
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantasia
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50 Chs

Amour Interdit (Forbidden Love)Chapter26

A grave mistake, gazing at his face, his eyes, him staring at her as if trying to look into her soul.

Suddenly her fingers itched to touched his face.

And she didn't hold back, she caress his left cheek with the back of her hand slowly then halted on his inviting lips rub her fingers there for a while making it difficult for him to breath, his body reacting to her touches.

Demetrius could only sigh inwardly, his wife will be the death of him one day, he opened his eyes and slightly opened his lips and Demetrius insert her thumb inside, and Demetrius suck hell out of it sending electricity shock to her body.

Now they were kissing wildly with Melisa on top of him as he run his hands wildly on her body, but it wasn't for long until they pull away from one another.

They look at each other for a while and Demetrius cursed this was it, he was going to confess his love right here right now, he can see it in her eyes she loved him, just like he loved her.

Just when he was about to talk Meli stopped him.

"Demetrius why did you arrive on the engagement party, I thought you were suppose to come before the engagement day." She asked in one go looking up at him.

Demetrius looked at her perplexed, he never told her what happened to him, that he almost died and he almost lost her husband.

"That day I almost get killed My lady." he stated studying her face.

"What do you mean you almost get killed." She asked annoyed the thought of her losing him made her blood boil she wasn't ready to loose him when things were just starting.

"Yeah I was coming back home before engagement party but I never made it to the party because I was attacked and three of my men were killed." He stated frustrated, he could still flashes how his men got killed Infront of him.

No this was not happening, That is why she was stressed, she was stressed because he was in trouble, no matter how she tried to appear calm her inner self was troubled it was because his husband was in danger.

But why would someone attack him, did he wrong them? What if he died among his men? No! She didn't want to loose him just how she lost Lukas. No!

Demetrius watched her as she get tense her eyes turning a pale.

"Do you know the people who attack you." She asked calmly but you can hear how tense she was from her voice.

"No I don't, I am still doing investigation but I am sure they are from here in the palace." He stating looking at her experience.

"Wait! what?? She exclaimed.,,,,Do you mean to say that your attacker was from here in the palace?" She whispered as if someone might hear them.

Demetrius didn't want to worry her with this, but he had no choice, she was his wife and she deserve to know what was happening in his life. He wouldn't keep secrets from her.

Now that Demetrius was telling her this she recalled one day she dreamt about him.

And her mind flashes back to the dream.

They were outside of the palace and Demetrius was singing for him, she had promised Demetrius if he sings for her, she will kiss him and Demetrius sang for her beautifully without complaint.

When it was her time to give what she had promised, she climbed on top of him told him to close his eyes, She kissed him for a while then stopped. Leaving him wanting more then stood up from.

"If you want more you have to catch me." She shouted at him since she was far away she knew he won't be able to catch her easily.

She watched him standing and she was ready to run, they run up and down, but Demetrius wasn't able to catch her.

"You win." He heard him shouting and he turned to look.

And she saw him breathing heavily, she smiled approaching him, she was also exhausted she just wanted him to admit that she won.

As he approached he had this smug on her face, and she loved it.

But that smug was wiped of his face by two arrows, one on his chest right on her heart and the other one one on his throat, the attacker must have been the trained one because they knew how to aim. She remembered shouting his name as he watch him fall down, but something strange happened she never saw the face that attacked him.

She ran to him crying begging him to wake up. That is when Demetrius woke her up from the dream.

As far as she remembers at that time she still didn't want him as her husband, after that day she tried as much as possible to avoid him but it was impossible.

And to come to think of it, that is what happened the first day they kissed.

"Yeah, I think they are from here." He stated.

Meli couldn't believe her ears did he mean that his family want to kill him? But who? And why would they want to kill him?

And just yesterday she found something really that shocked her to the core, the picture she found was actually the first Queen, she was the first Queen and Demetrius Mother, they actually looked alike.

She wanted to know where the pictures are so that she can see more of them, Enid and Rosa took her there but it was locked.

"Who are you suspecting?" She asked looking at her intently.

"Princess I think the less you know the better." He said rubbing her cheeks.

She wanted to know so that she can watch her back, what is they do something to her, that means if they want to hurt Demetrius then they must also want to hurt her. Now she was getting afraid.

"Okay." She replied.

"Don't think too much about it, okay." He told her, he could see how she was getting paler.


"Why don't you give me a kiss and smile for me." He said and Meli looked at her with a bright smile.

How come even in that moment he can still make her smile. He smiled and kissed him.

After they push away. She looked at him, she wanted to asked something but she wasn't sure.

Demetrius looked at her and he can see that she has a question.

"Go on ask what you want." He stated and Meli looked at her surprised, how did he know that she wanted to ask a question.

"How did you survive the accident? She asked looking at him,,, that day."

"Trust me princess you don't want to know."

"Why? I really want to know, I really want to know how you survive." She said with pouted lips.


He position her well.

"I remember very well I was so excited because finally I was coming to see you, after so long."

He can still remember vividly in his head how he was smiling like an idiot, he was excited, he was not expecting what happened that to happen.

"Then all of a sudden I heard a sword clashing I peeked through to see what was happening and I saw my soldiers fighting and my men came to protect me,,,,and it was obvious that their target was not them, it was me they wanted.,,,and it wasn't long till they killed all the solders, I did a grave mistake by carrying few solders, and it was only my men who remained,,I wanted to help but they didn't want me,,,I walked out and saw my men heading to them I tried to Yelp but it was too late.,,,,then I watch them one by one being clashed as they fell down one by one,,,it was only Tony remaining he was injured but not that much, I took him and enter the carriage with him, shouted for the driver to drive fast away from there, holding him close trying to seal the wound that was bleeding not to bleed much, his cut was bleeding profusely and he had some injuries.,,,and I could still that the men were still following us, I shouted for the driver to increase his pace."

The memories were flashing on Demetrius's head like it happened yesterday.

"Master I can still fight them even if I am alone." Tony told me but I didn't him to die like the others

He remembered he didn't want him to go but he was just so stubborn and before he know it he was already outside fighting with them.

"Get his highness out of hear." He shouted to the driver.

"But it seems him climbing down from the carriage was completely wastage of time because, those people only left him with one man to fight him, and within no time he killed the man."

"We were over the clif not far away from the Palace when, I heard the driver shouting no! and before I know it I was flying over the cliff with carriage cracking. I stayed like that waiting for my death but then you appeared in my head,,, I could'd just die at least not yet, we still have a very long way to go I can't die yet and I also remember that I promised my sister that I will attend her engagement party,,,,,I closed my eyes as if praying and luckily God answered my prayer and I fell on tree and I thank my lucky stars."

He could still remember clearly how he fell and when he looked down the cliff he realized that he didn't fall that far.

The men who were sent to kill him looked down with satisfactory in there faces that finally their job was done, they saw the the carriage falling down and breaking into pieces.

So they left the driver was shocked to his core, how could that have happened, His highness was dead what will he he tell others? His family.

If there was one person who couldn't believe his eyes it was Tony he was always a strong man but at that point he couldn't stop his tears. He stood by the cliff looking down, something telling him to go down there and get his master.

"I called several times but luckily Tony was able to hear me ." They knit a rope and got me down from there.

Tony who was crying stoped, he couldn't believe what just happened his master survived they saw the carriage fell and crushed into pieces.

"After they pulled me out we sent the driver to the Palace to tell Eugene and Eugene came to our chamber to take my clothes and the driver took him back to us.

What? so someone came to their chamber and she didn't even notice? But she could still remember how she was stressed, she couldn't know.

"I can still remember Eugene's face, he was so worried it seems like the driver already told her everything."

"Are you okay you highness?" "He asked worriedly, inspecting me."

"Yes I am okay." "I replied I thank God that I wasn't hurt at all.

"Oh my God I can't believe that I almost lost you." Meli stated.

"I also couldn't believe that I almost left you in this world alone."

"I thank God for returning you to me." She exclaimed hugging him tightly and Demetrius also did the same.

"I swear if you never showed up that day, I don't know what could have happened." She stated that day she was troubled.

"Don't worry princess I am still so far away from dying." He told her rubbing her back.

And Meli looked at him.

"Death is not something to joke about and you can't choose the day you will die, we should tank almighty God that you're still alive." She stated looking at him almost annoyed.

"I know but I can still feel like I still have many things to do with you before I die." he urged with a simple smile.

Meli raised her eyes brows, she was curious to know what things he was talking about.

"May I know what this things you want to do with me?" She asked out of curiosity.

"There are many things princess,,he said caressing her cheeks,,,like for example we have to bring our children to this earth and to raised them together." He stated with a smile.

And Meli blushed hard hiding her face on his chest, was he really thinking that? is it not today that she thought about consuming their marriage should she bring the topic?

"Princes." He called in the most hypotonic voice that Meli had no choice but to look at him.


"I can't dye yet not at least I bring my first child into this world with you, Now go to sleep." he told her and Meli smiled.