
The Escort Duty

The rest of the discourse with Rebal went smoothly; as he essentially gave details regarding the strategy he wanted to employ.

It was well thought out, and Rey ended up agreeing to all of it.

He was still skeptical about trusting the Mercenary Gang, and he found a lot of the information on them to be dubious, but he trusted the words of the more experienced man in the room.

At the final parts of the meeting, Rebal Blanc made one final request of him.

"Since we desperately need cash for our plans—especially with the Mercenary Gang—we'll need to engage in a few trades. We would like you to guard our caravans as they pass through our trade route."

According to Rebal, a lot had been happening to interfere with the transportation of their merchandise.

It was becoming a bother at this point—and the company was securing heavy losses as a result.

"With you protecting our Items, we are guaranteed that they'll arrive at their destination."