
An Gay Creator

what happens when a creator decides to remove its memories for a period of time to live as a male human, what happens when the being reawaken to realized its former self had plans. A depressed teenager's life falls apart when tragedy decides to come down on him in the form of an unknown terminal illness that destroys him from the inside. ps, this story has homosexual themes, so if you don't like homosexual content then don't read. oh, and the first chapters are about the making of life and whatnot as it doesn't have anything to do with the main events of the story.

master_yodas_bitch · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

the beginning 3

thought runs through the being's mind it finds hope, the hope of finding something to spend its time with but that when it all came crashing down 'how could I possibly do that, how could I create life' the being thought. But as the being thought about it thought 'how hard can it be'.

The first thing the being tried to make was something like itself as the being started to think about how to make a copy of itself at first nothing happened but slowly an orb that was half the size of the being started to form and soon he had an almost identical orb the only difference to him was that it was small.

When the being was admiring the little clone of itself it remembered it might have failed thus came the moment the being regret not trying to make a language for itself but then came something that shocked the being the little orb said 'who am I'?

But that would be the last thing the little being would ever say because the second the being felt shocked the little being lost shape and slowly dispersed

'This might be harder then I thought'


After countless fails the being finally gives up on making something like itself the being gives up and looks for inspiration it turns to the first thing it made and thought it would be wonderful to bring these lights everywhere thus the being willed for countless amounts of the bright white orbs to light up the dark abyss.

After finishing that the being thought 'why not make small beings that live on hard surfaces'! This is the start of a new type of trial and error, the being starts to try to make the perfect place for the small creatures to live on it wanted the place to be perfect, oh how far from that it is.

Trying its best to make what would make the most perfectly spherical object it could so after making something pleasing the being thought 'this should be ok for now' so the being then thought about the problem of making the beings itself it wondered why the things it made dispersed.

Then it thought 'what if it can't disperse' then the being thought for a long time and then had the idea what if they are made up of what the dense hard-sphere was made of, then it willed for the being to be made.

The formation of this creature was vastly different this time the difference was the material that formed the shape of the creature was solid and durable. The shape that the being was formed after wasn't anything remarkable but it was something in the perception of the sentient orb of energy it was the stepping stone is of which will make a being of coldness and an unmeltable heart, ...ok it melts for someone. As for who we really won't know till he's made.