
An Eldritch Demon's Odyssey

A soul wakes up in the void after death and chooses the circumstances of reincarnation into a multiverse consisting of multiple fictional worlds. In order to make most of the opportunity to reincarnate, he or rather she will try to manipulate everyone for her own benefit, starting from Nazarick. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the fictional worlds mentioned or the image. WARNING: This is a male-to-female genderbender . Those who hate this genre are advised to avoid. I will be telling this right now. The fanfic will be a mess. Don't expect some otherworldly plots. They might be utter trash. I have not written a manipulative MC before so this is an entirely new attempt. There is no romance planned as of yet, but if there is it will be yuri. Despite this, there will be yandere where characters will be obsessed with the MC. If you read my other works you know I can't write something that has no yandere. There will be multiple fictional worlds discussed. Basically, the each parallel world in the multiverse is a fictional world of its own, so it provides a lot of creative opportunities. Main World: SCP Foundation

FoolishSociopath · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Shades of Pink

Third Person PoV:


Location: Nazarick's Surface


Sebas and members of the Pleiades, sans Aureole Omega, gathered at the entrance to Nazarick. They had everything ready a few hours prior and waited at this location since then in preparation to greet the young lady.


Based on their investigation, the location of Nazarick's arrival was hidden deep within a place known as the Amazon rainforest. It had been further hidden them upon their arrival. They were now already experienced in doing so after having undergone a similar situation upon their arrival in the New World.


All of them had to reign in their wild imaginations regarding the young lady and wait with bated breath for any signs of Lord Ainz's return. They were fortunate enough to be given this opportunity to receive the young lady, besides Demiurge who had become the target of everyone's envy.


Of course, every other resident in the tomb wanted to be present with them as well but had chosen not to do so out of consideration for the young lady. What if a sudden gathering of dozens of people frightened her? They could not forgive themselves if she had a bad impression of them due to their enthusiasm.


Luckily they did not have to wait for much longer as a dark swirling void symbolic of the [Gate] spell opened near their location. Sebas immediately lead the Pleiades to welcome their lord.


"Welcome back, Lord Ainz. I hope you did not encounter any troubles while rescuing the young lady." Sebas bowed and spoke. The Pleiades followed his lead in doing so as well as they saw Ainz and Demiurge stepping out of the [Gate].


"Umu, everything went as planned. Lilith is safe as well. Say hi to everyone, they have prepared a lot in order to greet you!" Ainz gently nudged the little figure hiding behind his massive body. Everyone would be introduced to her in due time


Sebas and the Pleiades had obviously noticed her presence earlier but did not point it out. Instead they watched patiently with expectation.


A tiny, pale hand gripped the corner of Ainz's robes as the much anticipated young lady peeked towards them. It was not until Ainz slowly moved out of the way that they could see her figure in its entirety.


Needless to say they were mesmerized by her. In their opinion, she was the embodiment of perfection. As expected of a Supreme Beings daughter. If anyone said otherwise, they would send them to hell.


Even if she was dressed in a mere hospital gown her long white hair was currently messy, this impression would not change. These superficial things held no significance when they could adorn her in the most beautiful of clothes, as they will from now on.


"…Hello…," She mumbled while awkwardly waving her hand in their general direction as everyone felt an arrow shoot through their hearts over something as simplistic as this.


In hindsight, this was not a surprise as all of them were already blind to any faults she might have had before they even met her. Not that she had any.


"Let's head inside. There is no point waiting out here like this. Lilith must be tired as well. Rest for a while and get prepared. I have prepared a grand feast for you that you can enjoy tonight," Ainz calmly spoke as Lilith just nodded her head silently.


"Yuri Alpha, Narberal Gamma. Lead Lilith to her chambers and tend to her." Ainz ordered as both of maids in question bowed and acknowledged his command.


"Excuse me," They walked forward and held Lilith's hand, leading her into Nazarick.



Lilith PoV:


Uwaa, I am certainly shocked by how Nazarick looked. Based on all the detailed descriptions in the novel I had been mentally prepared for a grand, magnificent fortress but this still blows my mind.


As we had exited the dark swirling void, what lay ahead of us was a cemetery about 200 meters wide in all four directions. It was enclosed by 6-meter tall perimeter walls surrounding the tomb, with two entrances at the front and back gates.


There were lots of statues of goddesses and angels dotting around the cemetery. In addition, there were 4 mausoleums or tombs in the four cardinal directions with a large mausoleum in the centre. The surroundings of the centre mausoleum held eight 10 meter tall armour-wearing figures.


It was Sebas and the Pleiades who greeted us. Of course, I played the act of a shy, reticent young lady that they had probably already pictured in their mind. The key was, of course to speak less and let my actions express more.


Anyway, Yuri and Naberal are leading me to the chambers that Ainz seemed to have prepared for. If it was not obvious so far, I am quite adaptable to my circumstances so I will take whatever room he gives me. He won't really make me live in a dumpster, after all.


It did not take long for us to arrive at my new room that might accompany me for a long time. It seems that Ainz allowed the use of the [Gate] spell inside Nazarick for my convenience so we did not have to make a long journey.


My reality sense scanned the room with anticipation for that fluffy bed that I could collapse on. And it was certainly there, except the entire room was…pink. It had pink walls. The bed was pink. There were lots of soft toys which were also pink.


It was like a little girl's dreamland. I had to stop the corners of my lips from twitching. They should expect me to be blind, so there was really no need to 'walk the extra mile' in such a weird place.


It's not like a blind person could see whether the room was pink or blue so they could have left the room in its original condition. It was this little detail that gave me a renewed appreciation of the NPCs reverence to the Supreme Beings.


I might have died in my early 20's in my last life but my soul now was that of a years old man. So it would be a lie to say that this childishly pink room did not bother me. But as I said earlier, I was very adaptable. Especially over such a minor inconvenience.


'Fine, whatever. If its pink, its pink. I am any way a little girl now, physically. I guess it would be more odd if the walls were painted to depict bloody massacres in that patented Nazarick style.' I thought. Oh yes, with the number of deranged NPCs in Nazarick, I was certain at least one of them had to have had such a 'beautiful scenery' as their wallpaper.


"This is your room from now on, young lady. Lord Ainz has already introduced us earlier, but my name is Yuri Alpha and the she is Narberal Gamma," She introduced.


I slowly moved my hand over their faces as if to memorize them. I'm pretty sure that blind people used to do something like this. If there are any inconsistencies in my behaviour, they will be glossed over by the fact that I am not a human but an eldritch demon. The very definition of 'normal' was different for me as compared to other humans.


Their zealous behaviour would also lead them to glossing over certain facts. And so would Ainz's gullible nature. Well, I don't intend to keep my reality sense a secret forever. At an appropriate time, I can inform Ainz that I had 'discovered' this racial ability of mine suddenly one day.


"Let's get you cleaned and dressed, young lady." Yuri spoke and led me to the bathroom, if it could be called that. The place was massive as if to flex royalty.


I was stripped from my trusty ol' hospital gown by them as they started washing my body and cleaning my hair. As for me, I was zoning out. Why wouldn't I when I could use this time to think of other things.


Well, not before a narcissistic thought along the lines of, '~Hehe, why am I so cute…' passed through my mind. I swear it's because of my innate demonic aspects.


In relation to these thoughts about my body's influence on my mind, I figured that chugging down that bar of chocolate like a starving animal was due to a combination of whatever Nyx-chan did to this body as well as sugar being a simple and quick energy source.


My abilities as well as my race draws very heavily on my mind rather than my physical aspects. So my body greedily devours any sugar in front of it in search of that sweet, sweet release of dopamine. There could be no other reason possible!


The heteromorphic maids had already finished bathing me and combing my hair in the brief period of time showcasing their efficiency. They then dressed me in something like a fur cloak and a red ribbon.


"Thank you for your patience, young lady."


"Thank you…" I could see them trembling at my words of gratitude. Hehe, this is seriously fun. Maybe before, I was only acting for my benefit but with every interaction I am having, I seem to be falling in love with acting.


It felt thrilling evoke emotions from subtle gestures. It might get old quickly as time passed, much like my sadistic streak, but at least for now I enjoyed having others emotions at my mercy.


"Is there anything else you wish to do?" Narberal enquired.


"…Can I sleep?" I replied sheepishly. Obviously, I could not act like a cocky brat and start ordering them immediately. They were Ainz's henchmen not mine, even if they might obey me.


No, I had to slowly transition from the reticent child wearing masks to the confident one who overcame adversity. Character development was a sublime art. One that I was not willing to do in a half-hearted manner. Being a mindbender, my very being did not allow me to create a shoddy personality.


"Of course! I'll lead you to your bed." Upon being led to my destination, I immediately collapsed on the fluffy bed.


In truth, my current body did not need sleep to function. This was a voluntary choice born out of the fact that the concept of 'sleep' did not exist for me in the void. It was a desire to relieve what I once experienced on a daily basis.


And so I let the darkness swallow me as I subconsciously used my abilities to weave myself a beautiful dream.



It was a couple of hours later that I woke up. Immediately upon noticing that I was stirring awake, the two maids once again quickly got me prepared and started leading me to wherever this grand feast was.


Upon entering the hall of choice, my reality sense was swarmed with information regarding the dozens of entities present there. I took a brief moment to gloss over each of their unique souls and reality signatures.


I could recognize many of them like Albedo and the other floor guardians, Sebas and the Pleiades who had been present earlier, some area guardians and last but not the least, Ainz.


Based on how all of them except Ainz looked like they were desperately trying to stop their bodies from convulsing, I guessed that it required a lot of effort for them to restrain themselves from looking at me like a piece of meat.


Especially, Albedo. Oh ya, she already radiated an aura of all kinds of crazy. I could decipher her crazy thoughts using the 'language of madness' to be something like:


"Lilith! Lilith! MY Lilith!....^&*(#%#..."


Huh, my modifications really made her go deeper down the crazy street. Not that I mind though. I almost pitied the poor lost souls who might trouble me in future as they will have to deal with her.


After that, everyone introduced themselves to me as I continued my act. And everything was progressing well, until Sebas brought a GIANT, beautiful cake over. Yes…it was so beautiful that I subconsciously glossed over the fact that it was pink as well. As if the very essence of the world had been condensed into it.


After that my memory is bit of a blur as my mind went into over-ride. What exactly happened?