
Chapter 80: Pilgrim’s Rest

Edwin could say with a certainty that now that Sebastian was not attempting to trick him, he was a much more pleasant company.

The redhead joked good naturally every so often, and he trained Edwin in the arts of dagger wilding in the evenings

Which was fine because people, vampires in particular, would expect Edwin to be active at night. The shadow had come back a day ago with the news that there was an oasis with a travelling caravan stationed nearby

It had been a two-day-long mad dash, following the shadow, but when they arrived the people were still there. They were regarded coolly, but with a coin purse exchanging hands with the caravan leader, they were welcomed to share the oasis.

The desert in the Surian Theocracy, the same that spawned in the Alanqian Empire, was a cold one. There was no sand near the water, but soil and tall fir trees. Even here, where the water was plentiful, the trees conserved it.