Allen also kicked his legs and rushed towards the four robbers shrouded in smoke like a cheetah.

In the superman state, Allen's speed was very fast, comparable to those of world-class sprinters. In less than three seconds, he crossed a distance of nearly 20 meters and came to the first gangster in the smoke screen.

The gangster was none other than the brawny guy who got off the school bus and tried to kick his ass.

"It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, but it's never too late for a villain to take revenge!"

Allen is not a gentleman.

Jumping up, the dagger in his hand slashed across the strong man's neck.


Blood gushed out, and the strong man subconsciously covered his neck, wanting to exhale, but found that his originally strong body had become weak and weak due to blood loss.

Perhaps aware of the situation behind them, the other three robbers held guns at the same time and turned around.

"Get soft fast!"

Raising his wand in his left hand, Allen cast a softening spell on the rifle of the robber furthest from him.

It's better time to throw a transformation spell at this time, but with his current level of magic, it's okay to transform a small dagger, but there is a high probability that he will not succeed in transforming the entire rifle.

And the softening spell can make the rifle unable to shoot normally as long as it softens the barrel of the rifle.

"go you"

While throwing the softening spell, his right hand was not idle, and he threw the dagger directly in the direction of another gangster who was closest to him.

Because he was in a superman state, the dagger he threw was fast and accurate, comparable to those masters of hidden weapons in movies.


With a scream, the dagger was precisely inserted into the robber's right eye frame, deep into the brain.

At this time, Allen's sixth sense also began to frantically warn him.

Because the robber leader who was not far from him had already raised his rifle and aimed it at his head.

His legs exerted strength in an instant, and he retreated with a sliding step. Relying on the advantage of his short body, when he successfully shot the first bullet in the robber's head, he retreated dangerously to the place where he had killed him and hadn't fallen to the ground. Behind the first strong man.

"Fight back at full speed!"

Allen pointed the wand in his left hand at the back of the first strong man. With years of experience in playing "Angry Birds" in his previous life, coupled with the calibration of his super brain at this time, he burst out all his magic power and cast a repelling spell.

The magic light shot down the magic wand on the back of the first strong man, with a string of blood gushing from his neck, the first strong man immediately turned into a big red bird and smashed hard On the body of the robber leader.

It was the first time for Smith to experience what it was like to be hit by a volley from a strong man who weighed nearly two hundred pounds. As a result, he was directly knocked to the ground, then knocked his head on the ground and passed out from serious injuries.

Putting away his wand, Allen rushed towards the robber who was furthest away from him at full speed without saying a word.

The repelling curse just now almost exhausted all his few magic powers, and the last robber could only get close to him.

At this time, the last robber was still in a state of bewilderment.

what's the situation?

First, there was a smoke bomb, and after a burst of shooting, the police were not found, but the brother behind him was wiped on the neck by a small man first.

Just as he was about to shoot at the blurry figure in the smoke, his rifle softened like noodles, what the hell!

When he came back to his senses, another brother was stabbed in the eye by a dagger, the eldest brother was knocked down to the ground, and the little man in the smoke screen rushed towards him.

When he got closer and took a closer look, it turned out to be the little brown-haired boy who was taken off the school bus by them!