
Chapter 12: Ball/Surprise


As we were walking back, I heard my name being called. "Cace. Cace." I was looking around and couldn't see anyone. Then I looked down. "Uh Hazel. Meet me in the parlor. I'll be right back. I don't know how long this will take." "Ok sure. Be careful out there." I nodded. I headed toward the forest. Then I said, "What happened this time?" "Your friends are in danger! The ones who saved you. The old man and the kid." Said the squirrel. "Cyan and Kieran?" "Yeah them." "Where are they? Are they trapped?" "Just come on and follow me! Hurry!" The squirrel turned around to make sure I was following him. Until we got to our destination. "Oh no. Not them." There was no one there but there were signs of a fight. They didn't look so good. "Do you know what happened here?" "Some people were fighting them." "Can you describe them to me?" "No because they had black outfits on covering their faces." "I see. Where is the nearest healer?" "5 minutes that way." "Sigh ok." I whistled for a bird I knew I could ride. His name is Farren. He was a Phoenix bird. "I need to get these too help. Get me to the closest healer!" "Yes of course. Hop on. Hold onto them tightly now." Once I got them up I hopped on and held onto them tightly.


"This is as far as I go. Straight ahead you will see what says clinic. They can help you." "Thanks Farren. I owe you own." Then He flew off and I headed to the clinic with my friends. I don't know how I managed but I did. "Some one help! I need help here!" I heard people running over. "My friends need help. They were attacked. Oh I'm fine just tired from bringing them here." "Ok lets get your friends a bed and see how we can help." Said a lady. She called for some help, and stretchers were sent out. I waited until I was called. It wasn't long before I was called.


"Young man. Are you the one who brought the man and boy in?" "Yeah are they going to be ok?" "Well they are still working on them. The man is the worst. His injuries are more severe than the boys but he will live. The boy has severe injuries as well but not life threatening. I have an theory that he protected the boy. Are they related?" "Their names are Kieran. The old man. Cyan the boy. Father and son. They saved me before. I wanted to pay them back." "I see well its good you did. If they didn't get help, they wouldn't have made it alive. Now we can help them." "When will they wake up?" "Oh they can wake up any time. None of them had broken bones. Just a few sprains here and there. Some black eyes and scratches. Maybe some bruise bones." "Oh thank goodness. Can I go see them?" "Yes come with me."


I saw that they were side by side. They looked peaceful and not in pain. "Did you give them something for the pain?" "Yeah I did. It helps them heal and sleep. How long to recover? Will they be able to go home in a few days?" "Well we will have to see." "Ok well I won't be able to stay here for them to recover. But I want to be here when they wake up." "OK your free to sit here until they do."


A few hours later Cyan started waking up. "Hey Cyan." He started getting up. "Woah easy there man. Lay down your injured. How is my dad?" "Don't worry he will be fine too. His are more serious but not life threatening. He is fine." "Good. Sigh." "Can you tell me what happened?" "Well I was out collecting water and these men in black ninja clothes came out of nowhere. They kept asking for you Cace. I don't know why. They told us if we saw you to meet them at the girls orphanage." "What! Oh no. If your dad wakes up tell him I say hi." "Yeah will do. Be careful out there." "I will."


I ran to the orphanage where I saw my sister. They weren't at the orphanage but I have a feeling they are close. "Ok. Come out you cowards! I'm here! Come and get me!" They came out and some started to attack. I fought back. I was surprised at how well I did though. "What the hell do you guys want from me?!" "Oh you think we want something? We are only under orders from on high." "Who might that be?" They all stopped fighting. "Its me." I didn't turn around but I knew that voice. "Keely." I slowly turned. "What the hell Keely?! Why would you attack those guys?! They saved my life!" "Yeah a little of the guys got out of hand. I'll have to punish them later." "Keely. Did you get my stuff? When are you going to come to the palace permanently" "In time. Once I get my shit together and you need me. I am the bigger twin after all right little brother?" "Hey we still are Twins." "I miss you too twerp. Don't worry. I'll be there for your wedding. You shouldn't have to wait too long. I'll send a letter to uncle Leo to give to you. I'll be in touch ok little bro. I also know about mom and father. Leo sent word." "Are you staying at the orphanage until you are ready?" "Well sort of. Some times I get trained to work as a princess. They send a tutor to me." "Yeah. Anyway did you know who I was when you saw me at the art store?" "Yeah I couldn't see you then. You would be in serious trouble. In fact I shouldn't be here now. You better hurry." "OK Sis. See you in time. Stay alive." "Always now go. Hurry." "Yeah bye." So I ran back home.



Finally the day of the ball arrived. I was dressed in my light blue outfit with purple on the ends with a purple tie and shoes. I went to go pick up my darling soon to be fiancé at her room. I walked over and knocked. (Knock Knock.) "You look gorgeous Hazel." "I know. Shall we go." I put my arm out for her to grab. Escorted her to the ball room. "Bye the way Cace, love the outfit. Love the hair as well." "Thanks. I knew you'd like the hair." she rolled her eyes. Oh by the way. She wore a blue and purple dress. It started purple at the bottom, then started turning blue at the top. Same shades as my outfit just slightly darker on her dress. It was an around the neck slight sweetheart Aline dress with a dark blue ribbon in the middle and shimmery more than sparkle. It shimmered silver. The ender of her hair were braided together and the rest was just curled. Her makeup was natural. Damn those green eyes always get me.


Finally we got to the ball room and everyone was congratulating us. When people saw us Leo was told. "Ok everyone! The stars of the show are finally here! Now its time for the announcement! Cace and Hazel! Come up please! We are here to celebrate not only Their engagement, but Hazels Birthday as well!" Then she pulled me into a kiss for all to see. Then everyone started congratulating us.


After awhile the king spoke again. "Ladies and gentleman! Before the first dance of the couple, I have a surprise for them!" Then I heard the announcement. "Princess Keely!" I was shocked. I looked at uncle and he nodded. I wanted to run over but I knew I couldn't. I waited for her to come over. "little brother. I wouldn't miss this or your wedding for the world." I hugged my sister tight. "My little brother is so sensitive. Maybe I should come sooner." She joked. "Hey you ok?" "I am now. Thanks for coming sis." "Hazel this is my sister Keely." "Nice to meet you your highness." "Oh no formalities we are family. Call me sis or Keely whatever you want. Now get on with the dance." We got in position and waited for the music to start. Then we started dancing. Once the music ended another song played. We danced to that one then took a break. Yeah after this ball I have to head back. I may have to leave an hour before the party ends." "That's fine. I'm happy enough that you came." "I know you are. I'm going to find our mom. I'll come over when the other things starts." So she ran off finding our mom. Sora was also here partying.


"Hey little brother. I saw sister." "Yeah she headed over to mom. you should go see her." "I will. Congrats you too. Hey when you two do get married you should have about 4 kids." "Hey now. We hill have as many as the people on high give us." Said Hazel. "Yeah I know. Hazel, take care of my brother. I wasn't able to do much." "Oh don't worry. If I have to tie him up so he won't leave or put him in the dungeon I will." "Haha ok enough with the jokes Hazel." "I'm joking. I will just turn you into some random animal or something. that I'm not joking about." "Haha you don't want to get on her bad side Cace." Then I saw the people from my orphanage. They all congratulated me. I saw the old man Riley as well and thanked him for everything. "Hey you're going to make me tear up Cace." "Sorry old man. Oh I think its time for the other part of the ball." The announcement came where the birthday cake came along with some cupcake and a bunch of other desserts. The candles were there." After we all sang happy birthday she was only going to open a few and the others later. She was going to open families and then the others at home. "Here is mine." I asked them to make two daggers. She liked fighting with them. Her favorite weapon. But because they were so detailed it took awhile. "Wow! Cace! What?" "Well after I made something for my sister, I realized your birthday was coming up so I had them make something for you I knew. Each one is a different color with the opposite color design. Even the blades are colored." "Thank you. They are beautiful." She kissed my cheek and I blushed. "Anything for you Hazel." Then our mom's came up. Gave their gifts. Then all the other families. "Oh Uh I have something for you too Hazel. I heard I was your birthday so here. I made a little something for you." She opened it up. "Oh how cute. You make little wood figurines. Yeah well as you can tell this is you and my brother. I made one of me there as well." "Thank you. That is so sweet of you." She gave Keely a hug and she hugged her back. "OK now its time for the birthday girl to have her dance, then we can cut the cake." She dragged me to the dance floor and we danced a few dances. Then she cut the cake. I had a piece of the cake and cupcake. My sis just had a cupcake. "Hey sis. I know its not the time, but before you go tonight I need to talk to you. Privately." "OK then better do it now. I have my men waiting for me." "Oh ok." "Hazel I'll be right back." "OK." My sis dragged me out. "Ok so what is it?" "You know what happened right? You also know about sora." "Yeah Leo wrote it in a letter. I don't blame anyone we were babies." "OK that is all I was curious about." "All right. Congrats again. Tell Hazel I say happy Birthday again." Then I went back in and found Hazel mingling with Sora.


I went over and teased them. "So what are my big brother and fiancé talking about?" "Oh hey Cace. Sora here was talking about the time in the orphanage." "Oh God. Why do you have to do that sora? Its embarrassing." "I think its rather cute." Said Hazel. "Please don't tease me Hazel." "OK ok calm down. Don't get your want in a knot. Is what my mom always said." "Oh speaking of your mom. Is she still here? I need to speak with her." "Yeah she's…oh there she is talking with your mother. probably about when our wedding is. Haha." "Most likely." I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Then I went over to mom and Mysteria which is Hazel's mom.


"Excuse me. Can I borrow my mother in law for a moment? I need to talk to her privately." "Yeah sure. Are you ok?" "I hope so. I feel fine." "OK then. You two have fun." I went outside for some fresh air. It was almost time for everyone to leave anyway.


"Are you ok Cace?" "I'm fine. Uh I may need some help with something. If you can. Its in the forest. Maybe after we go change we can head there?" "Yeah of course. Lets meet at the castle gates." Said Mysteria. "Yeah thanks."


I went back to Hazel. "Hey Hazel. We should head to our rooms now." "Yeah ok." "Sora. See you tomorrow." "Yeah maybe." Then I walked her back to her room.

"Are you ok Cace?" "Huh yeah sorry. I was zoning out. I just have somewhere to be with your mom soon." She hugged me because I seemed out of it. "Its ok. Whatever it is, my mom could do it ok?" "Oh yeah I'm sure of it. thanks for the hug. It relaxes me." "Yeah I know. You looked tense for a moment." Then she gave me a deep kiss goodnight. "Hey no teasing me. Don't worry, I will make it up tomorrow." I whispered in her ear and she shivered. "Have Sweet dreams my fiancé." I joked now that I told her that. "Be safe wherever you are going." "I will." I gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then I left to go get changed. He didn't realize she was watching him until he went to his room. Then she went to hers.


I got dressed quickly and headed for the gates were I was to meet Mysteria. I saw her already waiting for me. "Ready?" She said. "Yeah sorry. I had to take Hazel to her room." "Hmm hmm. Probably making out no doubt." "Clears throat. Anyway lets go. Its in the forest. 5 minutes from Kiean's house." "Oh know that place. Are they in trouble?" "Well some friends of my sisters got carried away and beat them up. The healers were only able to heal scratches. They can't really do anything about the other injuries except wrap them up." "I see. You want me to heal them?" "If you can please." "Yeah I can try. I've known those two for years. I may not look it, but I've known that man for 10 years. I also knew his wife. She was a sweet soul. Then she had to die of an illness. Anyway lets go. We are almost there."


We finally made it back to the clinic. Mysteria and I went to see Kieran awake and Cyan doing well. "Hey you two." "Oh Mysteria. Haven't seen you in ages. You're looking good." "Well thank you kind sir. You don't look good at all. In fact I'd say Cyan doesn't look hurt at all." "Yeah looks like they were able to cure most of me. I guess it wasn't just a sprain. My leg is pretty torn up inside." Mysteria went over and put her hand on Cyan's leg. "I can see why this is complicated. Not many people can do this. "Ok here is the thing though. Just because I heal it, doesn't mean there won't be complications once its healed. There is a 50/50 percent chance you could have some. It just depends on the person so I can't say. Well I can tell you, you won't be in pain. Just that it will be hard to walk on that leg if there is any." "I see. That's ok. I can deal." "OK then. Lay down." He laid down like she said. "Not to lie something like this will hurt when healing. I will need to call a few doctors in to hold him down." I went back and got someone to bring a few doctors. They came in and held him down. "I'm healing his leg. It will be painful." They nodded. Then she started the healing process.


It took about a 1 hour in a half to heal. Because of the pain, Cyan passed out. "He will be fine. He will wake up soon. As for the complication, we will have to see when he stands. As for you old man. Lets see what we have to work with." She put her hands on his body. "Sigh. they thought it was only bruised. Sigh too bad the palace is further away. It is slightly cracked and looks like some bruised. Maybe a few damaged organs. I see they only healed the outside." "Ok now lets hold him down." "Right." They all said. The she healed him but it took longer. About an hour or so more. "Luckily this man is stronger and won't pass out from this much pain." Cyan was finally waking up.


"Hey man how are you feeling?" "That hurt like hell." Mysteria heard the Cyan was awake and went over. "Ok Cyan I want you too get up slowly. If anything hurts let me know immediately." "Yeah ok." He slowly got up like she said. He winced for a second. "Oh I'm fine. I was more scared than anything." "Try walking slowly." He took one step and almost fell. I was there to catch him. "Hmm. What happened when you fell? What part hurt?" "The part around my ankle." She took a look and said, "Ok I see what is going on here. Its nothing to worry about. It will heal in time. Until then here. Use this." She conjured up a walking stick. "Oh thanks." "Now as for you, you should be fine." Now both of you go home. Try not to get hurt again. I have some business Here. Cace take them back home." "Yes maam."


I escorted them home and made sure Cyan got there ok. "Well here we are. I'll see you in a few days. I have some business to take care of for a few days." "Ok well thanks for everything Cace." Said Kieran. "Hey Cyan. Rest that leg as much as possible. In fact. Hang on." I went outside and got the kid out and brought him here. "This boy right here will be helping until your leg gets better. I better go. See you in a few days." Then I left towards home.