
An Old Man In Another World

It's your everyday old man transmigrating to another world. There's not much to say other than the MC is an old man. Slow, OP, and relatively stress free to read (maybe). MC with UBW and Reinhardt power (Dies Irae). The first world is Genshin Impact. Can't guarantee anything sorry.

Stalkah · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


It was the next week he found himself in a reprieve. Rin was making rounds around the city, befriending the inhabitants, while trying to find a sparse fortune on the side. Somehow, along the way, he'd forgotten his first goal is to explore the outside and perhaps exert a little of his newfound power to satisfy his growing curiosity.

Money is no longer a concern for visible weeks in the future if he conserves enough, as such he donned his regular attire and went outside the gate. A blade strapped to the side of his belt while two satchels jingled around it.

"Oh, if it's Rin. Good morning. Going outside already?" A guard greeted Rin as he was about to pass him by.

"Good morning. I'm cooped long enough inside the city, and since it'll be a waste to let go such sunny day, I'm thinking to explore a little bit."

"Haha, is that so? So please be careful, I heard there's been a heightened presence of hilichurls lately. Thankfully, they were smart enough to leave the main road alone."

"Will do. Peace."

He headed off the rather busy bridge connecting the island to the outside world. To the east, there's stood a very famous landmark, easily the most recognizable, in the entire Mondstadt region. He whistled in awe; a towering Oak stood mightily in its lonesome and surrounded by a vast grassy plain surrounded by hills on either side. Behind the giant tree, he can make out the peak of one of the largest mountains in the world.

Besides that, he can make a few dots here and there, probably patrolling knights and ranchers who let their animals graze in the valley.

Though his goal is not to admire the sight, maybe on the way home. He'd taken a quest the day before to clear out a Hilichurl Encampment spotted on the eastern ruins. Perfect place to go all out, and it's far enough from civilization to test a few of his new abilities.

The walk lasted for only three hours. The road leading to the ruin has already been infested with primitive imagery, idols, and wooden blockade. It's not impossible to sneak past-by but he's not in the mood to climb cliffs and steep hills, as such he simply strode forward.

In the Shinza-Bansho series, the world where Reinhartd Heydrich lives, the man had been particularly destined for greatness. A living incarnation of a god's deepest wish and millennia of planning. He was the main antagonist for the hero, possessing unimaginable power by merely existing.

In particular this pertains to one of the sorceries from the Golden beast mastered in which it has been given to Rin once he landed off in this foreign world. He tapped the particular memories where he can draw the power of the sorcery, [Die Ewigkeit]; it is the power of life given form, fatal to any living being, material and spiritual fabrics.

Sorcery in Shinza-Bansho series is required primarily by using user prime life-force, as such it can be fatal if used extensively. The most common method to counter that is of course by using another source of life-source, as such using sacrifice is a common practice to do. In reality, the method is not very viable to use in combat and makes the craft more dangerous than it has right to be.

Then come along the formula of [Ewigkeit] it allows the user to form a symbiotic relationship with [Ahnenerbe] or Holy Artifact, and grant the user the ability to absorb other creatures or people's souls, giving them superhuman strength and augmentation equivalent to the amount of life-force they absorb.

His mood flattened. There's a simple drawback, [Ahnenerbe] is a fickle thing as it has its own will and at the moment when he particularly wanted to draw the [Longinuslanze Testament] or famously known as Longinus spear, it'd rejected his request.

Of course, he should've known, he was not the golden beast, and it'll be a miracle if the lance accepted him as its wielder. Only Reinhard has ever been granted permission to wield it.

Now this poses a problem. Rin can only sigh at his short-sightedness. Faced with the fact that his [Ahnenerbe] is now actively rejecting him, he'd have no choice but to draw the sword in his waist.

It was a simple iron longsword he bought at the blacksmith for cheap. He'd reckon it would break within a few slashes or dozen if he's careful enough where to strike.

The only form of sorceries he can perform is Shirou's brand of magecraft [Reinforcement], [Structural Analysis] and [Tracing] and Reinhard's [Assiah]. [Unlimited Blade Works] will be considered as overkill against these mooks, and he can't access the [Ewigkeit] further without the help of his [Ahnenerbe].

Rin traced a few simple swords and launched them to the Hilichurls Skirmisher, who wields crossbow and stands on a platform. Their mask breaks on contact as their bodies are flung hard to the ground before they can react to his sudden presence.

Rin shortened his distance at the charging Mitachurl, simply one of the largest forms of the hideous primitive creatures, and it should be considered suicide to try to face a Mitachurl head on.

The Churl axe is now upon him, and for Rin, the weapon's trajectory is simply too slow for him to be unable to evade. He shifted his head, letting the blade slip past-by, then branded the tip of his blade deep into Mitachurl's leg.

He didn't stop there and with a quick slash upward the Mitachurl was cut in half, revealing sickening gore that spilled to the floor. Miraculously or not, the Mitachurl endured, whipping its axe uselessly, but not for long, then a few seconds later it'd dropped dead, leaving a trail of blood and red matter.

Before then, He'd Reinforced his body and sword, making it able to endure the harsh punishment. The [Assiah] is also helping in the matter as it provides passively to the user a strengthened constitution.

Cutting the Mitachurl is as easy slicing a butter with a knife. But Rin did admit it was really messy. Most of his learned techniques as a soldier before were against a humanoid opponent that is not as tall as a tree.

Before he came to Mondstadt or rather wandering in the wilderness after being unanimously dropped in this world, he mostly relies on the [Reinforcement] spell even then he was actively avoiding any sign of conflict foremost with the primitive proto humanoid that infested the land with its hideous claw.

As such, this is the first time he exerts his full power… or at least the power he can availably access for now.

To make a progress he needs to try to communicate with the [Longinuslanze Testament] until then he will be locked at this pace. Oh well, let's leave it later for now.

He sheathed the sword back to the handle, and turned around. Rin heard a jogging footstep coming louder in his direction.

"Oh, if it's not the Old man, Rin?!"

Come the quirky voice of the floating… he still not sure what Paimon is, but for now let's assume she's a magical tooth fairy or something.

"Hmm paimon huh. Also, good morning Lumine, and you too miss."

Rin extended his greeting to the young girl companion, unlike the stark ethereal hair the blonde had, the rather impressionable young lass had a darker shade of color contrasting with her red accented attire. A bow strapped to her back, and a rather lovely ribbon and goggles rested on the brunette hair which was shaped into the likening of bunny ears.

"Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Amber. Mondstadt's only outrider, I reckon you're Rin, Kaeya talked a lot about you."

"The feeling is mutual."

He nodded at the girl's introduction. It looks like Amber is a knight, though he wonders what kind of business she had with the blonde girl, Lumine.

"Uwah what a mess old man, what are you even doing to these poor hilichurls." Paimon flew behind him as she saw the carnage he had just caused a moment ago.

"It's been a long time since I tested my power you see… well it looks like I've gone overboard this time." Rin tried to explain, a few cheap excuses came up on his head.

"Strong! You're crazy strong! Paimon know you looks scary but to think you can cleave a mitachurl in half like that, ugh, tell Paimon not to ever offend you." Paimon said, fluttering around in the air looking scared.

"Speaking of which, what are you doing here?" Rin asked, diverting the topics and ignoring the bloody bits behind him.

"See that ruin on the top of the hill?" Amber pointed, "There's a key there which we need to access the four temples of the wind scattered across Mondstadt. Well I'm here as a guide and supporter since there's a rumor of an active Ruin guard patrolling the site."

Ruin guard. He's not really familiar with the term, but if they had guarded the ruin for so long as the name implies, his best guesses is that they're probably a bunch of automata the ancient civilization left in their disappearance. They sound dangerous if judged by Amber's tone.

"Ne Lumine, Amber, let's take the old man since he looks so strong! We don't know what we might encounter and more help will certainly be useful."

"But Paimon…" Lumine trying to argue but Rin interjected her words.

"Paimon is right. I don't really mind. Besides I've a commission to dismantle Hilichurl encampment up ahead and it seems they're standing between your goals too. At least let me help a little bit."

"Then I'll accept, Rin." Lumine said.

Amber simply smiled and clapped, "It's decided then. Let's go."

"O!" With Paimon cheering behind.



Oh, he'd no idea why the Knight sent two young adolescent girls to fight against a literal moving hill built from the ingenuity of the ancient.

They dismantled the Hilichurls camp at the base of the hill rather easily but it is for one crucial and precious step that is team building. In a closed group fight where someone can fling flame and sword with a flick of hand, it is important to know and feel each other's power lest it will lead to disastrous moment that could jeopardize their life. At least it is Rin principle.

Rin doesn't and won't belittle everyone just because they had been weaker than him. No. His strength is a gift, not a result of hard work. Sure, he wields a potential power that can compare to or surpass the gods, but that doesn't mean he had to be selfish and do everything himself.

Amber would pestle the enemies with her arrows. Her finger was fast as she launched arrow after arrow without rest and failed. And when it's charged with a little bit of time, the arrow would be imbued with an incredibly explosive property. Her title never exaggerates her skill, it seems.

The chirpy girl also had a vast array of skills such as the puppet, which she called Baron bunny, a really cute thing that dances, but to Hilichurls which brain smaller than peas, it was enough to taunt them.

Amber said that she's been studying a few patterns that could offend the primitive proto-human from a fellow called Ela Musk, but he couldn't understand.

Anyway, it was a really neat trick to use a doll as distraction, and when it does, it would combust and cause a fiery explosion which often result the obliteration of every enemy on a small radius.

Lumine in contrast prefers a direct confrontation with her sword. The young girl had an incredible instinct and sense that she had no trouble keeping up even being surrounded by all sides, almost as she had gotten used to it at this point.

She would utilize her wind elemental or Anemo vision as this land called it would in tactical field to further strengthen the flame Amber had inflicted towards the Hilichurl in one of her elemental arrows. Other than that, she would rely on a raw burst of her wind to momentarily stunt the enemies and exploit the presented opening.

And as for him? He only played a small role in the makeshift-party. If it's a classic RPG party, he would be the spellcaster, while Lumine acts as the vanguard, and Amber the rogue.

He would cast reinforcement to both Lumine and Amber, further leveling up their playing field. Summoning sword after sword, mundane one, to skewer every Hilichurl that managed to sneak behind.

The extermination is also piss easy in his opinion after burning down every ounce of carved imagery, totems, bodies, and encampment that littered the area.

Back to the current situation after climbing the stairs that led to the ruin. They'd felt a slight tremor upon reaching the top but to think the rumor was true.

A giant piece of machinery was patrolling inside, vigilant to any sign of intruder.

"So, have any of you ever fought it before?" Paimon asked, though her eyes stood solely on Amber.

"Haha I only saw Jean commander defeat them once… well their point of weakness is the glowing core on the center of their back and front. If you hit them enough it will cease to function. That's the simplest way, at least, though not so easy." Amber replied. The guard would not let any of its opponents close-in after all.

"Then we'll depend on Amber to hit the weak spot while we distract the ruin guard." Rin said so.

"But aren't you a super strong old man? I bet you can take one of those things with ease. With that sword thing I bet it'll be trivial to hit the center weakness." Paimon chirped from his side.

"As much as I want to impose that this is still your quest, I have never intended to largely take the credit and merely provides assistance… plus it's been so long I've not yet grasped or recovered my former power."

It was his genuine thought. A half at least.

"Eh is that so? Well this is the first time we're fighting it so more plans would be wise Paimon think."

"Hmm Lumine, what sword did you use?" Rin asked.

"This?" She pointed to the Skyrider sword strapped to her waist. Paimon and Amber curiously peeked their heads at the sudden mention.

"A splendid sword if I must say, tempered for seven days long with the finest smelt of white iron and a nickel of mystic crystals. Though I must say I have doubt if it's capable to make a scratch on the ruin guard armor."

"What makes you think so? Also how do you know the creation process, you made it up yeah Old man?! Suspicious…" Paimon flew right in front of his face, rubbing her chin with dubious expression.

"It's simply my trade, I assure you, dear Paimon. I have a few secrets I don't want to confide in."

He wryly smiled. The girl looks trustworthy enough, and he had a good impression of her during the short time they spent. Rin do realize he was transported into another world, and here lies in front of him, a heroine who tried to save the city from the claw of a cursed ancient dragon.

At that moment, a few images and imagination were running through his mind. An illusion of grander.

"Ah, it felt I'm that one NPC tutor who guided the hero in the village of the beginning" or so Rin thought. Old or not, he was a society scum who did nothing but watch 2D escapism in his former world. It's good to maintain an image and all, but he always feels he needs to cut some slack here and then, if only to fulfill his base desire.

He recalled a certain sword lying motionlessly in the [Unlimited Blade Works] but the result surprised him.

"Oooh what a pretty sword and catalyst." Paimon clapped excitedly and quickly hovered closer to the weapons he had just traced to get a better look. Both of the girls also surrounded him from either side.

"This is…" He felt complicated. Why did the sword choose to be summoned the whole time? Originally, he intended to trace an enchanted sword with [Mana Burst] spell engraved inside, however why does it come out instead?

Well, no matter. He felt there was not even a dip in his reserve when he summoned the armaments, much less to maintain it. Though this does confirm that tracing noble phantasm is viable since he's not sure whether the legend, where noble phantasm power is supplied from, would apply in this world.

"Starlight sword. I'm not sure what you called a catalyst but it's a discus. Said to be wielded by a twin divine spirit, the constellation of Gemini, the Dioscuri, Pollux and Castor. The weapons were never meant to be separated and so did their wielder, however for some reason it answered my call, no, specifically you, Lumine."

He turned his head to the young traveler beside him.

"Take it. There's a reason why they choose you, it must be, whatever it is."

Lumine hesitated but Paimon reassured her, or rather coaxed the girl to take it with the tone of shameless greed in her voice.

"What are you waiting for, Lumine? I'm sure these are super duper strong swords you'll never get somewhere else; it would be a shame to refuse such a gift much less from a gentlemanly old man."

This cheeky ball of meat. His eyes twitched. The flying sprite had been too happy to switch the way she called him.

"Y-yes, thank you!"

"So, you said the weapon is wielded by two divine spirits? What is that?"

"Divine spirit is… hmm they're what you call a god, though fully degraded from what they're originally are. To put it in simple terms, they're similar to Archons. However, what led them from degradation is up to debate, some said it was because of religion, or simply because they aged through time. Though the Dioscuri is a unique case since they're never meant to be god in the first place or at least only one of them."

"Ho, that's interesting, please continue."

"Let's not. We've spent so much time standing here." Rin said, then turned his head towards the center of the area. "Oh, look it's looking this way."

"That's right. Amber, I'll depend on you!" Said the flying white fluffball and disappeared somewhere in a blink.

"Paimon… never change." Lumine muttered.

"I'll cover the rear and try to hit the weak point from distance then?" Amber said, unslinging the bow behind her back.

"Yeah, that's the whole idea. Now c'mon, Rin!"

The Ruin guard turned, exposing his back, much to their confusion when they were about to charge.

"Everyone, be careful. It's about to release a swarm of missiles."

Missile? This world has them?! Oh right, it's a giant robot left by ancient civilization. Rin chided himself in his mind.

"Lumine hid behind me."

She stopped in her track, and immediately jumped behind the man. Trusting whatever he is planning. There are a few pillars up-ahead but they're not sure they'll reach it in time to cover from the flurry of missiles.

"Lord Camelot!"

A large cross-shaped shield with a round bearing on the center manifested in front of him, gripping the handle Rin instantly slammed it down to the floor as the missiles rained down upon them.

Amber kept up by summoning her Baron bunny and momentarily distracting the Ruin Guard, leaving breathing room for the two below her.

After the stream quieted down, Lumine dashed outward, intent to climb the back of the machinery monster.


The blade, starlight sword, glowed momentarily as it pierced the protective cover in the center, straight leading to the core inside the ruin guard.

It fell into an anti-climax.



He closed his eyes at the high-pitched sound near him. Somehow Paimon manifested once again beside him.

Lumine jumped lightly to the floor, examining the ruin guard then back to her new sword in a closed loop.

He guessed that the glowing center is a vent to let-out heat from the ruin guard, and inside it lay a core. The blade is sharp enough to pierce that vent and hit the core. He was simply thankful that it didn't explode.

"This is a good sword, Mister Rin. Thank you."

"No need." He shakes his head.

"To think it would be this easy, I'm glad. You don't know my anxiety if something happened the other way you know." Amber joined in.

"I'm good and all, thanks for the concern. So, where's the key, Amber?" Paimon asked. Lumine gave the flying sprite a stink eye.

"It should be inside that corridor over there." Amber pointed to a half-broken steel welded gate on an intact section of the ruin. The trio headed over there, but Rin didn't follow them.

"I'll stay here and inspect the ruin guard; you guys go ahead."

Saying that the girls let him be as he stands alone in the middle of clearing. He squinted his eyes at the broken form of the golem-like construct. He jumped on top of the chest and found that the core was broken beyond measure.

He throws the junk-piece. There's no gap or visible opening there apart in the middle. Such a shame, he wanted to analyze the missile the golem produced earlier, and wondered if he could replicate it.

Being a former modern soldier, it doesn't feel right for him to not let his finger on a firearm trigger.

Even if he can build a gun from scratch, he didn't have sufficient knowledge to produce the bullets.

He couldn't take the golem back to the city and he had no specialized tools to pry it apart. Would tracing it work? He asked.

No, if he thinks about it deeper, the golem must have limited amount of munition inside its frame. However contrary to his expectation, being a hundred or thousands of years old machinery, it never ran out of juice nor ammunition, supposing that the golem had fought numerous interlopers before. Which means it has a fabrication module to replenish all of that missile inside its body… that or magic.

Such a waste. He sighed ruefully as staring at the broken form of the giant. He ought to come back later, he supposed, with a specialized tool and magic bag large enough to hold whatever machinery or sorcery inside it.

He heard footsteps behind him as the girls had successfully retrieved the key. They later returned to the city.