
An Angel's Soul For The Devil's Heart

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This book is back in serialization. *Do check out and add my newest novel to your library.* The Dragon’s Fated Bride Note: The books are intertwined with each other through the characters. However, they are all intended to be standalone novels. There is no specific order. Angels have a history, and demons have a forthcoming... Fallen Archangel Samael is hiding under the guise of Lord Christopher Thorn II, the wealthiest shipping magnet in Victorian London. He has just laid his young wife, Lilith Thorn, to rest after her untimely death. In an effort to comfort the grieving family of the deceased woman, he uses his angelic gifts and accidentally awakens a mysterious entity. Her name is Scarlette Rose.... And this extraordinary being is about to upend Christopher's ordinary life. ~~~ [Excerpt] He lashed out viciously, "This is far from finished." Rose went to protest, and Chris swiftly laid another ferocious kiss on her lips to hush her up. Then tugged her hand, leading her to the curb. While they waited for their carriage, he leaned over and panted into her ear. "You forgot to negotiate what would happen after we finished dinner." Christopher was so close to Rose that she was drowning in his erotic scent. Her clouded mind scrambled to remember what she had said to him earlier in the coach, and the words eventually rang out like an alarm resounding in her head. 'I am in control for the rest of this evening while we are at dinner. You must do everything I want and ask for,' Rose held her tongue and did not respond to Christopher. She realized the error of her words. Rose should have never mentioned the part of 'while at dinner.' She understood it negated the first part of her demand about 'the rest of the evening.' ~~~ THIS IS A SLOWBURN NOVEL: A slow burn is a story that moves at its own pace, usually not very fast, and with characters, obstacles, and plotlines that can take a bit to develop. {WARNING: Mature subject matter R-18} THE SEXY TIME STUFF COMES LATER IN THE BOOK. Disclaimer: THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION. ALL NAMES, CHARACTERS, ORGANIZATIONS, PLACES, AND EVENTS ARE EITHER THE PRODUCT OF THE AUTHOR'S IMAGINATION OR USED IN A FICTITIOUS MANNER. THE BOOK COVER IS MINE; PLEASE DO NOT USE IT. Typography for title created by: @nnaise/nnaise#3536on discord https://discord.gg/YbbR2dK6 email: RoseandThornbook@icloud.com

The_Sweet_Sparrow · Fantasia
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339 Chs


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While waiting for Sir Edmund to arrive at the station. Christopher's mind flashed back to the events that had started this whole escapade three days earlier.

Three days earlier: 1894, December 23 Thorn Family Estate

He remembered the considerable uproar coming from within the walls of Thorn estate. His wife, Lady Lilith, was causing all the commotion. She could be heard roaming about the mansion ordering the servants to clean and prepare for the arrival of her family. This was the first time since she and Christopher married to host the holidays in their home. It should have been a joyous occasion, but the Lady of the manor made it miserable for everyone.

"Duncan!!!! Who set the table? It's all wrong!" Lilith picked up a plate from the table and shook it in his face. "The maids were supposed to put out Benardaud's Louis XV Pattern. It matches the holiday decor. They placed the Le Gobelet du Roy instead. That is for easter and spring. Rectify it right now, "Lilith demanded, stomping her foot at the butler. The Lady was ill-tempered and nitpicking everyone this evening. "How incompetent can the maids be? Could they not see the difference? "Lilith mumbled to Duncan and shook her head, walking out of the dining room.

"Yes, Milady, Right away." Duncan snapped his fingers at the two maids and pointed to the table, "You heard Lady Lilith; get this corrected, please." Both maids bowed and quickly started to reset the table.

"Where are the garlands for the fireplaces and the different trees I ordered? We have to get them decorated," before Duncan, the butler, could reply to her questions, Lilith bellowed sharply at staff. She stood in the center of the foyer, screaming like a spoiled child. "Does anyone among you have a brain? If this is not resolved instantly, you can all forget about leaving for boxing day or the bonuses in your pay buckets."

Duncan, the butler, had faithfully served Lord Christopher Thorn II since he had taken over the estate a few years ago. The butler had also cared for the previous Lord. Duncan was a good and dependable servant and always did whatever was asked of him. Christopher had put the butler in charge of helping Lilith with holiday decorating, but Duncan now stood listening to Lilith's commands and wished he could resign immediately. The fire-breathing dragon in front of him was impossible to please. Duncan wondered what The Lord saw in this crazy woman.

Next, Duncan observed Lilith stride over to the large urns in the entryway, yanking the florals out and throwing them at the already distressed servants. "Get new stems for the vases. These are all dead and wilted." Even though the staff had replaced the flowers an hour earlier, Duncan saw the servants worried gazes. He signaled with his hand for them to remain quiet. They knew the older man would handle the Lady of the house.

"YOU!" said Lilith through gritted teeth, her eyes blazing at the maid, "Get me something to drink!" The servant looked upset at how the Lady was acting.

"Lucy, please attend to the tea for Lady Lilith and bring it into the library. I will finish getting the rest of her instructions." The butler quietly instructed the maid.

"What are you standing here looking at? You heard the man GO GET MY TEA!!!!" Lilith screeched. It made Lucy jump and run like a scared rabbit from the room.

The butler stood like a silent statue, watching Lilith. She was in full form today, and it looked like nothing would appease her. She glared at Duncan and then proceeded to march to the second floor.

Lilith pounded on The Lord's door. "Christopher! Open the door this instant!!!" She demanded, crossing her arms and tapping her foot while waiting on her husband to answer her.

Lord Thorn sat at the desk in his study, trying to concentrate on the documents in front of him. However, he found it impossible. Christopher listened for hours to his wife mistreating the staff. Now Lilith was at his door, about to break it down. Finally fed up, Christopher cursed, "Fuck" running both hands through his hair in frustration. He pushed up from where he was seated and strode to the study door jerking it wide open.

"What in the name of all that is holy?" Christopher yelled in Lilith's face, making her step away from him. She saw his jaw tick. "Why are you torturing my servants? It sounds like the siege of London out here. I can't even think anymore." His words were terse, and he cursed at her under his breath. "Damn it, Lilith!"

"I'm sorry," She lamented. "I just want everything perfect for my family's stay." Lilith looked down at her feet and stood silent for the first time since she had awoken this morning. She knew Christopher well, and he never lost his temper, but she had crossed the line.

Lord Thorn glared down at his wife. His grey eyes burned with fire. "Berating and threatening my servants will not make it perfect. Take a good look. This entire estate is in chaos because of you. Everyone's walking on eggshells and scared to breathe. You need to watch your attitude and stop harassing them. Duncan knows how to do his job and organize everyone here. If you see a problem, ask him politely to take care of it, and he will get it done. One more thing Lilith," He poked her in the chest with his finger. "I am The Lord of this estate and the one who decides when a bonus will be gifted and if staff will be given a holiday break. NOT YOU! understand?" He exclaimed in a clipped tone.

"Yes, Christopher." Lilith nodded her head. She wanted to retort but knew better by how her husband spoke to her. She watched Christopher turn and go back to his study. Lilith heard the door bang when he closed it, making her flinch. She stood in the hall, face red with embarrassment. Lilith felt humiliated by Christopher correcting her in front of the servants. She never understood why he tolerated the lower classes and those socially beneath them. Lady Lilith headed for the library, looking like a scolded child.

Lord Thorn leaned against the door and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He visibly relaxed then, returned to the hall, and looked around at the servants. They had all settled once Lilith left the room and was scrambling about to finish decorating. Christopher calmly addressed the staff, "Please complete the Lady's tasks. Don't worry; you will receive your bonuses and time off for the holiday," he returned to work in his study once he spoke with the staff.


The day was turning to evening, and Christopher had stopped working. He poured himself a tumbler of scotch and lit a cigar. He leaned back in his chair, drew on the smoke, and thought about his horrid marriage to Lilith. It was his greed that had landed him in this oppressive situation.

Lady Lilith Anne Thomas was the second youngest child of Henry and Lily Thomas.

Henry was a self-made man and owned most of the railroads in England. He worked his way up from the bottom and never let his family forget they were superior to all others. Christopher was sure this was probably where Lilith's character became flawed.

The marriage between Lilith and him was a union of convenience and financial politics. She would marry a rich man to support her every want, and in return, Christopher would use the Thomas family railways for his shipping and cartage empire.

They had met in France while her parents vacationed during the summer. Christopher was there on business. He was trying to broker a deal with Sir Thomas. The Lord wanted the railway to move goods from the English ports.

Leaning back in his chair, Christopher downed the scotch and took another drag off his cigar. Remembering the first time he met Lilith. He thought about how gorgeous she was, but now he wished he had never laid eyes on her.

"Christopher, this is my daughter. Miss Lilith Thomas" Henry introduced his daughter to The Lord.

"Good evening Miss Thomas, I'm Christopher Thorn" He bowed and picked up her gloved hand to kiss it politely. His grey eyes flirted with her, and he watched her as she blushed.

Miss Lilith bowed and closed her eyes, batting her long lovely lashes. She had a soft smile on her lips. "A pleasure to meet you, Lord Thorn." She greeted. He was utterly mesmerized by the young woman in front of him.

Lilith had always been a stunning beauty. She was petite with a tiny waist. Her hair was long and full of golden waves, with a complexion of peaches and cream, plump ruby lips, and eyes like deep blue sapphires. Lilith's voice was gentle as a morning breeze. She acted like a genuine lady during that time. Little did Christopher know a dark, ugly soul was hidden beneath her beautiful veneer.

They had courted for a year. Over that time, The Lady had shown herself to be a commanding presence at events they attended. She was a social butterfly. He thought marriage to her would be a good thing during the courtship. Lilith's family announced the engagement after Christopher had asked for her hand. He saw the mask slide, and Lilith's true personality began to show through her facade. He should have walked away from her back then, but the railroad deal seemed more important.

Even though Christopher had become tired of his wife's treatment of others of lower status, he was a man of honor, and no matter what, he would take care of Lilith. He had made a promise, and he never went back on his word. However, The Lord did not have to accept her bad attitude. He would be sure to adjust it when necessary.


If you notice that the first few chapters are dated, the book has few flashback sequences. It is so you don't get lost in the story.

Playlist available on Youtube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2vsWKwYlCaPKqkaxNSqAZJRPeOXJhLdS&feature=share

Music Choice:

Ursine Vulpine & Annaca

And So My Heart Became A Void

The_Sweet_Sparrowcreators' thoughts