
An Idle Being

August morning 2006, modern world, Peshawar city of Pakistan, romantic weather and Ali’s family is in its stupendous mood. They are living a luxurious life. Humma (Ali’s wife) is sitting alone in her room and it is the last stages of her third trimester of her second baby. Her room is on the second floor of the house and is fully adorned with modern style furniture. She is in her round, soft sofa while imagining the life of her two children; meanwhile her maid knocks the door.

Gohar_khan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


Twelve years have been passed. Now Sheno (the baby) is 12 years old. She dresses like females. She is very pretty having long, yellow hairs, thin lips, round chin and green eyes.

It's December, Sunday morning of 2018. Mr. Ali and Mrs. Ali are busy in their cell phones while enjoying tea. Almir was playing in the garden. Sheno sees him and wants to play with him but she is not allowed by anyone to do so.

Sheno: Mama

Maid: Yes, Sheno

Sheno: Mama why you people don't let me to play with him?

Maid: Oh my child. You are special one that's why.

Sheno: What special mama? You people behave as if I am not from this world. No one treats me like a normal human. I want to live like a normal child. I want to play, I want to make friends, I want to study , I want go to school, I want to go outside of this small home and see the world.

Humma: What nonsense is this? Behave yourself Sheno.

Sheno: I just want to say that I want to go to school as Almir does. I want to study and make friends.

Humma: That's nonsense. You are told so many times that your case is far different from Almir. Don't compare yourself with him.

Sheno: But why? I am also a human, what is wrong in me?

Mr. Ali: Sheno, what do you want? You know our society does not allow children like you for education.

Granny comes and joins them.

Humma: Mama, did you hear? Sheno wants to study.

Granny: Study… what? What does he want to study?

Sheno: I want to be educated as Almir. I want to get admission in a school. I don't want to spend my entire life idle inside the house.

Granny: Sheno, I have told you so many times, stop this ridiculous thought. What society will think about us? Our society does not like even female education, half of our females are uneducated and they do not come out of their houses, and you are not even a girl.

Sheno: But at least, I am a human being. I breathe like them, feel like them and I speak as they do. I want my life like all the humans live. If I am born as this, that's not my fault. I did not choose to be like this. God has created me, as He has created you people. The difference is just of the sex. I don't want to sit idle and spoil my whole life at home.

Granny: I have never seen your sort of people in worldly activities. Ali, have you ever seen a she-male working commonly like other human?

Mr. Ali does not say anything and starts reading the newspaper.

Humma: Sheno, your destiny does not guarantee a good life. You are what you are, you can't be like other. You are far different from others. And our society does not have a place for people like you. So just stop it now. Do not dream about what you can't be. Go to your room now.

Sheno: But ma'am… (Tearfully)

Maid: Don't annoy us anymore (angrily). You are lucky that you are the part of this family, they give you food, clothes and a good place to live in. Your sort of people does not live in this sort of house. People kick them out from their houses and they have to live at a place where no respectful man goes. The society has no expression of reverence for them. They have to live a very miserable life, a life which no one wants to live or even think about.

Sheno runs to her room and cries. She talks to herself, 'Why am I born? This world does not accept me. Oh God, if this world is not for me than why have you sent me here. whyyyy..???'

The whole family is tensed about her.

Next day, Mr. Ali decides to do something for her. He calls his friend and tell him about the situation and asks him that if he can give home tuition to her. And his friend agrees to do so.

In the evening, when he come back home, he brings his friend as well.

Mr. Ali: Sheno... Shenoo... where are you? Look who has come to meet you.

"Coming", Sheno replies and comes to the room where Mr. Ali is sitting.

Sheno: Hello Sir.

Mr. Ali: I was thinking about you last night. You want to study right?

Sheno: Yes Sir.

Mr. Ali: But there is no school for third genders.

Sheno: Hmm

Mr. Ali: So here I have the solution for it.

Sheno: Solution… What Sir?

Mr. Ali: Meet Sir Zaid. He will give you tuitions at home.

Sheno: Really?? (Sheno greets Sir Zaid.) I'm so glad. Thank you Sir..........................................

From now onwards Sir Zaid comes daily for the tuitions until she takes firstly the metric exam and then F.sc exams privately and scores well in both.........................................

Then she wishes to go for the higher studies. She has a great interest in mathematic. She wants to be a mathematician. She daily visits different universities of her area but is rejected from everywhere with an apologizing statement that they don't give admissions to the third genders.

Sheno is upset. She is fed up from this life and wants to escape from there.

She packs her bag and leaves the house without informing anyone at home. It's mid night and she is walking on the road where no one is around. Sheno is exhausted and shivering. She sits on a seat at a bus stand. Eventually a police man comes.

Police man: Who are you, lady?

Sheno: I am not a lady. (Shouted angrily)

Police man: Ok, but who are you? And what are you doing here at this time?

Sheno: Don't know who I am… People call me Sheno and this is the only thing I have. Other than this I neither have any identity nor destiny. I am an idle being. I just left my house and will never return.

Police man: Why? You are so pretty and tempt able. Where do you wanna go?

Sheno: To a place where my sort of people gathers.

Police man: Oh you are really beautiful; I can bring you to my house.

Sheno: No, I am ok here and you better leave me alone.

Police Man: I know a place, where lots of third-gender stay and work, I will leave you there. I know some of them, I will introduce you to them, they will train you and I assure you that you will have a very good life. You are beautiful, you can earn a lot.

Sheno: Really? I don't want money but I want life of my choice. I want a place where I can live as normal human beings.

Police Man: Yeah, you will have a better life there.

Sheno: Ok so will you leave me there?

Police Man: Sure, but it is too late, I will leave you there early in the morning.

Sheno is greatly moved by his words.

Sheno: Then, I will follow you.

Sheno is very innocent. She does not know anything about the hypocrite and evil people. She has never seen the cruel face of the world. She blindly trusts him and follows him. He brought her in to a cottage. There is a small repaired bed and a shabby sofa.

Police Man: Sit here, I am gonna bring some tea for you.

Sheno sits there on the sofa.

Police Man goes out and then comes after sometime.

Police Man: Take it, Sheno.

Sheno: You just brought one cup, don't you like tea.

Police Man: No, I usually don't take tea. I prepared it for you, so that you will feel better.

Sheno: I am hungry; can you give me something to eat?

Police Man: Yeah, just wait a min. I have some biscuits in my van. I'll bring them for you.

As she takes the tea, after sometime she feels drowsy and falls asleep. This is because the police man has mixed anesthetics in the tea.

As she falls asleep, he sexually harasses her. She shouts for help but no one is around there. This incident completely ruins her life. The officer also leaves the place in the morning. Now she is all alone on the bed thinking of what has just happened to her. What's the meaning of her life? Why God has created her? Why is there so injustice with the third genders? She gets so depressed that she hangs herself to death