
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Amor Interdit.(Forbidden love) Chapter 2.

"Papa, Mama, I don't want to marry someone I don't love, please don't allow this, I am ready to do anything and everything even to forget him, please don't marry me off." Melissa pleaded with her parents.

"Is too late for that Meli....your Mama will teach you everything you need to know." King Leonard stated then left the office leaving the two hugging and sobbing.

King Leonard quickly dashed to his chambers and the tears he had been holding suddenly started to fall. He knew he wasn't supposed to cry but what choice did he had.

Melissa was such a blessing in his life, she was the apple of his eye his reason to live, she came when everything was dark, she brightened his world, and now in two days she will be gone she will get married and move to his in-laws. No more goodnight papa, goodnight morning Papa. This was heartbreaking.

King Leonard was not expecting the king of Gwenu to rush the wedding, he thought he will give them maybe a week and he will get some time to spend with his daughter, but either way he was still excited even if he was not going to spend more time with her at least he was going to save her.

Meanwhile inside the office Elsa was trying to help Meli understand, but the lady just stood up and ran to her chambers.

As she was running to her chambers Maggie happens to see her and decided to follow her.

"Meli are you okay?" She asked but the girl ignored her, she kept calling until they reached her chamber.

That is when she yelled "Yes I am okay."

She threw everything in her room, as she shout the word no.

This was not happening she needed to get in touch with Lukas may be he will be able to do something, maybe he can even talk to her father and make him understand that they love each other and they will not be able to live without one another. "But where is he?" She asked herself throwing the pillow from the bed.

After Meli cried what seems like forever, she decided to keep it calm until Lukas shows up and save her from this unwanted marriage.

At lunch she didn't see him and she decided to tell her mother to teach her the things she needed to know just to distract her for a bit, though she agreed her mind was not there, her mother could see that she was not paying any attention to anything she was saying.

During dinner she still didn't see him, that is when she started to fell like something was not right and she decided to confront her father.

"Papa how come I haven't seen Lukas since yesterday, Did you send him away?" She asked.

"No,,,,may I know why you're asking about him when you got a real matters to to deal with? Melissa you should be resting and learning things from you Mama."

'Only if I agree to the marriage' She said in her head then excused herself.

That night she couldn't sleep she kept turning around until morning, the next morning she still didn't see him, that evening she decided to write a later to him and since she wasn't allowed to go out she decided to give it to Maggie to deliver it to him.

That night after dinner she waited for him, she was with Maggie in her chamber Maggie was looking at her as she was putting on a weird clothes in her body and she didn't like what she was doing.

"Meli what did you write on that latter?" Maggie couldn't help asked.

"Nothing, I just told him if he loved me like he claimed, he should come and see me tonight."

"What? you know his life is at risk, if the king sees him here will he will definitely kill him, you know there must be a good reason why he has not been coming." She stated frantically.

"Don't worry Nanny Papa is not going to see him because I am planning to elope with him, tonight" Exactly that moment a stone was heard from the window.

When Melissa saw the man she had been yarning for, she felt like crying she waved at him and he waved back.

The moon was shinning so bright outside.

"Nanny wish me luck and this might be the last time we will see each other and also I need your help to get out of here." She said jovially with a hug, Maggie was still looking at her wondering what this crazy princess was doing.

Melissa helped her and she managed to get out of the palace safely.

When Meli reached where Lukas was, she didn't waste time to hug Lukas and press her lips in his as they get engaged in a hot kiss. After sometime she reluctantly let go of his lips and rest her head on his to catch her breath.

Lukas was surprised, this was the first time this princess kissed her like that, it was as if it was their last kiss.

"So tell me princess for what do I owe that kiss?"

He asked with a smile.

This man has absolutely no idea that her father the King already found out about them.

"Lukas we need to go, let's get out of here now." She said pulling him but he didn't move out of shock.

"What? Why and why are you dressed like that?" he asked surprised, he didn't even notice that the princess changed her dressing style.

Her hair was tied in a ponytail and she was also wearing maroon track suit that exposed her every curved of the body, she matched them with white sport shoes.

"Where did you get those?" He asked checking her out.

"Let's go I will explain later." She uttered.

"No princess I am not going anywhere until you explain to me what is happening."

"We don't have time." she argued. Lukas didn't move an inch and she decided to tell him.

"Okay." Melissa explained everything to him and obviously he was shocked their secret was out and on top of that she was getting married which by now she had one day left, she loved this princess very much more than he loved himself and he didn't know if he can live without her, so the only way they can be together was if they escape and go go far away where no one knows them.

"Now I understand everything that is why the King has been sending me away to separate us " He stated as if trying to remember something.


"It make sense now why he has been sending me away."

Lukas looked at her and trail his slender fingers on her face from her temple to the back of her nape then slowly moved Melissa's head towards his, he slammed his lips on hers as he kissed her passionately he encircled his arms around her and pulled her closer to him closing the gap between them as he continue to kiss her.

Melissa felt like her leg could not stand anymore this was a new feeling, Lukas has never kissed her like this, it was foreign, she was about to kiss him with the same passion but Lukas let go of her lips.

Melissa met his eyes that says nothing but love.

"I love you Princes." He said breathing heavily.

"I love you too Lukas Nelson."

"Now let's go before they figure out your not in your chamber."

"Let's go get Lily."

Lily was Melissa's horse which she was gifted on her fifteenth birthday since then it has been like her friend.

"Lily I need you to behave now and don't make any noise okay, be a good girl." She told the horse and as if the horse understood what she said it didn't make any noise.

She was the first to climb then Lukas followed, before they start the journey Lukas gave her a light kiss on the lips.

Meanwhile inside the castle, Elsa was about to go to bed when suddenly she remembered that Melissa has not come to bid her goodnight and it was a little late, that instance the King got inside the room and she asked him if Melissa has bid him goodnight, when he said no she quickly left to check on her.

She knocked on the door but there was no answer, she knocked again but there was still no answer. So she decided to enter, she was perplexed to find the bed empty. She looked for her everywhere in the room but Melissa was nowhere to be found that instance she went back to the King and reported.

"What do you mean Melissa is not in her chamber?" King Leonard asked furiously.

"I checked for her everywhere but I couldn't find her, Leo I don't have a good feeling about this, what if she run away with this Man?" Elsa asked frantically, afraid of what will happen if this is what happened.

"No I don't think that is what happened, she must be around here somewhere, in the kitchen, maybe in the garden." King Leonard who had already removed his robe quickly put it on and walked out.

"Matt I want you to send some men to look for my daughter around the palace, she is not in her chamber and also send someone to tell all the servants that I want them all in the hall." He said then headed to Melissa's room he just needed to confirm she was really not there

He quickly rushed to the hall, where everyone was waiting for him, probably wondering what happened that they were being gathered late at night.

The King stood there as if waiting for some information when, Matt came and whisper something in his ears.

"Sorry for disturbing you this late at night but this matter concerned my Daughter Melissa, Princess of your kingdom is nowhere to be seen,,,,the servants started to murmur to one another,,,,,did any of you talked to her after dinner or seen her?" The King added calmly he didn't want to be irrational in this and scare them.

In the crowd there was a woman who stood with her head pointing down probably trying to hide the evidence in her face that she was the one who talked to princess last or rather saw her last, the king spotted her and dismissed the rest.

"You can all leave now, but not you Maggie."

"Follow me Maggie." He ordered and Maggie obeyed.

"Where is Melissa?" He asked with a stern voice.

"I do not know your highness." Maggie lied.

"Are you sure Maggie? he asked calmly, right now what he wanted was to find his daughter,,, because if I find out that you're lying to me all your family will beheaded." He threatened and he saw her flinch.

"I really don't know where she is Your highness." She continued to lie and she didn't know why she was doing it.

"If you don't then why are you sweating?"

"I am not your highness I...I th.. think is really hot in here."

"Enough Maggie! If you don't tell me right now where my daughter is I am going to behead all your family members not even tomorrow right now so you better talk before it is too late." King Leonard roared standing up.

Maggie was now terrified she knew this king very well he is not the kind of king who will make an empty threats so she better talk now or forever she will leave to regret this day.

"Melissa escaped with Lukas buy now they must be far away from the kingdom." She blurted after so much struggle she really didn't want to do this to her but it concerned her family.

"What?" Unable to believe what he just heard.

"Yes your highness she left after dinner."