
An Incomplete Love

An one sided love story of a school boy remains incomplete because that girl moves away from that school. Many years later the boy falls into love again at University. But again he gets nothing because the girl is dating someone. The boy moves away to another place. But she realises his love after he moves away. Will she get him???

Nixon_Sad_4560 · Fantasia
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An Incomplete Love

First chapter

'The past always stings'

POV of a Broken man:

Those memories of school are coming back again. I remembered her again. I remembered her beautiful face. I don't know why her face is always remembered to me among so many people.I can't forget her face even if I want to. There was a strange softness on her face. Her eyes were very bright. Anyone could look at her face for hours.I felt a strange peace after looking into her eyes. I tried twice but couldn't stand for long.I used to notice her many times from behind. My heart would fill with happiness whenever I saw her. There was a strange attraction in my body for her. Why ??? I don't know. I didn't even know her name. I was newly admitted to that school.After my father's death, my mother and I moved from Diegu to Busan. So that was my new school. I loved my Dad a lot. After his death, my mother brought me here so that I would not suffer so much. I understood this. Mom thought I would easily forget everything if we changed place.But the mother did not know that the memory could not be easily erased by moving.So first friend to come here was Junook-Ha-Eun.Even today he is my one and only close friend. I mean, he's my best friend. After I was admitted to the school, everyone looked at me with strange eyes. Everyone else thought I was crazy. But I knew I wasn't crazy . I was a little different.I didn't express my laughter, sadness, tears out like others. Not yet. I keep all the feelings in my own body. In their eyes I was a cold-hearted man with that no feeling . But I'm not empty person. Junook only understood that.

For that he is my best friend. So we never left. We did school together, finished college together and now started Masters together. That seems to be the true friendship. I have lost a lot of things in my life, but this friendship will be in all the things I have got. It is very precious to me.I dont want to loose this in any cost.He knows a lot about me. No, not a lot, almost everything. He just doesn't know an incident that hurt me more than anything. It almost broke me from inside. I never let him know that. I knew he would create a big problem if he found out. For himself and for me too.I still don't want him to know. Let it stay in my heart forever. But what happened to me today reminded me a lot. It shows me what is my condition ??How weak i am. I thought I came out from that past but I am wrong.I could not forget it. It will stay with me forever.The old wound has started to hurt again. I realized I had lost before and I lost today again.

Second chapter

'Fear of a mom'

Mrs Kim's POV :

Mrs. Kim watched her son quietly walking up the stairs to his own room. From a distance she realized that something had happened to her son. Because every time her son enters the house and comes to his mother first and hugs her with a smile. That didn't happen today, it means something happened to him. She was worried. She thought to myself, what happened to the boy ???. Is this for exam stress or something else ???

"The pressure of the test was there before, but it didn't change his habit, but today it's so sudden, it means something must have happened," said Mrs. Kim to herself.

She is very worried about her son because he is a little different from everyone else.she can not understands from the outside whether her son is sad or in trouble or in pain.He keeps everything in his heart.As if he wants to keep himself separate from other even from her.After the death of his father, he became like that.Because he loved his father very much. So he could not accept his sudden death.

" I am very scared for him. My love can't keeps him happy like before" Mrs. Kim mumbles with a sigh.

Sound of the microwoven breakes her thought. She called her son twice.There was no response. He slowly got up and went to the boy's room and saw the boy sitting quietly on the bed and staring at the wall silently with one glance. Seeing his sad eyes, she realized that something had happened.Mrs. Kim sat down next to him and gently put her hand on his head and asked

"What happened dear ???? Any problem ??? Are you feeling well ???"

"I am okay mom."

"So whats the problem???"


"Then why are you looking so exhausted????"

"Mom, can I ask you something?"


"What should one do if one does not get love instead of love ??

Hate that person you love or walk away from that person ?? "

Mrs. Kim was surprised to hear the son's question. She had never heard such a question from him.She wondered if her son had fallen in love or had broken up with someone. She couldn't understand anything because everything was unclear.she did not want to make any colclusion Instead, she asked very carefully.

"Does the boy or girl know who loves him or her?"

"No "

Then Mrs. Kim excluded the term girl as subject and said carefully

"Even if he loves her from the bottom of his heart for once, he will never be able to hate her. Yes, he may not get love from her, but his love will last forever. If he thinks, he will be able to stay that way then he will definitely able to stay. If he can't accept that fact from the heart, then he should go from her to heal himself. He needes a time to strengthen himself mentally for himself."

After hearing this answer, the boy looked at her .

Mrs. Kim asked, "Whose relationship broke up??? yours??"

The boy smiled lightly and told

"No. a friend of mine"

"Your friend means Junook ??? Because you have only one friend ??"

"Not another friend."

"Oh. well"

Mrs. Kim became happy after hearing this.

She thought "my son is making new friends so he is slowly exposing himself towards everyone. That is nice"

She laughed and said, "Let's go. The food is getting cold. Come quickly."

"You go.I am coming just right now. I have to change my clothes ."

"Okay. Come fast" told Mrs Kim and then she went downstairs. But she couldn't understand that her son is lying. "

Third chapter

'The return of the past wound'

Current situation of that broken man:

That day at school five years ago seemed to come back again. Suddenly a storm is coming out. Not just outside, but in my mind also a storm has come. It is giving me an unwanted fear in all parts of the mind. Looks like something is pulling energy from all parts of the body. I am suffocating. I can't stay here after seeing this scene with my own eyes. Otherwise I will get sick.I come out with the energy which was left in my body. I want to cry today. But I can't. Because from a young age, I did not express my grief outside. I can't do it today. Why I want to cry ??? I don't even know.Why do I feel that I have been deceived today ??? Why does it seem that anyone has broken my heart??? Well, when does the heart break ??? ??? When love is not found instead of love. So did I really love her ??? So I misunderstood myself for so long or why cant i understand my feelings ??? I do not tell her that If I love her so much then why do I feel so bad ???? Why does it feel again and again like that she is leaving me forever ??? Why do I feel so lonely today ??? Why do I feel like I'm about to lose something big ???

It started to rain.

But I stood by it. I don't have the strength to move.

I do not know why. I really don't know anything. I do not have the answers to so many questions. But today I have suffered a lot which I may not have experienced before. I miss my mother very much today.i want to go Busan. I didn't understand the pain in past because I was my mother last time. But today I understand. Today I lost again. I just lost. I don't think I'll ever win. Will I get the answer to my question ?? Or will I have to keep these questions in my heart forever ??? Nohh... my head is not working anymore. I feel like I have to do what I thought I would never do again. Thinking about this, I started running in the rain towards my rented house with my tears.

Chapter four

'Who is best friend???'

Is it Junook???:

A boy is running in the college building. From here to there. He is running from the canteen to the library. Still he is running continuously. A pressure of fear is clearly visible in his eyes . Many questions are roaming in his mind. He was looking for someone . But who ??? Suddenly he stood in front of someone and asked, "Have you seen Mr. Silent ???"

The answer come "no".

"Oh thanks"

"Why??? did something happen Junook ???"

"No, no," said the boy. Then he started running again . Two questions are kept running through his mind. The first is " Does he find out the truth ???"

The second is" If he knows, where is he now? "

"Please dude doesn't do anything with yourself." He is praying this to God for that boy. Because the boy is his best friend from school life.

Or is it Lee-Woo???

Where did Moon go ??? I saw him in the classroom a little earlier. Where did he go ??? He is not in classroom, not in library, not in canteen also. Is he gone to house ??? No, he doesn't do that generally.

The girl wondered where he could go.

"What are you doing here ???" Asked Seonja.

"Nothing, have you seen Moon," Lee asked.

"No !!! He is not with you ???"

"No. I can't find him. I saw him here a little while ago."

"What's the matter Lee??? he's not with you. He doesn't talk to anyone but you. He doesn't give any attention to anyone. That boy is not with you ??? Its really strange"

" No " the answer comes in a rough voice.

"Then maybe he's with that friend. He's best friend. I forgot his name. That fat guy with round glasses. Maybe he is with Moon."told Seonja.

"Hmm, maybe. I have to give him a very importent message. I'm very happy today. I have never had such a day in my life."

"Why happen again dude ??? Tell me too"

"Be patient. I'll tell you. But i have to tell Moon first. He is closest to me. He's always by my side. Whether it's a bad time or a good time, I've always had him by my side. It's his right to know this fantastic news. So I'll tell him first and then you." asnwered Lee

"Well then."

"Yeah and listen I'm his best friend not that guy who wears round glasses. I'm the one and only best friend of kim in college."

"All right. let's go to the canteen"

"Yes let's go. I will treat you a meal"

"Okay and thanks a lot"

Chapter five

'That Incident of past'

POV of Junook:

"I'm your childhood friend Moon, I know how much you hurt today "Junook said to himself.

He called his best friend many times. He didn't get any answer. He doesn't know where his friend has gone. He has found the whole college. He doesn't know where he can go. His head is no longer working. His head is aching. It's raining. He tries to remember where Moon could go. Thinking about it, old memories floated into his mind. He remembered how he first talked to Moon in school, then how he became friends with him.Moon seemed to be different, but gradually he began to understand Moon, and later he realized how good Moon was. He realized how much he cared for the people around him.

"He is like a child. He also wants a little love like children. A little love will show you to realise how good he is." Junook told to himself.

No one can even understand that. And that's why he gets hurt again and again. And this is why he goes away from everyone. Maybe love is not for him. If it was for him, It would not have been with him again and again. Whenever he fell in love with someone, she may have gone away, or she didn't realise his affection. it hapend twice. Once in school life and now once. Moon knows I don't know anything about that. But he doesn't know that I know everything. I know he had a different feeling for that girl when he came to school. I don't even know the girl's name because I was admitted to that school a month before Moon came.Because my father was just transferred to Busan on that time. I just remembered that the girl was very sweet, genuine and her hair was short. Moon had a different attraction towards that girl.I have seen many times that he is looking at the girl with one glance.whenever he saw her his facial expressions would change. I could understand that and I would be very happy in my mind. Moon actually liked her very much.Not just liking her, maybe he loved her . Moon doesn't even know exactly what it was till now. Because he still could not understand himself properly. He could not accept his own feelings. So he can't even express his feelings. In fact, he loved her.Even if he doesn't know but I know. She was first love in his life. I heard that first love is very special. It changes a lot of human.It can change a boys mind and body. First love teaches many things. And getting a girlfriend of your choice means he's lucky. That girl was the perfect match for Moon.They seemed to be made for each other . But not all love stories are fulfilled. Moon didn't get the time to tell her. The girl left the school before anything happened. We don't know where she went. Moon's heart was completely broken. He was in a lot of pain. I also felt very bad for Moon. He never told me about this incident. But I just found out. The first love left him with a lot of bad memories. Today the second love left him and betrayed him. I don't know what Moon's condition is now. No I have to get to him. He needs me. The rain has also stopped. Let's find him again.

Chapter six

'Argument between best friends'

"Are you crazy ??? Why didn't you tell anyone where you were going???? You didn't even answer the phone. You scared me." Junook shouted.

"Why??? what happened ??? And why are you angry ???" Moon asked.

"Oh... you don't what i am trying to say ??? Or are you pretending not to understand ??? How long will it continue like this ???

Moon remains silent . He thinks to himself, "Does Junook know everything then ???"

"Why are you silent now ???? I think you donot have any excuses ???? Do you think I don't know anything ?? If you don't tell me that means I won't know anything ??? I am your best friend Moon, I can understand everything.How long will you pretend that nothing is happened?

How long will you keep running from everything like this ??? If you like Lee so much then why can't you tell her ???you always stays by her side, takes care of her, helps her, stays by her side in bad times, motivates her. What do you think? It's not enough for me to know how much you like her ?? I know how much you like her but you cant tell her. When you can't tell her so why you feel so bad seeing her dating partner today ???? Why I can see the pressure of pain in your eyes ??? Why i can see tears in the corner of your eyes ??? Junook says the lines in one breath.

Moon stares at him in surprise. He says to himself, "I tried so hard to hide, but how did you khow ????" But he did not say anything.

Junook doesn't get any answer so he started saying again, "Not only now, the same thing happened at school last time. That girl was the first love of your life. But you couldn't tell her anything. You always saw her from a distance but you couldn't dare to tell her your feelings. Why did it happen to you again and again ??? Why doesn't it happen to others ??? I know you don't have the answer. But I have the answer. In fact, you never love yourself. You don't know what's good for me and what's bad for me. You're so random. You've built a wall around your heart for that your feelings can't go to your mind in time.Do you even know people around you called yourself as Mr Silent.why??? Because you didn't show any expression.No, you can't love, no one loves you, because you doesn't love yourself, will you love someone else ??? It will be happen until you break down this wall of yours. If you cant do this, you will no longer be a human being, you will become a stone without feelings. "

"Yes, I know Junook, I don't think of myself as a human being. I see myself as a living skeleton who has no feelings. Yes I know the four word 'love' is a big thing. It can bring a big storm into our life and it can make people's lives very beautiful, but no one can escape from it. It will come in everyone's life. But what happens to someone is his destiny.

But still love is beautiful and the best. I know everything. But I also know that love is not for me or I am not for love. Love is like a curse to me. Why do you know ???? Fear. I hold myself back for this fear. I'm afraid to love. Because whoever I go to love goes away from me. I loved my father very much but he left me. From then on, my fear started. After that, Mika, my pet cat, whom I used to cherish, died. After that, I used to like that girl at school, but she also left. After that now Lee also left me and went into a relationship with another boy. Now tell me am I still worthy of love?. Everyone slowly leaves me. So I can't tell anyone. So I try to love them from afar. At least they will be in front of my eyes. That is the real reason". Answered Moon.

"But this is not a real solution. How long will it last ??? I understand your fear but it may be that you are losing them because you are silent at the right time. If you speak up your real feelings at the right time maybe they will accept you happily.you cant tolerate like that again and again . What will you do next time if it happens ??? And what will you do now ???? Asked Junook

Moon came close to Junook and asked silently "Will you help me this time ???"

Chapter seven

'Revealing the truth'

Six months later ...

Junak was seen in Seol's college. He didn't come there to study or attend classes. He came to get a document from college. He didn't want to come here. Because he felt uncomfortable to came here. He didn't want to fall into any uncomfortable situation for Moon.So he finished the work quietly and tried to leave. But just as he was about to leave the college,he heard a feminine voice. he turned back and saw Lee was standing behind with an angry face.

"What are you doing here ???"

"I came for some work ," he replied calmly.

"Are you trying to avoid me ????"


"Tell me what's the matter with you ?? I heard you and Moon left the university ???"



"Our Personal Problems"

"Personal problems together??"


"Do you think i am a baby ??? I will accept easily whatever you say ??? And why isn't Moon picking up my phone ??? Has something happened to him ???"


"So why isn't my phone replying to the message ???? Why is he avoiding me ??? "

"No, it's not like that.We knew you would ask us a thousand questions and try to stop us, so we didn't tell you that we were leaveing . He didn't want to tell you. He did not want to waste your time on us."

"Wow do you guys think so much for me ???? Or do you pretend to think ???"

"What do you mean ???"

"You couldn't inform me before you left. Isn't it your duty to tell me as a friend ??? ??? You know how much I was tensed. Your phone didn't ring. I didn't even know where you and Moon went. You don't have the minimum responsibility. Are you even human ?? ? "

Junook was angry to hear such accusations.

He asked, "Why??? What is the problem if we are not there? There shouldn't be a problem."

"Did you say I didn't have a problem ??? In one day suddenly I lost my best friend. The man who was always by my side suddenly left me. The partner of my happiness and sorrow left me alone. Do you know how much I have suffered ???. You know how much I've suffered.??? Do you know how much I feel alone ??? And no one cares about me like him ???? How much do I miss him ??? No. you dont know anything. In fact you guys did not want to know. You and Moon have only seen your own advantage. You have never thought of me. You have treated me like an animal. You are only human physically , but you have no kindness. You are not worthy of being a friend. You are a traitor. You guys are inhuman. "saying that Lee started crying loudly.

Meanwhile, hearing so many accusations, patience of Junook was broken. He started saying that things he had promised not to tell Lee and said to himself, "I'm sorry, friend, I can not keep your promise this time. If I don't say it today, Lee will misunderstand you and insult you, which I cant bear."

"Shut up Lee. You've said a lot of nonsense. You've been saying bad things about my friend and his friendship ever since. But not now. Do you know why Moon left ??? I know that is hard to believe for you but still I will say. He left for you ??? He didn't want to tell you and maybe he won't say, but I'll say this time . "

"For me ????" Lee said in surprise.

"Yes, for you. He cares for you and encourages you, stays by your side in bad times, do you know why he respects you ??? He loves you and likes you very much. Why he is doing??? Don't you understand??? In fact you did not try to understand. I realized it as a boy and could not you realized as a girl ??? And you call yourself his best friend ????? Think about it, are you really his best friend ???

"What are you talking about ??? Is it true ???"

"I will never lie to my best friend in such type of issue. It's true. And to be honest, before he could tell you that he was having a hard time breaking up when he found out that you were dating another man. And that's why he left this college and went away from you. I also became his partner. I don't know if you love him or not ??? But listening to you and seeing your impatience about him , it seems that he is very special to you. Maybe you like him but you still do not understand.

"Then why didn't he tell me ???? Why did he walk away from me ???"

"Only He knows the exact answer why he didn't tell you. But what I think is for his past."

"Past ??"

"Yes past. He doesn't express his feelings from a young age. All feelings stuck into himself. So it takes time to understand what he wants. And in between that everything goes out of hand. Only his broken hearts remains. This is not the first time he has broken his heart. He has already broken his heart in school life. Anyway, it was managed then but this time the incident is a little serious. And when he saw you that you're happy, you're fine, so he decided to move away. So we changed the university. He loves you so much that with the broken heart he has gone away and never told you. If you did, you would both feel uncomfatable. And he wants to stay away from you because it's better not to see you with someone else. But I don't understand that you haven't feel anything for him so far ??? Haven't you thought of anything ???If you had tried to find out the reason, there would not have been so much today. Said Junook

"Well you said he had broken once before. When did that happen ???? or why did it happen ???"

"He used to like a girl when we were in school. But he never said that. Before anything happened, the girl left school and went somewhere else. That was his first love. At that time we were studying at 11th standard. The girl was perfect for him. She was beautiful and vibrant. However, it remains incomplete"

"Which school do you go to ???"

"Busan Elementary High School"

"What did you say ???" Lee shouted.

Why what happened ??? "

"I used to go to that school too !!!"

"What ??????"

Chapter eight

'Takeing a Tough decision':


'Will you help me ???' Moon asked.

"Yes, I will. I will help not one but one hundred times." said Junook

"Then understand calmly. You just revoked my university admission. The process will take time to complete. So start working now. I won't go unless very useful. And be careful so that no one knows."

"Are you trying to escape again ???"

"That's what I'm doing."

"Why are you moving away from everyone again ????"

"You know, once my mother told me that if I didn't want to see my loved one with someone else, I'd better move away from there. So I should leave somewhere else," Moon said in a tearful voice.

"But how long will it last like this ????"

"As long as I can. I have it in my destiny. You know, I always want someone to hug me and tell me that she loves me. I want to love once in a fearless way."

Junook realized that his friend has made the decision. It's almost impossible to change that. He also asked Moon as a last try

"Do you want to go away or Do you want to push her away ??? "

"To be honest, I want to get rid of her. I respect her decision and want her to be well and happy."

"All right. Then at least tell her the truth before you leave. At least this time in life you can confesses with courage. At least get it done. " said Junook

"No, Junook. Saying this will make her uncomfortable. Then she will feel guilty for all this and ruin her happy life. That's not what I want. And I can't admit it in front of her. I don't have that much courage. If I had, I would have told her for so long. So there is no need to tell her. She will get a little hurt or she will get angry but it is better than getting more emotional pain . So shut up and follow my instraction "

"Well, I agree. Then where are you going ???"

"Maybe I'll go back to Busan. I'll be admitted to the university there."

"Okay. Okay. That's what you want. But I have a condition."

"What condition?"

"I'll go with you too. That means I'll leave the university too."

"Are you crazy dude??? Why are you leaving seol university ???"

"No, I'm your friend. I'll be with you and go with you ."

"Why friend ??? Why do you leave the university for me ???? Its my problem and why will you suffer ?? And why do you want to create a problem for your career ??? No it can not be. I will not let it.Only I will take care of this problem??? "

"Oh, is that so ???? Then I won't leave you either. If you go, you and I will go together, or no one will go. It's my decision. It's my job and i can handle with it. its my responsibility. You don't have to think about that. I made my decision already. If you dont take me with you. I will let everyone know.It will create huge fuss. Then nothing will happen. Think about it and answer me. "

Moon realized that her friend would not let him go. So he said to Junook

"Lets start preparing to go for a new destiny."

Chapter Nine

'The confession of love'

Lee and Junook both start running from the bus.The purpose of both is Moon. Junook is very happy today. Because today all the truth came out after his and Lee's argument. Everything is clear. So he thanked God. He is happy because his friend will be very happy today. Moon has suffered a lot in these six months. He have never forgotten Lee . Because all love cannot be forgotten. Even if some love is one sided, it cannot be erased. No matter how hard you try, it stays with you like a shadow. He was just drowning into her thoughts. Even though he doesn't say it, Junook knew everything. But he was helpless. Because six months ago, the day he found out that Moon wanted to leave everything and go somewhere else, he joined him. But Junook wanted Moon to at least admit his feelings in front of Lee before he left. But if Moon hadn't done so, it wouldn't have happened so much. The day he has been waiting for so long has come today.

On the other hand, Lee realises his real feelings. Her last relationship did not last long. She was suffocating in that. She thought everyone would be like Moon. But no one was like Moon . She realized the importance of Moon after he left .There was no one beside her like Moon. She also missed Moon. She realized that she was useless without Moon. Her life was almost paralyzed. This is the first time she has cried after leaving someone. After so many days, she understands that her real partner is Moon.Besides, Moon has been in love with her for many years now. He is her future now. She wants to tell him her feelings.

Chapter ten

The Conclusion

'Love or heartbreak again'

Junook entered into room and saw Moon sitting quietly and thinking of something. Yunook went to him covering his external expression as much as possible. And asked

"What are you doing ???"

"Nothing like that"

"Are you thinking of Lee ???"

There is no response. Junook understands what his friend is thinking.

So he asks "Well what if Lee comes to you now ????"

Moon stared at Junook in surprise. He doesn't expect this question at all.

he Replies "It can't be."

Junook asks again "What will you do if she comes and says she loves you ??? Will you send her back again or will you take her to your close once ???"

Moon is surprised again. But he says slowly, " At first she can't come here. If she comes here and says that he loves me, it will be the biggest reward of my life.It's like a dream to me.What I want to see and get. But I know I won't get it. It will break like a dream in the end. I want to hug her, kiss her on the lips and tell my raw feelings . That's all I want to do. "

"Okay. I get it. But if that school girl is your first love and Lee comes together and stands in front of you, who will you choose ???"

This time the moon was almost frozen. He shouts "Are you mad ???? Or are you drunk ??? Why are you talking nonsense ???"

Saying this, he comes in front of Jaunook's face and tries to understand whether he got a drink or not ???

Junook smiles at him and says, "I understand you don't have the answer. In fact, you love both of them. One is the first love of your life and the other is your current love. Both are special to you. Your feelings are pure for both of them. You're going to be confused. Then let's confuse you today. Go outside and see the surprise. "

Moon is very surprised and tensed. He quickly opens the door and comes out and see Lee is standing there. He is looking at her in such a way that he is seeing a ghost. In fact, he could not imagine that Lee could come here. He asks to himself, "Why is Lee here ???" Before he could say anything, Lee asks, " Won't you let me in??"

Unable to say anything, Moon said, "Come in." He has thousand thought-provoking questions in his mind. Nothing is expected. He does not have any answer.

There are three people sitting in the room facing each other. There is only silence in the room. Moon is most surprised. He doesn't understand anything.

He dared to first ask Lee "Why are you here ??? Why ???"

Lee almost stopped him and asked, "Why did you leave the university without telling me anything ????"

Moon is silent. Junook just looks at the two of them and smiles to himself.

"I know you don't have a good answer. You don't say anything. And you don't feel the need to say anything to anyone. Because you don't have the courage. Today I am asking you directly. Do you love me ????

This time Moon become clueless. Does he hear wrong or is he in a dream ??? He touched himself and realized that he is in reality and he is listening right. He looks at Junook and see that he is smiling. His tears is trying to come out this time. Not for sadness, but for happyness. Only he knows how long he has waited and how much he has endured to say and hear this. He thought to himself, "No. I have to tell you the truth today. If I don't tell you now, I will never be able to. My dream will remain just a dream. "

Just as he is about to say something to Lee, she casually told, "I know your answer is yes. Because I know you love me so much. You love me so much that you can't even tell me."

Moon is startled again. Asked like crazy "Who's telling you this ???"

Lee just looked at Junook. Moon sees Junook smiling very loudly.

He said, "She forced me to tell it. I couldn't say no because she was saying bad things about you.I could not tolerate that so I told her everything."

Lee said again, "You know that I realized your love you after you left. I understand that without you, I am nothing. No one cares me, no one speaks, no one loves, no one is by my side like you." All are Physically human but mentally they are machine but you look machine but you are a very good hearted person .Otherwise no one can go away for the person he loves. So I want you in anyhow and Junook already told me everything about all your fears. I promise it won't happen. Just stay by my side and love me like before. I'm single now . So dont worry"

Moon smiled after so many days after hearing so much. He hugged her tightly and said, "It's better then. I promise I will never leave.Now i have no fear and I love you."

"Me too"

Junook looked at Lee.

This time, as planned, Junook said, "There's no need to be so happy. There's still a danger."

"What danger ???"

"This is Moon's love of school life. I mean the first love of his life. That girl is coming here. She's almost came. I find out that she also loves Moon ."said Junook.

Moon is shocked to hear this. He asks like crazy "Why is she coming here ??? How doess he get the current address. And I don't love her. I love Lee. Who told her these things ????"

"I don't know. She got my phone number somehow and called me today and said that" Junook replied.

Lee asked "Who is this girl ??? And Moon loves her ???"

Moon said in fear, "No, I don't love her.I had a crush on her just. I didn't tell her anything. I won't go with her. I love you. I won't let anything go wrong."

Moon is acting so crazy and scared that nothing bad will happen. Seeing this, Junook and Lee realized that this drama could not last long. Now they have to tell the truth. So Lee and Junook went to calm him down. They went to Moon and said "Calm down Moon. You have something to say. Sit quietly first."

Moon said like crazy "What more can you say ??? I didn't really love her. I don't want to go in front of her. I have to hide somewhere. And trust me. I didn't cheat on you. Don't break up with me."

Lee told him, "Shut up. Calm down. Take a deep breath."

It worked. Moon sat quietly. But he is very tense.

Lee said, "That girl is came already, and she's standing in front of you." Saying this, she takes out her phone and shows a picture of her school days to Moon.

He sees that it is a picture of the girl he loved in school. That sweet face and deep eyes and short hair. That means Lee is the girl he loved.

He asked in a low voice to confarm, "Is that you ??? I mean the one I liked at school ???"

Junook said, "Yeah buddy. That's the girl. She went to Busan Element School. And she moved to Seoul after you was admitted. This is your first love and present love as well. I also found out today. I was as surprised as you.So far no one was able to recognise her. Because she don't have short hair now and her glasses change her completely"

Lee asked, "Don't you love her now ??? I am very upset to hear that. What's wrong with the poor girl.she is cute and beautiful as me.Bad luck for her. She doesn't get you either but I do. I'm happy with that.So forget her and leave her.Love me. But I am sorry for making this fun with you"

Moon started crying and hugged her and said, "Its okay but don't do it further with me.But I love that girl very much now. I want both of you. I love both of you. That's what I want now. I can manage both of you now. I'm the happiest man in the world right now.

"I have no problem with that. But tell her not to mess with me.I love you more than her. I'm also happy today." Saying this, they kissed each other deeply.

Life is too short. There is no telling when it will happen. So express your true feelings. It can be for parents and it can be for your loved ones. Just tell the truth. If you love someone from the heart, then rely on yourself and your love. That love will be yours one day. It may be late but it will not fail. You will be get day.

(The End)

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