
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantasia
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50 Chs

Amour Interdit (Forbidden Love)Chapter47

"That is a lot of money, we can accept it." Emily's mother exclaimed.

"No is not a lot, take it you will need it." She stated.

Helena looked at Emily's body with a sad gaze

"I promise I will find out who did this to you and I swear they will pay, even if it's my own mother or brother." She swore, bid her farewell climbed in the carriage then left.

"How was it?" Alex asked.

"It was awful, you could have seen her parents face after they found out that there daughter was dead." She stated her mind flashing back to that scene.

Now the three didn't know what to do, where to find Melissa, when Demetrius's will be awake? but they swore not to give up, the day went but there was no clue of where to find Meli, Helena has been following her mother all day but her mother didn't give her any lead.

The King checked everywhere in the palace but she couldn't see the sign of her daughter in law, he even check in the basement but there was no tace of her.

But she couldn't ask the queen where she was she might figure out that he knows about her and harm her before they find her.

The guards told her that they didn't see anyone leaving the palace that night, so she was in the palace but where was she?

Ivy sneak in the queen and king's chamber to look if she can find any clue but there was zero, this time she was not only looking for poison but also the dagger.

She was sure that the queen killed her to keep some secret, but what was the secret? did she know we're the princess was and that is why she was killed she asked herself.

After searching in her chamber and didn't find anything she went to her secret room. But she couldn't find anything.

Same to Alex he was following Charles but Charles is only's work was to get drank and spout nonsense.

Darkness took over Demetrius completely and he could here somebody calling his name and sniffing, He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out is like he was numb.

She opened his eyes and find that he was sleeping on the green grass with a white clothes, she looked at himself and wondered which clothes he was wearing? And why was she wearing white clothes and where was he?

And wait where is Meli he was just with him earlier where is she? Immediately he started looking for her.

He walked around but she didn't find her, was she hiding from him and he wanted her to find her? She likes to play that game a lot with him.

He looked everywhere, he run around but still he couldn't find her, he couldn't know for how long he has been looking for her but he was tired of walking, it started to rain and she ran under the the tree.

It didn't take long before the rain stopped, then he started to look for her, where is she, she tried calling her but she didn't answer to him.

"Where are you my lady?" He asked himself taking a rest. Even though he didn't want to rest before finding her he just decided to take some rest.

After resting long enough, he stood up and started to looking for her again, he could feel like she was very close.

He looked at his clothes again and his face twitch he was not wearing this clothes before, this were not the clothes he was wearing. Before digging further he had giggles.

He looked around and saw her over the tall grasses that were not far away from him. She quickly run to her and wrapped his arms around her on her neck.

"I was looking everywhere for you and you were just hiding here." he asked kissing her neck and surprisingly she had a baby boy.

"We were waiting for you, where have you been." Meli asked with a smile.

Demetrius didn't answer her question, instead he asked a question.

"Is that our son?" Demetrius asked not able to believe that they got a son, they have a son

"Yes, why did you keep on asking that so many times?" Melissa asked with a smile again.

"Can I hold him." He asked, the boy was around six months.

"Yes why not." She said handing over to him.

"Our son." He stated, not able to control his mixed emotion, tears of joy Falling from her face.

"Yes." she answered also with tears of joy.

"He is so handsome just like me." He complemented.

His son had all his features, except for his hair which looked like his mother's. If not for that he would have been his exact copyright.

"Thank you." He stated he was filled with joy that he couldn't contain. Meli could only smile.

He looked at his son, he smiled at him, and he also smiled back at him, he had the most beautiful smile. They played for a while forgetting they his mother was watching them.

Then the next moment Demetrius looked at her with a smile, that seem to be fading away.

"Wait Meli are we dreaming?" He asked Melissa and she chuckled first before answering.

"Why would you say we are dreaming?" Melissa asked her smile never Fading.

And soon after he asked that she started to fade away together with his son, how can she leave when she doesn't know the name of the baby yet.

He watches them as they slowly fade away. He stood up and started to call them to come back, he run around calling them but he couldn't see them, tears started to fall from her face

"Where are you guys I can't see you guys." He stated feeling like if he didn't see them the next moment he was going to cry for real.

He started to cry for real she looked for them but she couldn't see them, where are they she called her bout she didn't answer.

"Melissa." He yelped her name loudly this, that his vein were invisible.

The people were taken a back by Demetrius's scream in the room. They were just sitting across the room everyone lost on their own thoughts.

They were jolted out if their thoughts they both run Demetrius's side.

"Demetrius you are awake." Helena stated looking at her brother.

He was sweating all over and tears were also on his eyes.

He helped him sat upright as she take a close look at him, was he feeling fine? Was he feeling hurt anywhere?

"Do you need anything? food, drink anything at all? Helena asked finally her brother was awake. She wish she could just scream at the top of her lungs.

He glanced across the room but he couldn't see Melissa.

"What happened? why a m here lying on the bed?" He asked, Helena was not going to tell him what happened until he recovered completely. So she looked for a lie to tell him, finally something crossed her mind and bingo.

"M...." Before she finished Ivy cut her.

"Well you were poison and you have been sleeping for almost two days." Ivy told him, she was really glad that he is awake.

Demetrius didn't know how to process what he just heard, everyone in the room looked so worried, even Ivy she seemed so worried he didn't know that she will worry about her after what encountered last time they met.

Even Alex was in his chamber, but wait where is Melissa since he woke up he hasn't seen the sight of her, was she somewhere in the bathroom or?

"Where is Melissa?" He asked and everyone in the room swallowed, how were they going to tell him that his wife was abducted, and she was nowhere to be seen.

Helena knew that now, havoc was going to be created, he won't rest until he found her, he was going to turn this palace up side down.

Demetrius looked at them their face showing nothing but worry, what was going what was going on? did they poison his wife and she died she didn't survive.

"Will somebody tell me something." She shouted besides still feeling some pain in her stomach, that he ended up touching his stomach.

"Relax Demetrius." Helena told her.

"I am going to do that after you tell me where my wife is, so your going to tell me right now where she is." He stated his eyes starting to grow cold.

"Are you going to tell me or not?? He asked again,,,, Melissa,,,Melissa,,," He started to call like a Maniac climbing down from the bed.

"Melissa,,, Melissa,,,,."

"Melissa is not here." Helena shouted.

"What do you mean she is not here where is she????she asked sitting back on the bed,,,if she is not here then where is she?" He asked calmly. Glancing at every one in the room what happened when he was asleep? What did they do to his wife? Did she go back to her kingdom? Did she leave him? No he felt his stomach turn thinking of those.

Or did they kill her? "Helena tell me where is she?" She asked her calmly his eyes staring at her intently.

No she couldn't bring herself to tell him, she can't do it, she looked at him in the eyes what will happen if he finds out, no she couldn't think about that.

"Demetrius you got to be strong." Alex stated.

What happened that he got to be strong, this people were getting his stomach to churn to what he didn't know, fear started to show up on his face.

"You wife was abducted and she is nowhere to be seen." Alex added.

What! abducted? by who? who would dare to do such a thing?

"And according to the guards the abductors never left the palace." Ivy was the one who added.

Just what were this people saying? Someone kidnapped his wife, what did she do to be kidnappers If they didn't left the palace then they are here, how foolish was this kidnappers, to put her inside here.

He tried to think who could do such a thing, only them.

"Get out....he stated and the three people looked at him bewildered what was he saying he just woke up, furthermore he was poisoned he needed someone to attend to him.....I said get out." He stated again after seeing the three people in his chamber wasn't moving at all.

"Demetrius what are you saying?" Helena asked.

He was just saying what he was hearing, the next moment he went and opened the door for them, her eyes following him.

They just didn't have no choice but to leave, Demetrius slammed the door after them. They just stood on the door rooted, Tony and Eugene who were standing by the door looked at them puzzled.

The person who did that to his lady is surely going to pay with their dear life, Eugene and Tony were glad he was awake.

They have been guiding this door like something else, they should have just started the day he was poisoned, maybe things could have been better.

The three of them just waited for him outside there, almost all of yesterday they spend all there time following the Prince and the queen but they couldn't find anything.

This morning they were even bored with following them, because everytime they get the same results. So they decided to just stay in that chamber untill they heard Demetrius screaming calling Melisa.

Ivy couldn't tell how happy she was, even if she can't have him she wanted him to leave, at least seeing him alive than not seeing him for the rest of her life, that was what she considered.

Demetrius went and bathe, after bathing he put on clean out fit, and storm out of the chamber his feet were taking him to Prince Charles room.

"Tony, Eugene follow me." he told them and they obeyed even after coming back from dead he still didn't forget their names.

Even though he only told the two of them, the others followed behind not saying anything.

He had spared that idiot a lot that he thought that everyday was Sunday.