
19. Reality

Ann slowly opened her eyes. She immediately noticed an unfamiliar ceiling. She sat up, and the blanket slipped off her, taking away the feeling of safety and softness. Grunting, she got out of bed and went to the mirror.

Circles under the eyes, tousled hair, sports clothes and a face full of despair. Yes, it definitely wasn't a dream.

"I'm really in another world....and I'm talking to myself like an idiot. " – she touched her reflection

Her reflection was the same as her. Tired, broken and scared. Anne felt for the first time what it was like to be alone. Previously, she was surrounded by friends, parents, classmates and just strangers to her. But now, she's alone. One of the three people who arrived in another world.

(God, what nonsense I'm talking right now. )- she moved away from the mirror and left the room

Huge bookshelves appeared in front of her. Yesterday she did not pay attention to them because of fatigue, shock and hunger. A lot of shelves stood near the walls or in a row all over the floor. Passing by them, she chose a random book and opened it.

(Wait, why is English here? ) – there were words in English in the book, but how?

She forgave a couple of pages, then returned the book to its place and continued to wander. She didn't remember how she ended up in the room, which means that Adamantius moved her there.

(He looks pretty creepy, and the way he talks is just infuriating. But he's quite nice... in his own way, of course. ) – she grinned at her thoughts

[ GLLL ! ] – her stomach let out a long howl

She stroked her stomach and immediately smelled something delicious. Wiping her drool, she followed the smell and went down to the first floor. There I found the door from which this wonderful smell was coming. She carefully opened it and went inside.

It was the kitchen. It's just like in a normal kitchen. The figure in the raincoat muttered something to himself and danced while cooking on the stove. Ann wanted to leave quietly, but she was noticed.

"You're a pretty early bird. I thought you'd sleep until lunch. "- he turned to her

"Oh, I was just passing by. I studied the situation and..."


Her face instantly turned red and she clutched her stomach. Adam just grinned, it's not the first time he's seen this.

"Sit down, Miss Adventurer. A good day should start with a good breakfast. "

Ann was instantly at the table and picked up her fork. Adam walked over to her and put a plate of scrambled eggs with strange, green meat on it. But Ann didn't care, she was starving. She instantly grabbed a piece of meat while Adam poured her tea and cut bread.

" Wow ! It's pretty tasty, what is it? Ann looked at him with her mouth full

"Usually scrambled eggs. Domesticated spider eggs and snake meat. The main thing is to process everything correctly, because individually they are poisonous. " - Adam sat down opposite her with a cup of tea

Ann immediately stopped eating and looked at her plate. She narrowed her eyes and began to chew slowly, trying to taste the strange taste.

"Don't be afraid, I've removed the poison. And while you're eating, I'll tell you the plans for the near future. " - Adam opened his helmet a little and took a sip of tea

"First you need to find the second star that fell almost next to you. After that, I will begin your training, which will last about two months."

"Wait, wait, wait! Two months?! " – Ann wiped off with a towel

"Yes. It's rock season now, and the whole valley is surrounded, there's no way out of it. So we need to wait two months before we go after the third star. Although she should be doing much better now, my friends are looking out for her. "

" I can 't wait two months ! What about school ? Homework? Heck! My parents, they're probably going crazy! " – Ann got up and started walking in circles holding her head

"Oh, don't be afraid. Your stay here won't last two months..." she looked at him hopefully

"You'll be here much longer. Maybe half a year, maybe a year. Who knows, it all depends on how quickly it all starts. Adam shrugged and took a sip of tea

" What are you talking about ? " - Ann sat down at the table

"Do you remember me saying that you were called here for a great purpose? So....your task is to cope with this great goal. " - Adam grinned and took a sip of tea

" Arch ! How you infuriate me! " – she hit her head on the table

"Sometimes you remind me of someone I know. He sounded just like you! And because of that, I want to punch you and him too.....if I can find him. "

"Heh, get strong first, fluffy. " – he got up from the table and collected the dishes

" Fluffy? " - She raised an eyebrow

"Your nickname. I've never seen so much hair on someone's head. But jokes aside, we need to talk about your program today. "

Adam quickly wiped his hands and called her to follow him.

"My library has been popular lately, so almost the whole village comes here, well, the part that can read. "– they were passing by bookcases and Adam stopped, taking books for Ann

"That means you have to stay in your room all the time. Also in the evening I teach two annoying children to read and write, so I ask you not to go out until the evening. " – Adam took the last book and then gave them to Ann

"I'll bring lunch and dinner right to your room. I also advise you to read these books, you should familiarize yourself with the orders of my world. "

" [ Amphibian History ], [ Peoples and their History ], [ Amphibian Rituals and Customs ], [ Amphibian Geography ]. God, it's like I'm going to school again."

"Don't worry, it's just for today. Tomorrow I have a day off and you and I will go after your friend. So hold out for a day, and then it will be much worse for you. "

"Um, did you want to say better? "

"Oh, no. As soon as we pick up your friend, I'll take you seriously. Hell of a workout will be waiting for you, so enjoy your vacation and read books. After all, the day after tomorrow hell awaits you in the flesh. "

Ann swallowed as she saw his eyes turn golden for a moment.

"And now, shoo! I'm already late. "


(Today the day lasted much longer than usual. )

Adam leaned on the counter and watched the last customer with a lazy look. Today the day lasted like an eternity. Maybe because Ann showed up, maybe because he just didn't want to work today.

" Hey ! It 's time for our lesson ! "

(Oh, and I also have these children. And why did I just agree ? Oh yeah. Because of my own stupidity and pride.)

Ivy and Sprig ran into the library and headed to their seats while he locked it. He took the textbooks from under the counter and headed towards them. Those were already sitting in their seats and literally jumping with impatience.

"You know, in my time, children hated learning. " – he put the book behind the table and sat down on it

" Impossible ! How can you not love studying ? It 's so cool ! You can read so many books, notes, or secret diaries of your moms." – Ivy smiled naively at him

"….you know, I don't care how you use the knowledge you've gained. I don't get paid for it. "

" But we don 't pay you anyway ! "

"Exactly. "

Adam turned to the blackboard and quickly wrote down the topic of the lesson.

[ Accent]

"Today let's talk about something light. Accent. What do you think it is? "

"Mmm....is it when people have different voices ? " – an uncertain Sprig in action

"Not a bad attempt, but no. The accent is..." he broke off abruptly

His eyes narrowed when he noticed a large head of hair sticking out from behind the railing of the second floor.

"...this is when people have different pronunciation. For example, your grandfather Hop Pop. You probably noticed that he lengthens the words. It's the same with Ivy's mom, Felicia, on the contrary, likes to shorten and quickly pronounce words. Everyone has their own accent, everyone is unique in their own way. "

As he spoke, his gaze did not shift from Ann's hair.

( I asked this fool not to show her face to me ! What the hell is she doing?!)

"You will think about it for now, I will now. "

Adam turned on the maximum speed and instantly climbed the stairs to the second floor. He immediately appeared next to the surprised Ann and sat down so that the children could not see them.

" What did I tell you ? Are you crazy?! " - he whispered angrily, grabbing her by the ear

"Aw, sorry. But I got bored, and I decided to take a little walk. Get some fresh air, freshen up, so to speak. "

" And if you were noticed ? If someone saw you? Do you have any idea the consequences of your actions ? " – he pulled her ear slightly

" Ouch ! So what if they see me ? Surely they won 't rush at me with pitchforks and torches in their hands ? " - She looked at him with a grin

The smile quickly disappeared from her face when Adam didn't answer her.

" But you reacted normally , didn 't you ? You didn 't try to kill me ! " – now Adam chuckled a little

"No. But I knew who you were. I knew where you were from and I knew what kind of creature you were. I was prepared for this in advance ! I've been waiting for a long time.... "

[ BANG ! ]

Adam turned around. Behind them stood Ivy and Sprig, whose textbook had fallen out of his hands. There was a huge surprise on their faces . Ivy literally held her jaw with her hands so that it wouldn't fall while Sprigu's hand slowly reached for the slingshot behind his belt.

"And we were discovered. " - Adam let go of Ann's ear and stood up, cracking his knuckles

" Look what you've done, Ann " – he pointed to the children

"That's what I was talking about. Now I have to get rid of unnecessary witnesses. Nothing personal, kids, just protecting my idiot ward. " – Adam 's eyes filled with gold and he headed towards the children

Oh stretched out his hand to them and lightning began to gather on it. From them came a strong rumble. And when he almost touched them, Ann stepped between them.

" Stop ! " - He stopped instantly, holding his hand at her neck

" Maybe we can somehow do without ... this? " - She looked nervously at his hand

" Yes ? I am listening carefully to your suggestions. "

"Maybe if they promise not to tell anyone, then everything will be fine. Isn't that right? Hmm?! She nudged Sprigg

" Yyyyes ! We swear that we will not tell anyone about this strange creature ! Honestly! Ivy nodded her head in agreement

Adam looked at them for a while. Sweat began to flow down Ann's head until the lightning bolts disappeared from his hands.

"Good. I wasn 't really going to kill them . " – he shook off the robe while they looked at him with a dubious look

" What? Do you really think I would kill you? Only two small bodies were missing in my library. Relax, I just wanted to scare you. " – Adam walked past them and headed down

"Ann, this is Ivy and Sprig. Sprigg, Ivy, this is Ann. Our lesson is over for today, you can talk to each other for now. I'll go cook dinner."

They watched him calmly leave as if nothing had happened. He disappeared into the kitchen, leaving them alone with each other. Ann looked at Ivy and Sprigg, who were looking at her.

"So....are you going to eat us or what ? "

" What? No! "