
Heroic Rank Gathering [Pt 2]

Noah Sherlock.

He really wasn't anything special, and Adonis didn't really know too much about him.

He was one of the earliest to desert the team, and he never really learned anything more about him after that. 

So how… how in the world did this happen?

'He's the other 6 Star Adventurer in this City?!' Adonis fought to hide his surprise, and he was largely successful, for the most part anyway.

He would never have imagined Noah going that far, so this was yet another irregularity in the timeline that he didn't account for.

So many changes, yet Adonis found it difficult to trace the nexus event.

There had to have been an initial cause, else things would span in an infinite regress—which wasn't possible.

'He looks capable now.' Adonis closely observed Noah and realized just how much the boy had changed.