
The True Ater

'How embarrassing…'

Ater's thoughts were a sharp contrast from his outward appearance. His majestic, but utterly devious appearance betrayed the lines of reasoning that flowed in his mind.

'To think I actually lost to this child. Whether or not it was my vestige or not, it makes no difference.' The mere fact that he couldn't resort to any other option but his hidden Primeval Skill was beyond shameful on his part.

'When did I become so incompetent?' 

Now that he was back to his senses, he could see a few ways that he could have exploited the situation and won without going as far as using [Alter]. He understood that his vestige only had a portion of his memories, but he still expected some measure of proficiency.

'In any case, I can't really dwell on all of that now.' He sighed internally, his gaze resting on the trembling body of the Fairy he stepped on.

Fae was so confused, so lost. She definitely didn't understand what was happening, or why.