
The Dungeon Raid Begins


A swirling disturbance in space appeared within the darkened halls of the Royal Dungeon's First Floor.

From within the spatial distortion, ten beings emerged. They donned armor, had special wears, and possessed various weapons located in specific parts of their bodies.

These were the Raid Team, consisting of the nine Otherworlders and Sir Ralyks—leader of the team.

As soon as they came out of the portal, it closed, forcing darkness to take over the expanse surrounding them.

Thankfully, this was only temporary, as several balls of light floated in the air—courtesy of Ralyks.

As a result, everyone could clearly see the world that they had entered.

"Gather around, everyone." Ralyks' voice interrupted the serene silence that had pervaded everything.

The nine looked at him and did as he instructed. They formed a cluster opposite the Dark Adventurer, eyes alit with resolve.

"Let us begin the briefing."
