
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantasia
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50 Chs

Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)Chapter30

She told them to take it to the garden and she told them, she will go and call the King.

The girls were taking the tea to the garden but they were shaking, they couldn't hide the fact that they were terrified.

They put the tea in the garden and quickly left, they didn't want the king finding out it was them that revealed almost everything about the late Queen to her.

Meli walked to the room where the King was and knocked. Her heart was pounding hard in her chest but she ignored it she had important things to do rather than listening to her wild beating heart.

She knocked again and this time the King called for her to come in.

She got inside and glance at him, he had his head bowed on the table, like he was looking thoroughly in what he was doing.

He walked towards him slowly, having no idea how to start the conversation.

"Your Highness..." She called then swallowed the moment he raised his eyes and looked at her.

She felt like, running but there was no running now, when she was preparing this she had a lot of courage and now she wanted to run, she will be a biggest coward ever.

She just need to convince herself that she can do this. 'You can do this Melissa you need to find out who attacked your husband and this is the only way.' She tried to convince herself before proceeding.

"M..My lady is you." He asked puzzled.

He was not expecting her at all, he thought it was random people who came to report daily issues, but not her, he can remember clearly she has never come to him for the past years she has spent hear, so today he was shocked to see her.

"Yes is me your highness." She answered firmly without even flinching.

"For what do I owe this visit,,,he asked,,,please sit,,, is my son disturbing you?" He asked after telling her to sit.

Now the were sitting across each other.

"No You Highness, your son is not disturbing me at all, he is quite a behaved person." She praised looking at him through her eye lashes and there was still no reaction.

Like earlier he was able to read his reaction he was shocked to see him but now his reaction was the same like always.

"That is good to hear." He always know that his Demetrius was always a gentleman.

"I was hoping we can have a conversation over a cup of tea in the garden." Meli Suggest hoping that he agreed.

The king wanted to ignored but then he remembered ever since she got married to his son he has never given her anything so he thought he might give her this little favor she was asking of him, moreover, what she wanted to tell him must seem so very important for her to come by herself.

"Okay my lady, give me just a few seconds I have to do something, do you mind waiting outside?" He asked.

"No, I will wait outside." She stated standing up.

Meli went outside. 'he was not bad after all.' she stated inwardly. Not long the the king joined her.

"This way your Highness." She told him directing him to his garden.

Meanwhile Demetrius was hiding along the corridor, he was going to see his father, going to as him if he needed help with his sisters wedding, when he witnessed unexpected and heard unexpected.

His wife was talking to his father and now she was taking him God knows where. He heard everything until he heard his father telling her to wait for him outside.

When he heard the foot steps, he run to hide but he was not just planning on hiding he was going to follow them, Where was she taking him exactly?

He followed them and she couldn't help but wonder if where she was taking his father was a long forgotten place, just what was she planning, what she want to gain by doing this.

Surely this time his, his father will punish him severely for not controlling his wife. After following them to the garden he saw his father halted and that was it, his punishment was being planned.

The King was surprised by where he was being taken, He was even starting to forget this place, arriving their, the memories he has been trying to bury deep within him suddenly came up flooding on his head.

He saw his wife with small Demetrius running after each other and laughing, they were very beautiful family. He suddenly saw his wife reading a book to both of them, him and Demetrius resting there heads on her lap while she sat on grass under a big tree.

This place was the place he held dearly to his heart, if only he can return those memories to reality now, he would, but there was no way he could do that.

"Why did you stop your highness?" Meli asked bringing him back from his thoughts.

"Nothing let's go." He said trying hard to sprinkle the tears that were threatening to fall, he didn't want to embarrassed himself Infront of his daughter in law, who until now he was not able to understand why she was doing what she was doing.

Before reaching there the the aroma if the tea hit his nostril and he remembered the first day she prepared him the tea. It was the sweetest tea he has ever tested.

She poured for him on a cup, after sipping he couldn't put the cup down, it was so sweet, it tasted different with the tea he had tasted he thought maybe because he loved her but hell no the tea was so sweet.

And today he can feel it again the sweet aroma just reminded him of her, but wait how did this lady knew so much about him, the tea he likes and this place?

He was sure that someone told her, but who dared to do that? who dared to go behind his back?

Meli poured him tea and also to herself. They sipped before the king talked.

"Tell me my lady what did you want to talk about?"

"Well I wanted to tell you that I will be taking, Enid and Rosa from the kitchen to be my handmaid if you don't mind." She told him after sipping her tea, if she wanted she could have just told Demetrius what she wanted but he just wanted to get to know this King.

He wanted him to stop living like a dead person and have a normal life. And then she knew that Demetrius will just go to take the maids even without talking to his father about it.

Was that all? Was that all she wanted to say? did she just remove him from his work for this tiny thing? did she have how he had a lot of work? he could have told Demetrius about. he could have done it with a snap of his fingers.

Meli was suddenly feeling like she did a grave mistake, cause now the King was staring at her without butting an eyelid. She felt like he couldn't breathe.

The next moment what she did shocked her the King chuckled and the breath she had been holding since he started looking at her escaped her lips.

'Thank God he wasn't mad.' she thank inwardly.

But wait that was the first time she was seeing him with a smile and damn he had the most beautiful just like his son, now she understood where Demetrius got his smile from.

"That is wanted, you could have told Demetrius."

"Well I wanted to let you know first." She said before sipping her tea again.

"You did well my lady, you can have the girls." He stated then finished his tea.

He just gave her the girls without even knowing why she wanted them, but also he didn't care. And also he remembered Demetrius telling him that he fired the two girls because they couldn't keep their job.

"Thank you your highness." She stated with a bright smile.

She didn't expect him to agree so quickly. That means he knew what Demetrius did to the previous girls.

"Thank you too my lady, for this beautiful tea and bringing me back to this beautiful garden." He stated elongating his hands for a shake.

And Meli gladly accept his hands with a smile.

"I will go now." He said then left but before he take four steps Meli stopped him.

"Your Highness you should smile more often or else you will age faster and your are still young." She told him and she didn't know where she suddenly got the boldness to talk to him like that.

He turned and looked at her. "I will." he said then continue with his journey. At the corner of his lips you can see that he was trying to hold his smile.

The King wasn't able to understand where she got the courage to do all of that, she really amused him.

Once he was out of sight, the two girls who have hiding on the flowers suddenly emerged and walked to her.

"I can't believe you just made the King laugh." Enid exclaimed unable to believe what just happened. It was unbelievable.

"Yeah it was crazy I didn't know he can laugh over a cup of tea like that, it was like the tea had some sort of magic. " Rosa added.

It was hard to believe but it happened, for a second they thought that the tea messed with with some nuts on his brain.

"I also wasn't expecting that at all, may be the tea had magic like you said Rosa." She said breathing out hard that it was over.

But she wasn't able to get anything from him, only that he loved his first wife dearly.

The girls took the tray in the Kitchen as Meli headed to their chamber hopping to find him there he was so busy with tea that she almost forgot she got a husband to worry about.

At the same garden Demetrius was hiding and she couldn't believe his eyes, he had to blink several times to make sure that that was his father but not someone else.

Did the put something in the tea and messed with his brain or what? cause that was real magic and he doubted if he can even be able make his father laugh just like his wife did.

Thinking of his wife, he glance to the garden and there was no sign of her.

If there was some people who were dumbstruck about what happened at that moment it was, prince Charles, the Queen and Helena.

The Queen was busy doing her things, she glance through the window and spotted some servants from the kitchen leaving, she was about to go to ask them, who gave them the permission but something else caught her eyes.

Two girls with a tray heading to the forbidden garden, but who allowed them go there and whose tea was that? that was the question running through her mind.

Not long she saw the King and Meli, and it didn't take her long for to figure it all out, that all of her doing.

Just watching her with his husband made her stomach churn, how could she do that?

As she watched the scene, his stomach explode with fire when her husband smiled, she can't even remember when he smiled for her. this truly wasn't fair.

Meanwhile Prince Charles was climbing down the stairs when he spotted Demetrius running and hiding, what happened to him? why was he suddenly acting like a child, running and hiding.

Did someone cut some of his nuts from his head? he wanted to mind his business but then he looked closely and saw that he was following some people.

Curious to know what was wrong, he also started to act like a baby.