
Chapter 5

"Andras gave me her strength and told me to get you, Eagle, and Rczg to make a party" Nok says. "Yeah Amy told me the same" Bilbo says "And since we both got new powers, wanna test them out?". "Sure, but with my 350mil dps and Andras' strength, I'll defeat you easily" Nok responds. "Hah, we'll see about that" Bilbo says heading to the arena. Nok follows. "Hey, remember when Solomon destroyed your dagger? What happened to it?" Bilbo asks. "Oh I had to grind some keys for shards, but now I got a new weapon, I got Andras' weapon" Nok responds. "Nice, now let's start the fight in 3,2,1, start!" Bilbo says charging at Nok readying a punch. Nok dodges the punch easily."You're better than I thought" Bilbo says. "Ha, thanks, this new power is great" Nok responds while releasing his sealed hand. "Woah, what's that?" Bilbo asks. "It's Andras' weapon, it's not like a normal weapon though, it's more like an energy imbued into my hand" Nok responds. "That's awesome" Bilbo says "But less chatting, more fighting". Bilbo goes for a slash with his fiery blade which Nok blocks and counter attacks with a powerful punch that sends Bilbo flying. "Hmph, you're pretty strong, much stronger than last time, almost 100 times stronger than last time (350mil x 100 = 35bil if you are dum dum)" Bilbo says. "I know that, it even rivals your 32bil dps" Nok responds. "Well, my base damage without my flame form is only around 8bil and going up against your 30 something bil dps is kinda unfair so" Bilbo powers up into his flame form. His body looks like it's ablaze and he has a fiery aura around him. "Oh and that 32bil? That was in a half assed flame form, after all, I didn't wanna destroy the dummy" Bilbo says "I'd expect my perfect flame form to do around, 40 to 45bil dps". Bilbo attacks Nok with a powerful slash that he has to block and it sends Nok crashing into the arena wall. "That could've cut my arm off if I didn't block it with my sealed arm" Nok says getting up from the ground "It looks like I'll have to turn on my thunder barrier and speed up". Nok's hair starts to stands up as a powerful lightning aura surrounds him. He charges at Bilbo at an insane speed as fast as lightning and Bilbo barely catches the punch. (Also yes I'm making myself just a bit weaker than Bilbo bc I'm a narcissist and also bc nindras is op) Bilbo is pushed back a few feet by the punch "Even if you can move this fast, I'd imagine using 2 forms at once is gonna deplete your mana a lot". "It does but fights don't normally take this long" Nok responds. Bilbo goes in for his flame dance and Nok dodges most of the slashes but still gets cut a few times. Just then, Nok realizes Bilbo is missing and Bilbo hits him with his heavenly strike. Nok gets sent into the ground and cracks the arena floor. "Isn't this the thing you did to Solomon?" Nok says coughing up a bit of blood. "Yup" Bilbo responds. Nok gets up "Damn, now I'm gonna have to stack a 3rd form, Prajna, on these 2 forms". Nok starts charging up (like a DBZ character) "AAAAHHH". "Stfu" Bilbo says before kicking Nok in the balls. Nok dies.

To be continued…