
An extremely enthusiastic Hitler if

Como dicen, escribe sobre lo que sabes. Por lo tanto, estoy basando el personaje de SI en mi propia vida educativa y profesional, excepto que ahora él/yo voy a ser un neonazi rabioso. Algo que me gusta asegurar a mis lectores, si tengo alguno, seguramente no lo soy. Ahora elegí un inserto de ASB Hitler ya que me parece que este podría ser un escenario algo más fácil, lectores "amables", por favor siéntanse libres de comentar y ayudarme en mis esfuerzos.

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chapter 21 Meeting the generals

Berlin, July 29, 1936

AH: Gentlemen, the time has come to reorganize the command structure of the armed forces, as the current structure will no longer be sufficient for the modern world. After several conversations with serving and retired generals and admirals, I have decided on the new form of the Reichswehr.

The first is to change the name of the combined armed forces of the Reich, henceforth to be called the Wehrmacht. Said Wehrmacht will be commanded by a new high command authority, the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht or OKW for short. The OKW will be entrusted with the great purpose of preparing for the next war. And in case such a war comes to Germany to take charge of the strategic decisions that will lead us to victory.

I cannot imagine the first Head of the OKW none other than von Blomberg, who under my command as Führer and Reichskanzler will renounce his civilian position as Reichsminister and fully reactivate himself in the armed forces with the new rank of Generalfeldmarschall. Congratulations Generalfeldmarschall.

WB: Thank you sir, now the OKW will take strategic control of the three branches of the armed forces, thus subordinating the high command of the OKH, OKL and OKM. Their role as senior commanders will move away from operational matters to ensure the readiness of their particular branches for any needs Germany may have. They will be fully engaged in ensuring that doctrinal, training, manpower and equipment standards are maintained at the highest possible level.

Therefore, operational control of the forces must fall to a series of semi-temporary theater commands. The first three will be Oberbefehlshaber West, Ost and Nord. With West being responsible for the defense from the tri-country point near Nauders to Emden, the OB Ost from Nauders to Memel and the OB Nord the rest.

These Oberbefehlshabers must create contingency plans for operations in their particular area of responsibility. These must include both defensive and offensive options, and everything from a slow buildup along borders to emergency mobilization in the event of a sudden war. And if war breaks out, they will take operational command of the forces in the theater.

Now the command of these OBs will fall to the service depending on the terrain and role, there is little point in appointing an admiral to fight against Switzerland. I therefore appoint Reader and von Fritsch to OB Nord and OB West respectively. General Beck will move from Chief of Staff OKH to OB Ost and will be promoted to Oberstgeneral upon taking command. The vacant position of Chief of Staff will be filled by General von Rundstedt.

So, in addition to the strategic command over the Wehrmacht and the OBs, the OKW will also have several internal personnel offices on its roster, namely;

1. Wehrmacht-Führungsamt (literally, Order of the Armed Forces given by the Office) in charge of drafting and communicating strategic directives and orders, with Oberstgeneral Jodl as head.

2. Amt Ausland/Abwehr (military intelligence and security) with Admiral Canaris as head

3. Amt Werhmachtpropeganda (propaganda) under the command of Generalmajor von Wendel

4. Amtsgruppe Allgemeine Wehrmachtsangelegenheiten (general department) under the command of Oberst Paulus

5. Bauamt (construction) under the command of Herr Todt, is accused of all construction of military installations and infrastructure behind the front.

6. Korps D (D for ladies or ladies and 500) will take care of the ladies' auxiliary, according to the Finnish Lottas system.

7. Wirtschafts und Rüstungsamt (logistics) under Generalmajor Wagner

Now, the supply office under the command of Generalmajor Wagner and his Chief of Staff, Oberst Zeitzler, will rapidly expand to encompass all logistics and supply matters. This office will be reformed into the Kommando der Wirtschaft und Rüstung. The KWR will organize the delivery of supplies from factories to the relevant corps, airfield and naval base. Therefore, they will need to be closely involved in OB planning to ensure that sufficient supplies are available for each and every operation. To provide the means and manpower to move such supplies in time of war, Landwehr units will be transferred to this command.

Together, we believe this will provide the frontline commander with the best support and relieve him of all of his duties except leading his men to tactical victory. As the Führer said, let the armies win the battle, the Oberbefehlshabers the campaign and the OKW the war.

Naturally, we expect there to be conflicting interests and overlapping authority, which will require a lot of work and dedication to resolve. But I am confident that we will overcome these difficulties in the coming months.