
The unspeakable occurrence

"Sorry, hello is someone there?" she said in the cutest, most childish like voice she could possibly muster, as she stepped out from behind the small wooden crate, the man smiled a giant grin easily seen out of his blurry shadow, facing away from the sunlight he stepped closer to the girl "Are you lost?" he said with obvious fake concern on his face "yes sorry I was just walking and texting on my phone, I didn't even care to realize I ended up near this scary place" she said with a quivering voice "Ahh yes, you have no need to worry, I have a car outside, I was just heading towards town ... I can give you a lift if you want" she smiled "Thank you, but I'll pass".

This unwelcome experience left her with no guilt, the man standing before her was a man of most disinterest, she had dealt with people like this before and although those people were not as *experienced* with children as he, she still felt the urge to destroy him like the others, but there was only one way to find out if he was the real low life she had been looking for. Apparently, every time he kidnapped a child he would ask this certain question before taking them. If a child said yes he would make up an excuse and say no, but if the child he had set his eye's on said no he would use force and take them, this was part of his brutal plan as it was apparent that he liked screaming children more than quiet ones, once when he took a child he left a note explaining how he loved the sound of a screaming child just before he killed them, this was because he found it more *Relieving* when he was able to shut them up.