
Ch 285: The Germans are coming.

"Yay! Secret level!" Harriet shouts as a white flame flashes next to her and Luna appears.

"We get kidnapped and that's all you have to say?" Yuna asks

"I mean it's a bonus graveyard level, it's where the final boss gets resurrected." Luna says in her dream like voice.

Meanwhile they here two people arguing about 3 people having shown up.

"Mr Nott is that you?!" Harriet shouts almost positive it's his voice.

"See she identified you now kill the spares hurry." A sickly voice croaks out.

Nott comes out of a tomb holding what appears to be a baby.

"Avada Kadavera!" Nott shouts towards Luna who just takes the hit.

"Luna!" Harriet shouts before she looks back towards the dark lord and Nott eyes glowing in power from her rage.

"You're both gonna die painfully." Harriet says in an almost growl.

"You think we are scared of you girl." Voldemort says

"Harriet I got her body, mom should be able to help I'll be back." Yuna says picking up luna before disappearing.

Harriet smiles a little, Yuna called Kyra mom aswell.

"She got away!" Small Voldemort shouts

"That's the least of your worries Tom Marvlo Riddle." Harriet says with a much deeper voice than a girl should have.



Meanwhile in the Prydwin

"She hasn't pinged her location." Weiss says

"Us Evans are bad at magical travel maybe she hit her head on landing and got knocked out." Lily says

Suddenly Yuna appears in the office holding Luna's dead? body.

"Godrics Hollow." Yuna says

"Set course!" Kyra shouts

"On it ma'am "Jarvis says as the engines fire up.

"Yang go get the students ready." Kyra says not looking away from Luna who's soul is still in her body and hasn't passed on.

"On it." Yang says as the ship passes through a gold portal.


"You think you can win girl?" Baby tom asks as Harriet lets her self get captured just so Tom could be brought back and call his armies.

'Like momma Kyra said Rage is a great tool just don't lose your self to it or you might make mistakes.'

Of course snake face isnt about to get Harriets actual blood but she's wearing a blood bag of snake blood.


As the massive Prydwin arrives over the graveyard.

Kyra sees scaly snake face step out of the cauldron and Harriet is no longer tied to the statue.

"Time for some target practice!" Kyra shouts as the mighty zeppelin begins to play an air raid siren which triggers moldy shorts ptsd.


Meanwhile in the medical room Luna's body bursts into flames.

"Oh this is new." Lily says looking at the ashes knowing she shouldn't touch it.


"Tommmm, the Germans are coming Tom." Harriet says in a sing song voice from behind a tomb stone.

"Come out!" Tom shouts in rage.

"See Tom the Hindenburg is here." Harriet says causing Tom to panic as he summons all his minions.

"Where is Lucius!" Tom shouts not seeing his general.


"Umm, that's a lot of death eaters." Ruby says from the observation deck.

"No that's his whole army...." Kyra says shocked he summoned them all to the same spot.

"Well, let's trap them." Kyra says as a massive field goes up around the area of godrics hollow.