
An Empress From The 21st Century

Angelina is a 21st century girl who end up reincarnated in an ancient era to find her true love. With all those things that she never get to experience in this life, ever be able to get in her new life??? Or her dream will be another nightmare before the dawn??? Will she be able to get the love she desired or the heavy crown will ruin it all over again??? ...... Welcome to a fantasy historical romance story where the hunt for the true love will continue till it's found.... So tighten your seat belts and let's dive in a Disney World of Solar Empire. -AUTHOR_RC

Author_RC_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


My dress and accessories were chosen beforehand so, I had nothing to get bothered for. But I still was nervous because this will be the first time, we may have a conversation. What if he suspects me that I am not his actual wife? The last day was the day I woke up in this new body but as I was in an emotional state, he may not have noticed the changes in me. But it's not the same today. But I want to meet the person who coaxed me to sleep, when I was in my worst state. I wanted to sense that warmth one more time.

That's why I asked Rain, "Rain, what if he senses that I am not her?"

Rain was doing my hair as she looked in the mirror in front of me and said, "If he can not find out, then try to become someone he can never forget."

"Huh? If he can't that is good right?" I asked in confusion.

"You should get going, his majesty must be waiting for you in the dining hall." Rain said as she finished doing my hair. But I could not understand what she meant by those words earlier.

Rain showed me the way to dining hall. As I entered the hall, I saw his majesty sitting on a chair at the rear end of the dining hall. I greeted him as he signed me sit. This table was at least for 30 people to eat together. There were so many types of dishes that I've never even seen in my entire life. There were different cutlery items as well. I always ate alone in my room or dining table so the typical table manners were of no use to me. But still I had to learn to fit between the elites. But I never used chopsticks in my life, because in our country where I was born in my past life, if it is for even noodles, we will use fork rather than A chopstick. So, it was going to be a little hard for me as those items were there as well.

While thinking about this and that I went straight towards His Majesty and sit on the chair next to him. But only after a few moments I could sense many eyes were glaring at me. I confirmed my hunch when I looked at the female servant in front of me. Her piercing eyes could dig a hole in me. But as I didn't know the reason behind such actions,

I asked her, "What happened? Do you have something to say to me?"

"Pardon my limits, Your Majesty, but in spite of your illness, you should know where to sit. And it's not beside his majesty but at the other end of the dining table." She told be while bowing down her head.

I was surprised. Like, you can't even see the other person properly if you sit on the other end, let alone any conversation. But as I was new to these rules, I did not want to argue with her in that matter so I pushed the chair as I stood up and said,

"Sorry, Your Majesty, due to my illness I made a great mistake, I will go to my seat this insta-" but before I could finish my words, I felt a strong yet warm grip around my hand. Aelius was holding my hand firmly.

"You don't need to apologize for this, you can seat wherever you want to and if it is beside me that is also fine. There is no such hard and fast rule that you have to sit on the other end. Just make yourself comfortable." He said this whole thing while looking into my eyes.

I could not take my eyes off of him. I felt like those pair of ocean blue eyes were looking into my soul through my eyes. There is something dangerous in those, that is warning me not to fall for this man. Because it is a one-way road, there is no turning back if I intend to take this road. But still my heart did not give me permission to look away from him. His intimidating gaze were making a rush through my blood and making my heart thump louder.

"So, sit down" he said while still holding my hand. So, I sat down once again.

Though he said those things, I could still feel those gazes on me. The maids served the food items in front of us. And now I was meeting with my real time challenge. There were a bowl of noodles and other vegetable and meat soups and....


To look less awkward, I first started with the soups. They were really fragrant and perfectly suitable for my pallet. But I could see them twitching their eyes. I think again I did something 'non royal'.

"As the foods are served you guys can leave the room and wait outside. If we need anything else I'll call you in." Aelius said it to them while keeping his composure.

The moment he finished I looked at him, and in my mind one question popped up, 'Did he do it because of me? Because I was uncomfortable?' I felt very warm inside my heart. ' then Rain said his former wife was never happy because he behaved coldly!!! But I don't see him behaving coldly towards me? Was she wrong or it is just a facade?'

A lot of unanswered questions were coming into my mind as I was still looking at him. They all left the room due to his command. I looked into my plate again.

"Why are you having the soup before having the noodles?" He asked me as I sipped my soup one more time.

Now I was caught in the act. I am sure that his former wife was quite eligible with him as she knew all these things beforehand. But I am not her, how can I even do the thing that I never done in my whole life. So, I choose to say the truth wrapped in a small incompetency rather than making big lies.

"Th-the thing is I- I forget how to use the chopsticks. I seem to forget a lot of things due to the shock I received during Albert's birth. I am apologizing for my ineligibility beside His Majesty." I drooped my head down as it was very basic thing but I could not do.

I should've learnt it from Rain, so that I would not make a fool of myself in front of him.

"The trait you have obtained by yourself you can never forget. So, pick up your chopstick." He said with a straight and rough voice as if it was my fault.

What's so big about not be able to use the chopsticks!!! It's fine I will make it work. I can do it!!!

I picked up my chopsticks and tried to twirl the noodles in them. Somewhat it worked but as the first timer, the moment I was about to eat them, they slipped through the chopstick and came fell into the plate as it was before. I tried three more times but it was in complete vain. I couldn't even get the noodles close to my mouth. I was literally irritated at this point. I placed the chopsticks back on the holder and said,

"I am utterly sorry but I really can not do this."

I blurted out what I wanted to say. What would happen to the extreme! Will I be grounded or what!! This is so frustrating uhhh!!! He can give me whatever punishment, I don't care. I already died once so it does not matter!!! But… but if I die now… Albert will be left all alone… he will be sad… he would have to spent his childhood like I did!!! No, I can't be that selfish! I need to live! But will he really kill me because I cannot use the chops…...

My thoughts were interrupted when he took my hand in his grip. Then slowly he made me pick those chopsticks up again and twirled the noodles it, and then placed it in front of my mouth saying,

"Eat it now."

This time I was really able to eat it…. But… but… but…

What just happened!!! The great his majesty??? Did he just- did he just indirectly feed me???!!! WHAT!!! WHY???

Rain also said he was terribly cold towards the former majesty then why!!! Why is he doing this gentleman things and making my heart race like crazy!!! Oh crap!!! My heart… it is beating so fast that I can even hear the sound of thumping it in my chest. Why is it so loud!!! I am feeling like there is smoke coming out from my ears… these whole things are making me feel so dizzy!

"Now that you know how to use it once again, never forget it. Now eat, it is getting soggy." He said as he commenced his eating.

I can't eat in this state. Nothing will go down my throat. I am being excited to the point that I lost my appetite. But having no choice I ate while my stupid heart showed no sign of calming down. The dinner was finished in another fifteen minutes. So, now it was the time for us to be apart…. I felt a bit sad.

"Should we stroll in the garden for a bit before going to our bed chambers?" he said looking at me.

"Yes!!!" I replied in the speed of lightening.

Oh!!! It seems like I was dying to say yes!! How can I be so damn idiot!! So, I tried to justify my response again saying,

"I-it is actually good for the food digestion, so that is…." I could not finish it because he chuckled as soon as I gave that excuse. His eyes were saying like….'you can not fool me'. Uhhh!!! I'm so embarrassed!!

The night time breeze in this Solar Empire is cold. it's not freezing cold wind but it can give you chills time to time. Along with His Majesty I was walking side by side. This garden is huge. There is some kind of central round, I guess. From there the lights were coming. The whole garden was well-lit, not too much, not too less.

There was a lake as well in the extreme left of the garden. He took me there. We sat on the marble made sitting bench. As we were by the water side, it was getting a bit colder. So, I rubbed my palms against my arms a few times. His Majesty seem to have noticed it as he put his royal robe on my shoulder.

"Put it on, it is colder by the lake side during night time." He said while keeping his calm face.

I did not say anything as that heavy robe instantly wrapped me around its warmth. But there was another reason why I could not refuse that was, a strong yet sweet and manly smell grasped me as he put that on me. I suppose it is his smell. It smells like the morning dew on the grass tip. This refreshing fragrance was making me hug his robe even more. I felt at ease.

The moon was shining brightly and reflected it's silvery glow through the lake water. As I was enjoying the atmosphere he spoke again,

"Thank You Angelina."

I was surprised because till now after coming to this world I have not done anything to be thanked for. Then why would he say that?

"Thank You for giving Albert to me and thank you for not giving up on our marriage…. On m-me…..." the last two words he said was really low and his voice seemed to shiver while uttering those words.

But still these whole things were not very clear to me. Up until now I just knew he was cold towards his wife then why this sudden change of heart? I could not find the correct answer for that.

"I know maybe it is too late to say this but I am sorry for the way I behaved up until now, but I'll try to change myself and become that person, you deserve. But for that.... Will you give me…another chance?"

His words were sincere enough and his genuine tone was making it more evident. I don't know if giving him another chance would be a good idea or bad or maybe it would be an injustice against the former queen but still my heart is telling me to reply what he wants to hear.

What he has done was unforgivable but don't every single being in this world deserve a second chance? My brain and heart were dwelling on this matter. but before anyone of them could swing the victory flag I replied him,

"I will."

Thank you for reading 😊

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