
Week 18: Lost in the Ruins

You express your desire to explore the apocalyptic world and embark on a journey alongside Kore.

The surroundings begin to blur as the world spins around you. The spinning gains momentum until all you see are streaks of vibrant light. Gradually, the rotation slows down, and you find yourself standing in a vastly different landscape.

You rub your eyes, taking in the sight of ruins that bear a striking resemblance to what Tokyo would look like after enduring a devastating earthquake, left abandoned for over a century.

You: "Where are we, and what was with all those swirling colors?"

Kore: "We have arrived in what used to be Tokyo of this world. Initially, this world was an exact replica of your own until a significant event involving Hitler. One of Hitler's scientists stumbled upon a unique form of energy capable of inflicting more devastation than the realm of nuclear physics could fathom. However, Hitler remained unaware of the extent of the destruction it would unleash. This weapon annihilated all electronics and released its energy worldwide, obliterating the entire European continent, including the scientist and Hitler himself."

Kore: "This energy later came to be known as Qi, and those who can harness its power are called cultivators."

You: "Can you teach me about how Qi works?"

Kore: "If you're referring to its practical usage, it would be futile unless you decide to remain in this world. However, if you're interested in understanding the system and potential applications of Qi, I can provide the knowledge."

Kore: "Cultivators are divided into three categories: Mortals, whose life expectancy is less than 200 years; Demimortals, who can live between 200 and 1 million years; and Immortals, whose life expectancy surpasses 1 million years. Thus far, no one has achieved true immortality, escaping the grasp of old age indefinitely. Each category consists of tiers, with each tier containing three grades: Low, Medium, and High. For Mortals, the tiers are Awaking, Strengthening, and Transcending. Advancing through Mortal grades adds 5 years to your life expectancy, while each tier bestows an additional 15 years. Breaking beyond the Transcending tier awards an extra 100 years. Mortal cultivators deal with set time amounts. However, beyond Mortal, progress is measured in the percentage of life remaining. The faster one cultivates, the greater the chances of advancing and prolonging their life."

Kore: "Demimortals encompass nine tiers, grouped into three categories. The first group is Body, where each grade focuses on fortifying a specific part of the body. The tiers in the Body group are Cardiovascular, Neuroskeletal, and Dermal. The second group is Perception, aimed at enhancing one's perception of the world. The tiers in the Perception group are 5 Senses, Spacial, and Temporal. Finally, the third group is Soul, concentrating on soul-related aspects. The tiers in the Soul group are Body, Sense, and Separation. Within the Demimortal category, each grade increases life expectancy by 1%, each tier by 10%, and each group by 50%."

Kore: "Regarding Immortals, the number of tiers remains unknown. However, each grade amplifies life expectancy by 10%, while each tier extends it by 50%."

Kore: "Shall I explain the various uses of Qi as well?"

You: "Yes, please. By the way, where is everyone?"

Kore: "Most individuals reside within Sects, which are typically led by Demimortals with an Immortal protector. Non-cultivators and Mortals often fulfill more mundane roles such as tending to livestock and engaging in farming."

Kore: "In terms of Qi utilization, it is primarily limited by three factors: the amount of Qi your body can contain, which increases with higher grades; your affinities, which remain constant; and your imagination. As long as you possess the right affinity and sufficient Qi, your only limitation is your own creativity."

Kore: "Regarding affinities, they come in countless types and combinations, seemingly devoid of any discernible pattern in this world."

The mysterious and shattered world stretches out before you, beckoning you to delve deeper into its secrets. The knowledge of Qi and the ruins of Tokyo lay waiting, inviting you to unravel the enigmas that lie hidden within.