
Week 29: Unbreakable Bonds

Curiosity fills your mind as you seek further understanding of Archer's growth and the nature of the divine bond between you.

You: "How quickly will Archer grow?"

Kore: "Due to the divine bond between you, Archer's growth will always mirror your own lifespan. If you start as an adult, he will age to match your current age. Conversely, if you start as an infant, he will regress in age to align with you. Regardless, both of you will retain your current knowledge."

Kore continues, providing additional details.

Kore: "In the latter scenario, Archer will initially be smaller than you, but by the age of 12, he will reach a similar size. Once you reach maturity, he will have grown to a point where, on all fours, he stands at the same height as you."

You: "Can Archer assist me in choosing which world to pick?"

Kore: "While Archer is quite intelligent, without revisiting the tour I gave you with him in the two potential worlds, he may not grasp the significance. However, if you wish, we can embark on that tour once again."

You: "No, I believe I can make the decision myself."

Kore: "Very well. Would you like to make your choice now, or do you have any more questions or specific desires to explore in either of the two worlds before deciding?"

You: "Could you provide further information about the 'Divine Bond' you mentioned earlier?"

Kore: "Certainly. The Divine Bond manifests as a mark on the back of your palm, while Archer will bear the same mark on his forehead. This mark signifies to others that you are bound by the gods, deterring anyone from attempting to separate you to avoid incurring divine wrath. In the fantasy world, this mark is well-known among its inhabitants, while in the apocalyptic world, only those with extensive knowledge or personal experience of its consequences are aware of its existence."

Kore further elaborates on the nature of the bond.

Kore: "Furthermore, the Divine Bond always links the lifespans of the bonded individuals. It ensures that the one with a shorter lifespan aligns with the one with the longer lifespan. This is why many humans in the fantasy world aspire to form a divine bond with a dragon, as dragons can live up to 120,000 years."

Armed with newfound knowledge, you contemplate the significance of the divine bond and its implications for your journey. The choice of the world lies before you, waiting to be made.