
An inconvenient Attachment

He was the son of a hero. She was an orphan. Together they face through many things, from betrayals to despair.

GhostValleyChief · História
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1 Chs

Chapter 1:The son of the Aspiring

There once was a man named Xue Chaoxiang, in his youth he was a great martial artist and an even better clan leader. He led his disciples into battle against the evil Bao clan in the terrible fight of Yaolin. He was very successful and even had a wife and three beautiful children.

But this story isn't about the legacy of Xue Chaoxiang, it was about his son: Xue Chonglin.

Unlike his legendary father, Xue Chonglin was not as successful, he never mastered martial art but that didn't mean he wasn't any good. Of course that was not important when your the third child in a family where everybody is successful. It was very unlikely for him to become the clan leader of the Xue clan.

Xue Chonglin was nearly eighteen and he already had that sparkle in his eyes, a sparkle of hope for a better world. His eyes were the colour of trees in the summer and his hair the colour of hazelnut . He often wore green which brought out his eyes,along with gold to bring out his hair. He wore his hair in a bun with two braids connecting it. He often wore a hairpin his mother gifted him, the shape of a tree branch.

Xue Chonglin had two older brothers, Xue Lian and Xue Ming, both with outstanding martial arts. Xue Lian being the oldest was going to become clan leader, so he had nothing to worry about.

Anyway, Xue Chonglin had always dreamed of travelling the world and getting to see different martial artists.He wanted travel once he turned 18. He could've gone now but the only issue was that his family would not approve.

They'd always say " young boys should not be travelling the world and instead be focusing of

their skills!"

A few days later, "happy birthday my son! You are now 18 congratulations!" Shouted Xue Chaoxiang to his son.

" Thanks father!" Xue Chonglin replied

" I also come bearing gifts, for you a sword with its own spirit, go ahead son, give it a name!" He said that with such excitement in his eyes and handed him the sword.

Before his eyes there was a stunning sword, it was of a greenish colour and had a large gem on the top. On the blade itself was engraved what looked to be a branch, very peculiar design but incredibly sophisticated in a simple sense.

" Thank you, father, I shall name it…." He pauses for a second to think.

And then replied" YeKong!"

" son, that is a beautiful name fit for such a beautiful sword!" He exclaimed loudly and then let out a loud sigh.

" what's wrong father?" Has he said that he placed the sword down.

" son, from now on I want you to move in with your uncle, Xue Feng!" He signed

" but why father?" He shouted standing up from his bed.

" The reason for this is not your concern, please prepare to leave," he immediately left the room.

" father…" it was too late to change his mind, he had to leave Ying and go to Fang xin, the city of wine.

A couple hours later…

" son have you prepared to take your leave?" Xue Chaoxiang said has he prepared a carriage for him, taking him to Ying.

" son, this carriage will take you to Ying and then you have to journey by yourself to Fang Xin, be safe!" He said with a worried expression on his stony face.

" Yes father! I packed everything and I will be careful, don't worry," he avoided eye contact with him.

" I'm sorry to make you leave but it's the best thing for you!" He signed

" it's fine, goodbye!" Xue Chonglin said trying to hold back any tears.

" goodbye son, have a safe journey!" As he said that the carriage drove away leaving Xue Chaoxiang with a heavy heart.

" I really hope that kid will be okay…"