
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Amour Interdit. (Forbidden love.) Chapter 3.

"Probably if you leave now you might find them.

King Leonard left the room without uttering a word, Maggie was left in the room, she knew that her chances of working again in this palace was little.

"Matt gather all our men we are going to look for my daughter I had that she is out of the palace." he stated then went back to the room to inform the queen about the situation.

Matt was one of his trusted men.

"Matt you will stay with me, We have five major roots, Mark, Lyon, Nick, Eric, and Fred you will lead with each group and follow the roots and if you happens to see the princess please send one of you back to inform me." King Leonard stated and they left.

Meanwhile the Queen went back to her daughter's room she kept wondering what did Lukas did to her lovely daughter, now look what crazy thing she has done. If they manage to find her and bring her back and people find out she couldn't imagine what they will do to her one and only daughter the thought of it just sent chills down her spine.

"Princess are you okay?" Lukas asked after sometime they were far away from the palace.

"Yes I am, never been better, especially now that I will not attend that wedding." She said with a smile.

"Yeah, from today we will never have to hide our love again."


Lukas turned to give him a peck but he didn't get a chance because suddenly Lily jumped and they fell hard on the ground.

As they continue to groan in pain they heard another horse neighed, Melissa looked up and what she saw astonished her.

"Mark, what are you doing here?" She was completely perplexed how the hell did they manage to find them so quickly.

"We have come to find you, come with us right now." He commanded.

"Job kindly inform the King that we have found the princess."

"Yes." Like that the man left.

"I am not coming with you and who told you that you can order me around I am your princess." She asked her hands clasped with Lukas tightly.

"Lukas let her go." Mark ordered.

"What if I don't want to." Lukas asked he was burning up with vary how was loving this princessvery difficult just because he didn't have money didn't mean that he can't give her the life she deserves.

"Get the princess." Mark said and two bulky men approached but they didn't get them because the two lovers run.

But they didn't run for long because the King suddenly appeared before them.

"Papa." She called frightened.

"Let her go." The King ordered with so much anger.

"I am sorry your highness but I am not letting her go that easily I love her to much." He stated with so much bravery but deep down he was terrified. The others looked at him with horror no one has never dared answer the king back, this was the first time. Melissa just looked at him and smiled with tears in her eyes.

"I wanted to do this in an easy way but you're forcing me to do it in a hard way,,,,get him." He ordered and the men who were chasing them earlier grabbed Lukas and held him down while the others held the princess.

"No no Papa you can't do this we love each other." She said crying.

"Melissa I am sorry darling but this man is not good for you."

"How do you know that Papa?"

"Because I am your father,,,I want you to beat this man until he can't walk again this is the punishment, I would rather prefer killing him but I am not a murderer." He told the men who just got there.

The men just got to work, they didn't delay, Melissa watched as they bit him. She kept yelling the word no trying hard to get away from the two men who were holding her, until she bit one and she got free.

"Let him go, your hurting him, let him go, Lukas,, she called trying to pull the men away but they were just too strong,,,Lukas Lukas please fight remember you said that you will fight for us? please I need you to do that." the two men whom one of them she bit again got hold of her.

"Let me go, let me go, let me go." He kept Yelling but this time they held her tight.

Meanwhile Lukas was about to give up, but when she heard her darling princess's voice he suddenly found the strength, just in one go he was able to throw the two men who were holding him down away from him.

He started to fight them one by one but the men were just too strong for him, Melissa who was slowly losing hope suddenly saw what was happening and she smiled.

The King finally saw why his daughter was crazy about this man, he was kind of man who don't give up easily, not until they got what they want, he was also hurting but there was no way he could allow her only daughter to marry a bodyguard when they arranged the marriage long time ago. Suddenly he climbed down from the horse and held her daughter himself.

"Go help them." He told the two men and they obeyed, it didn't take long before Lukas Nelson was on the ground completely covered with Bruises all over.

Melissa watched as he slowly fell on the ground and she quickly broke from her father's grip hoping to save him from falling but she was late he fell down like a suck of maize as she screams his name.

"Lukas,,,she called once she was beside him she called again but there was no response she called almost five times but still there was no response, she refused to accept that he was dead

Her hands trembles to direction of his heart and found out that he was not breathing, she quickly wipe the tears in her eyes and decided to call him calmly but still he didn't move.

"Lukas wake up, wake up." She yelled with tears rolling down endlessly as he shook him.

"You killed him Papa. You killed him Papa, why did you do it??? she asked him walking lagishly towards him,,,, why did you do it just because you didn't want to be ashamed that I was in love with a bodyguard, I hate that I am a princess I wish that I wasn't a princess."

She yelled then went back to Lukas's but before she could reach there everything turned black and the next thing she saw, she was lying on the bed with her mother next to her the next day at twelve.

"Mama." She called as she sit down and her mother helped her.

She looked at her mother and she couldn't fathom why she was in her chamber.

"Olga can you please tell the cook to serve Melissa some sou

"Yes you my lady."

"Mama what is going on? and why is Olga in my room but not Maggie and why I am sleeping at this time of hour, what is the time?" She asked and Queen Elsa looked at her perplexed.

"What is the last thing that you remember doing?" she asked and she saw trying to remember.

"I....I..she stammered as she tried hard to remember,,I run away with Lukas then they killed him Mama they killed Lukas." she said as she brake into tears and her mother pulled her in her embrace as she continues to sob.

The soup was brought she didn't want to drink but her mother forced her, she was called to have dinner but she refused as if she avoiding someone, the food was brought to her but she barely touched the food.

"Melissa if you want I can sleep next to you tonight."

"No Mama I will be fine don't worry about me." She was quick to retort.

Elsa knew she wasn't fine she was broken she was probably waiting for her to leave so that she can cry more.

Immediately after queen Elsa left, the King came, Melissa didn't look at him twice once she saw that it was him, may be she was still blaming him for what happened to Lukas.

King Leonard looked at his daughter then the words she said before she fainted played back in his head.

"You killed him Papa, you killed him."

"I see you're awake princess, I am glad and I hope you haven't forgotten that tomorrow is you wedding?" He said glancing at her but the girl didn't even turn around and he got the massage that she was still mad at him, but he was doing what is best for her.

"No Papa I have not."

How can she forget it was probably going to be her worst day ever.

"Never tell your husband or your in laws about what encountered yesterday or that you had a lover,,,he stated but she still didn't look at him,,,good night princess." He said then left.

Melissa continue to cry as she remembers Lukas since the day they met until he took his last breath.

"Why did you have to go Lukas? You could have taken me with you,,,She cried in her pillow, we had a forbidden love." they new it from the first but they didn't want accept.

Melissa cried untill she didn't have any tears to shed as she fall asleep unknowingly.

The King was depressed he didn't know if his daughter will ever forgive him.

"You should have seen her El, she was not the Melissa that we use to know calm and cheerful, she was completely a different person, all I saw in her eyes were hate and anger." The King told the queen who was now trying to comfort him.

Yesterday after Melissa fainted Her Father the king quickly rushed on her side to check on her probably wondering if she was dead too, he knew what he was thinking was foolish but she didn't want her daughter to die yet, she must live and see that he made the right choice by marring her off to the prince of Gwenu.

When he checked and found out that she was still breathing she sigh a long sigh.

"Your highness what should we do with Lukas's body?" Matt was the one who asked.

"Just leave it there, and not a word of this to anyone, not a word, nobody should never find out about this is all understood?" The King said sternly and they all nodded.

After that, the King carried her daughter and they headed back to the palace. When they arrived, it was late, they didn't wake anyone up.

After they left, there was a woman who was hiding by the bush who witnessed everything that just happened and it was none other than Maggie, after the people from the palace left, she quickly rushed to Lukas and Luckily she found out that the man was still breathing though he was not in a good condition.

"She needs a doctor as soon as possible." The lady muttered, after a short while she saw some men passing not far away from where they were, she asked them to help her carry him.

"May I Know what happened to him?" One of the men asked.

"I said no questions, do you want money or not?"

"Yes we want money." They answered in unison.

"Alright if you want money then no questions."


"Please this way." she said pointing the direction of Lukas's house.

"After they put him on the bed Maggie pay them and they left. She quickly went to call a doctor she happens to know one from the palace.

The doctor came and checked on him prescribe him some herbs to help with the bruises.

"Will he get better?" Maggie asked the doctor.