
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantasia
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50 Chs

Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)Chapter28

They couldn't just loose this golden opportunity, since they were born they have been working in the Kitchen they always wanted to not only serve in the kitchen but also inside too.

They wanted to feel how it felt to work inside but finally God answered their prayers they can't just let it slip like that, before they know it they already agreed in sitting.

"My lady we will sit." Rosa shouted and Melissa halted on her track that was it, they should stop being afraid as long as they were with her.

The girls sat and they feel how the couch was soft, someone can even sleep there comfortably.

"Thank you guys." She looked at it them intently, since she meet them she has come to like them so very much and also she needed them to know more about this palace.

She wanted to be of help for Demetrius in the future, she didn't want him to work so hard since morning till night.

"All right i wanted to know more about the late Queen, how was she like? what did she like? How was her relationship with the current Queen." She asked looking at them intently, she wished they could tell her what can help them unmask someone who dared want to kill her husband.

The girls looked at each other, why was she asking again about the late Queen.

"My lady that was a closed case we actually don't know much." Enid answered.

"I just want the little you guys know, my husband could be in danger and if I don't help him soon they might kill him."

"My lady what do you mean he might get killed soon?" Rosa asked puzzled.

"Is a long story but I will tell you guys and you have to promise me that you will not tell anyone." She told.

"We promised." They stated in unison.

"So are you guys going to help me?" She asked them and they looked at each first before saying yes.

"As long as I can remember the Queen was bedridden for few days before she died." Enid said.

"And did you know what disease she died from?" Meli asked.

"Yes she was actually suffering from cancer and the doctor stated that she might get better but she never did, and I remember My mom use to complain a lot that the Queen will normally fall ill after taking her afternoon tea." Enid said thinking really hard.

'Why was that? were they putting something in her tea to slow her death' Melissa wondered.

"How was your mother serving the late Queen?"

"My mother used to be the late Queen's handmaid, she would normally complain that her Queen was worsening by the days, my mom wished she had a way to help her, but she never did." She stated sullenly.

"And where is you mother now?" She asked.

"She passed shortly after the Queen died."

'Couldn't be there connection between these two people's death? she asked inwardly.

"Oh Sorry about that."

"Don't worry my lady."

"You were born here?" She asked.

If the were born it means they know a lot about this place.

"Yes actually both of us were born here." Rosa was the one who answered.

"Your parents?"

"Oh my mother died soon after I was born and I don't know my father." She stated as if it didn't hurt at all having a father.

Actually it didn't matter to her she has never seen her father, even if he comes now she didn't know if she would accept him, she was a grown woman now, the first thing she would ask him is where was he all this time?

"I am sorry for you guys." He told them and they smiled.

Apparently the people around her didn't have parents, she was the only who has a mother and father. Both her parents were alive and kicking.

Since the two girls Infront of her were born here in the palace they must know more. Slowly but sure she will get to know everything and find the attacker who attack her husband.

"And how was the relationship of the late Queen and the King?" She asked.

"It was amazing those two were inseparable, together with their son Demetrius they were so amazing even after the King got Married to his second wife he still cherished his first wife until she died." Rosa stated.

"And after the Queen died is when His highness drifted apart slowly from Demetrius." Enid added.

To what she understands is that The King was Married to his second wife even before the first Queen died. But why? Why would you need a second wife when you hace your loving son and a wife.

But that was just fine for men it didn't matter, they can have as many wives as they want but then again why was the king not happy as Rosa claimed he was with his first wife why did he seem so sad all the time.

They was something that didn't add up and she needed to find out what it was.

"Okay Ladies I really appreciate your time, from tomorrow you will serve me."

"Yes." they stated Jovially.

Meli dismissed them, left wondering, why couldn't she seem to solve the mistry. Something was fishy between these two lives, the Queen's death with Enid's mother.

She was the one who used to serve the Queen how come she died soon after her?

She kept wondering in the room, wondering what could be the mistry but she couldn't come to any conclusion.

Before she knew it she was called for lunch.

"My lady lunch is ready" Enid called.

Didn't she tell them that they start tomorrow.

"I will be there soon." She stated with a smile, they couldn't just wait to server her already.

She walked in the dinning table and everyone was present there. But she didn't see Demetrius, Where was he? He said he will have lunch with her.

The King with his gloomy face like always.

"Does he even smile?" She asked herself inwardly.

Looking at him now Demetrius only has his hair and his skin tone everything remaining was his mother's.

She served herself looking at Prince Charles, She couldn't help but wonder how old was Prince Charles when the Queen died?

"My lady why are you staring at me like that? Is there something on my face." Charles asked with a smile.

That exact time Demetrius arrived and kissed Meli on the cheek before joining them.

"Nothing Prince Charles, I was just wondering are you planning to get married one day." She asked before putting some food on her mouth.

Prince Charles was taken a back by her question why was she suddenly interested in his affairs.

"Yeah I am planning to get married one day, I haven't find the right woman, I want a woman just like you my brother is really lucky to have you." He stated eyeing his brother.

Did he just say that he wanted a woman just like her, what did she have special? He wanted to take it back but us was too late to do so. Right now everyone was looking at him as if he swallowed a maize cob.

"Why Me and not the Queen, I mean every man wants a woman like their mother from my point of view." Trying to be careful with her words.

She didn't know where she was getting at with conversation.

"Yeah I wanted my wife to be like the Queen until I met you."

What was he he saying? Did he really want a wife like her? He flashes his eyes across the table and spotted her smiling. Why was her smile suddenly beautiful in his eyes what was happening?

"Okay, Prince Charles I hope you find a wife who is just like me really soon." She stated her smile not fading away.

And he smiled, until now he has never thought about having a wife, since he was a little boy his only mission was to be the next King but now his he didn't know what he wanted just because of the woman opposite him.

Should he get a wife first or get the thrown first? Where did that lady got the right to confuse him like that?

Demetrius finished his food and just walked away from the table, he was truly annoyed, his wife didn't even glanced at him even once.

Instead she was just talking to his brother across the table, he was so pissed off that he didn't know how to react. He went to their garden and sat down there.

Meli didn't understand why Demetrius suddenly left her, he has never done that, he would usually wait for her whenever they were eating with his family but today he left without saying a word.

She quickly eat her food and left to look for him

Meanwhile the Queen was boiling with anger how dare his son said that he wanted a wife like her worst enemy, after Prince Charles finished his lunch, she told him that she wanted to see him.

After he finished to eat they walk together. To the Queen's chamber.

"Did you really mean what you said on the table?" The queen asked calmly but deep down she was full with rage.

"No mother I actually want a wife who is just like you." He stated straightening the frown on her forehead.

She was so furious that her frown was visible on her forehead even with her trying hard to hide it.

When the Queen heard that she couldn't hide her smile but then again her smile died when she recalled him saying.

'I wanted my wife to be just like the Queen until I met you.'

"Your lying to me."

"No mother I a m not lying to you, Everything I said about her I was lying, since she was talking to me so nicely I decided to talk to her nicely too I didn't want people to think that I hate her to the core." He explained.

Finally the Queen smiled, this time his son did it, he must give him the credits, he really acted so well the way he did it, no one will ever doubt that he detested her to the core.

Right now their only mission was Prince Charles to be the next King and then they will figure out what they will do with his wife. If they will kill her or make her one of their servants maybe in the kitchen.

"You did well son." He congratulated him.

"Learning from the best,,,He stated then kiss her on the forehead,,,see you later mother." Like that he left.

Prince Charles quickly disappeared from her mother once he was far away, he let go of the breath he had been holding since he started talking to his mother.

He didn't know why he was lying to her mother like that and why he was doing so, it was wrong lying to his mother like that but he couldn't stop himself.

Now the question he was asking himself was why was he lying like that?

Did he really meant what he said that that he wanted a wife just like her? Then suddenly the images of her came in his head one by one since he saw her and he hated when he saw her with Demetrius.

Wait did he wished that he was Demetrius so that she would be hugging him like that? No that is not happening no!no!no! he stated trying to put those ridiculous things aside.

He quickly flashed his eyes open and run to his chamber and to his bathroom.

He has never been interested in marriage until she asked him he thought as he let the cold water run on his body.

Instead he was just okay by the wife his parents will choose for him but he didn't want that anymore. He let the cold water run through his body to let his mind think clearly not to filled with his wife's brother.

The Queen walked to the king study room and spotted his husband seriously studying something very important on the table.

She couldn't help but wonder what it was. One on one she walked on his side and wrapped her arms around him as she give him a peck in the cheek.

She can't even remember when last his husband touched her or looked at her. He has been so distance ever since Helena was born.

He has tried everything possible for the King to look at her like those years ago but nothing was working she had try to seduce him but he often turn her down with the excuse of that he was busy or he was tired.

But today she was planning something different he just have to wait and see, today she was sure that he was not going to refuse her.

"Do you need help with anything?" She asked still her arms around him.

"No,,,,He answered not glancing at her,,,,and can you please leave I am busy." He stated.

The Queen had no choice but to obey she didn't want to anger him, well at least not today.

Before she left she gave him a kiss on the cheek and left to their chamber.

After she left the king wiped away the kiss.

Meanwhile Helena sense like something was wrong with the way Demetrius left the table, she knew that Demetrius didn't like how Melissa and Charles were talking to each other.

"Meli are you full." Helena asked with a smile she was not eating as if lost in thoughts

"Yes." Meli replied with a smile she was lost in her own thoughts.