
Taken Advantage of for Free Again?

Editor: Henyee Translations

The following day, Cloud Hao woke up with dark circles under his eyes.

He couldn't even remember what time he went to bed last night. He only recalled holding the advanced mathematics textbook filled with notes in his hand and dozing off while reading it.

To be honest, even with the addition of a tiny bit of mathematical attributes, it was certainly not an easy task to finish reading an entire advanced mathematics book in one night, not to mention one with so many extensive notes and thinking questions.

The only good news was that the person who wrote these notes really did have some level of standard and was able to explain complex knowledge in terms that were easy to understand.

Therefore, after making it through the most challenging introductory period, Cloud Hao was surprised to find that not only could he understand, but he could also grasp it as easily as the high school knowledge.


It just happened that he had nothing on today, so he decided to strike while the iron was hot. He would finish the book.

As for the 100 critical-thinking questions, as the answers were all in the notes, he didn't have to worry about not being able to do them at all. Even though the system's requirement was for him to be able to answer independently, it didn't specify that he couldn't look at the answer beforehand.

From this perspective, this subplot reward could be regarded as welfare. As long as he finished the notes, the four attribute points were practically given for nothing.

Carrying his shoulder bag, Cloud Hao left the dormitory. He was just planning how long he was going to stay in the library today when he suddenly received a phone call.

As soon as the call connected, Lin Jun's voice came from the other side.

"President Hao, we've received an investigation and survey application here. What do you think—"

"You're the CEO. Do as you see fit…"

After yawning, Cloud Hao, who was halfway through the conversation, remembered something important. He subconsciously glanced around before lowering his voice and saying, "By the way, if an outsider asks you who the boss of Cloud Dream Corporation is, help me keep it a secret… especially when you meet reporters."

Although it was not difficult to check the registered public information, it could still ward off some trouble.

Lin Jun hesitated and said, "Uh, okay… Though I think that your concerns are a bit uncalled for."

"Don't worry about it. Just do as I say." Cloud Hao added after some consideration, "Tell Li Zongzheng and the rest about it as well."

Even though he was confused about the boss's reason, Lin Jun still nodded. "Okay."

After assigning the work, Cloud Hao hung up the phone. He then headed to the cafeteria along the way to settle his breakfast. Following that, he went to the library.

Cloud Hao managed to find a place in a secluded corner. Just when he put down his shoulder bag and was about to sit down, a senior carrying a computer bag rushed in front of him.

"Master! You're here at long last!"

Hearing the excited voice, Cloud Hao was stunned. He looked up, only to see someone who seemed slightly familiar in front of him.

After staring at him for a long time, he finally recalled who it was. Isn't he the computer-repair senior who made me do his homework for free in the computer lab?

His name seems to be Chen Wenchao? And he's studying applied mathematics?

As he stared at this senior, who looked so emotional as if he were clutching at straws, Cloud Hao could roughly guess what this was about. He coughed lightly and said, "I'm really not a master… You've found the wrong person."

"It's okay! I'll just call you 'Expert' then!" Chen Wenchao chuckled and cheekily moved closer to him. "That… Didn't you help me design a special function calculator the last time?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"It's very easy to use! It's absolutely amazing!"


"Uh, and then, that is… a little problem cropped up…" Chen Wenchao embarrassedly scratched the back of his head. "After my tutor saw that assignment, he praised my—um no, your work, to the skies. And then, because of various misunderstandings, he included me in his research group…"

The senior seemed to be aware that his actions were wrong, as his expression became increasingly embarrassed toward the end.

Cloud Hao roughly understood the whole story. He didn't make things difficult for the guy and let him continue. With a sigh, he asked, "What's the requirement?"

"It's not troublesome at all! Just adding in a few more functions!"

Cloud Hao was speechless as he looked at the hope-filled eyes.

"Since you know that it's not troublesome, why do you have to find me just for a few functions? Didn't I teach you all the methods? The scalability of that computer program is quite alright. Can't you just add it yourself?"

Chen Wenchao was dumbstruck. "Ah? The question is… Where do I add it?"

It was Cloud Hao's turn to be speechless.

What the f*ck.

Do graduate students nowadays not need to be interviewed?

How did this guy get selected?

Seeing his only life-saving straw getting irritated, Chen Wenchao nearly cried in panic.

"Save me, Expert! How about… I give you money? Help me edit it again. I beg you!"

"Get lost. Do your own homework! I haven't even finished mine yet. I don't have the time to help you with your stuff."

When his gaze fell on the cover of the advanced mathematics textbook, Chen Wenchao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Advanced mathematics? I know this stuff! My undergraduate degree is in mathematics! I may not be good at the computer, but I'm a professional in mathematics. How about I help you do it—"

Cloud Hao rolled his eyes and threw the rough notebook into the hands of this chatterbox.

"Take it, take it. If you can get it done, I'll change it for you."

"Really?! Let me take a look… a, b satisfies ab+1 and can be divided exactly by a2+b2. Prove that (a2+b2)/(ab+1) is the square of a certain integer? This question is simple! I'll do it, I'll do it."

Seeing the simple question, Chen Wenchao grinned from ear to ear. He turned around to start solving it, but Cloud Hao stopped him.

"Wait a minute."

Chen Wenchao was afraid that Cloud Hao would go back on his words, so his expression turned nervous.

"Expert, what else do you need?"

Cloud Hao sighed and stretched out his right hand. "I only have this rough notebook. Pass me yours."


With that, Chen Wenchao pulled out a stack of rough paper from his computer bag and stuffed all of it to Cloud Hao, fearing that he would go back on his word and slip away.

Cloud Hao speechlessly stared at this senior's back and shook his head. He didn't bother with him anymore. Cloud Hao placed the school-issued textbooks at one side of the table to shield himself. Then, he surreptitiously took out the "Advanced Mathematics Textbook Filled with a Certain Professor's Notes".

This was what he really wanted to read today. Turning to the page that he hadn't finished reading yesterday, Cloud Hao slowly found the right feeling. He then continued his reading session in all seriousness.

The question that he had thrown to Chen Wenchao earlier was assigned by Old Li in the advanced mathematics class. Although Cloud Hao hadn't had time to look at it yet, judging by Old Zheng's miserable face, it was probably not easy to solve.

Or, at the very least, it was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

In any case, it was impossible for him to spend a whole day tackling a piece of math homework, especially when there was a subplot with a high reward of four attribute points waiting for him.

Just like that, Cloud Hao began scribbling and drawing on the paper to do the calculations. At the same time, he concentrated on integrating the notes to understand the advanced mathematics book.

Seconds and minutes passed. Very quickly, morning became noon, and noon became night.

After finishing the last question, Cloud Hao stretched his back and leaned back in his chair.

"There are indeed a lot of learning points.

"But after I figured it out, it was surprisingly simple."

Perhaps it was because of that one mathematical attribute, or perhaps because this book of notes contained some kind of energy, which he didn't understand, that was drawing him in, but he felt that the time today was passing faster than usual.

When he saw the darkening sky outside the window, Cloud Hao closed the advanced mathematics textbook in his hand. He silently mumbled a "thank you" at the end.

As if the textbook had heard his "thank you", the color of the book gradually faded. Then, under his surprised gaze, it turned into a powder that was finer than grit. It was quietly blown away by the wind amidst a light blue glow.

"…What the f*ck?"

Cloud Hao subconsciously glanced in the direction of the surveillance cameras. Fortunately, no camera was facing him, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

"After the subplot is completed, the reward item will disappear?

"There's actually such a setting?"

Cloud Hao muttered under his breath. Then, he stretched out his hand and fumbled around under the table.

It was as if the notebook had never existed in this world. It didn't even leave a single trace that could be touched.

"That's incredible…"

If it weren't for the deeply imprinted knowledge in his mind, he was even beginning to doubt if he had spaced out the whole afternoon while staring at an empty table.

While Cloud Hao was lost in his thoughts, a blue dialog box floated over in the air.

[Congratulations to Host for completing the subplot]

[Reward: +4 Mathematics attribute points]

Four attribute points!

Adding the previous one attribute point, his mathematical attribute stats had now reached five points!

However, before Cloud Hao had the time to rejoice, a series of pop-ups appeared on the screen before his eyes.

[Note: Achievement system unlocked]

[Explanation: After a single attribute stat reaches five, the achievement system will be unlocked. That is, after a single attribute stat reaches five, the bonus learning speed for the skill would have reached its maximum. At the same time, it will be upgraded to the suffix [Proficient]. Through the continuous accumulation of attribute points, it can be further upgraded to [Specialist] (0/10), [Expert] ( 0/15), [Legend] (0/20), and [God] (?)]

[More functions of this system are awaiting further exploration by Host.]

[Remember, learning is the foundation of creation, but far from being the entirety of the latter.]

Achievement system?

What the hell is that…

The light blue pop-up window gradually disappeared.

Gulping, Cloud Hao instinctively glanced left and right. After confirming that no one was paying attention to his side, he extended his index finger towards the system interface that only he could see. He lightly clicked on where the attributes panel was.

[Host: Cloud Hao]


[Programming: 2]

[Music: 2]

[Mathematics: Proficient (0/10)]

Oh boy.

Previously, he was wondering what the upper limit of the attribute stats was. However, he didn't expect the ceiling to be so low.

Based on what the system said, it looks like five attribute points are already the maximum learning speed bonus. Subsequently, the "titles", such as [Proficient] and [Specialist], will correspond to more specific "abilities"?

It's just that the improvement in this ability doesn't seem obvious…

Or can it be that the title thing is the same as the effect of attribute point of the bonus learning abilities? Only when specific problems are encountered can my "ability" be different from usual?

"Forget it… At the end of the day, I've obtained the subplot reward, so today's tiny goal is considered accomplished."

Cloud Hao looked out of the window and realized that it was getting late. He stuffed the school-issued advanced mathematics textbook into his shoulder bag and was ready to leave.

However, at that moment, he suddenly remembered that his rough notebook seemed to be with someone else.

"It's already this time of the day. Where's he?"

Why hasn't he settled it…

Cloud Hao fished out his mobile phone and opened WeChat. However, just as he was about to send him a message, he froze on the spot.

What the f*ck?

He actually didn't add me as a friend?!

Although his rough papers were not worth that much, he felt like he had been taken advantage of for free again…