
Chapter 59

(Max's POV)

"Hey buddy, wake up....it's already 3 pm and you are still in bed," Vivan woke me up but it was more of a scolding.I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Wait, did I get that wrong?"I asked him in disbelief.I could remember that I got to bed not so late last night so how would it be 3 pm and I was still in bed

"Get what wrong?"Vivan asked with hesitation.

"The time....what did you say the time is?"I asked sitting up on the bed.

"Its forty five minutes past 3 pm,"he answered me.I got off the bed and paced around the room for some seconds so as to get rid of the drowsiness I was feeling.I streched myself and yawned a little.My eyes were sore and my head was hurting.

"Did we over drink yester night?"I asked him when I noted the slight headache I was having.

"Some how....why do you ask?"Vivan asked me instead.

"Just a slight headache..."I responded as I walked to the bathroom.I washed my face and wiped it off with a towel.I brushed my teeth and got out the bathroom.

"Why are you still here?"I asked Vivan when I got to my bedroom and found him still sitted there on the couch.

"Um- ah, was just sitting...as you can see,"he stammered his answer.

"Okay...let's go then or will you remain behind?"I asked him as I walked towards the door and he was still sitted on the couch.

"Won't you have your bath Max?"I heard Vivan ask behind me.I turned and looked at him.

"Vivan, you are not my mother nor my wife so stop asking such questions,"I retorted my answer irritatedly.

"Was just being a good brother's keeper,"he responded smiling sheepily.

"As far as I know you only have a sister,no brother... sister's keeper suits you better, brother less man,"I responded arrogantly at him and walked away.

"So is that Maxwell Storm still alive?"he asked while walking beside me as we went downstairs.I ignored his question until we reached downstairs.

"He was never dead and can never die,"I responded to his question and walked to the lounge.I could feel that he was still gazing at me as I walked towards the door to the lounge so I decided to ask what was wrong because that wasn't like him.

"You wanna say something Vivan?"I asked turning back to face him.

"I don't think so...."he responded shortly and I nodded and walked to the lounge.Michael and Miguel were sitted quietly when I got inside.I glanced at them wondering what was happening with them.They wouldn't just sit and be silent in my house, it was quite strange.

"Hey buddies..."I greeted them and walked passed them to the gym, which was just the next door from the lounge.

"Hey Max...you are in a wonderful mood today,"Michael commented after responding to my greetings.

"Yeah....it's my wedding day after all.You don't expect me to be in a sombre mood like you guys."

"That's good to know... atleast you are happy about the wedding,"Michael answered.

"What did you expect?...I shouldn't be happy about my wedding?"I had to ask.

"Sincerely speaking, I didn't expect that you will be happy...I thought that you were still into...."

"No am not and never again will I be so don't talk about that ever again Mike,"I warned him and walked away.I worked out for almost 30 minutes.

"Rayan is back and you should be very careful about that,"I heard Michael speak behind me.

"Why do you say that?... anything I should know?"I asked grabbing a towel from the towel cabinet and wiped off the sweats.

"I just think there would be a reason why he is back so I just think you should be careful...moreso about Ammy.The last time I went to his place, he was on a call with Renna and she was asking about you and he lied to her but still am not too comfortable with his presence atleast not at this time,"Michael clarified and I understood why he was worried.Renna was that type of a crazy lady that would go to any length to get what she wanted and she might be using her brother to get what she wants, though I wasn't sure about what she wanted.

"Don't worry Mike...but you will be my eyes and ears on that.I want to know everything that is happening concerning Renna and Rayan... anything that needs attention that is."

"But Max, I have businesses to take care of...why should I be the one and you've got guards to do that?"Michael began to complain.

"It's just for today and just at the wedding.Be close to him and deal with anything that seems funny to you,"I clarified my point and he nodded in agreement.

"I will go prepare myself now and you should do the same,"I patted his shoulder and walked out of the gym.It was twenty minutes past four o'clock and I still had plenty of time.The event was to begin from 7 pm so I had no reason to rush.I got into my bathroom and dipped myself into the bathtube.The water was warm and so relaxing.I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and moved along with the relaxant feeling the water was giving.

"Are you like seriously still bathing?"I heard Miguel ask.I opened my eyes and found him standing infront of me.

"Am not bathing, just relaxing..."I responded to his question.

"Relaxing?...it's fine but it's already minutes passed five Max and the make up artists have already arrived,"he informed me.

"It's fine Miguel...let them attend to you first as I finish my bath."

"I really hope you won't take another full hour Max."

"I won't...I will be out after some minutes."

When Miguel walked out, I got off the bathtub and walked to the shower for my bath.I freshened up as fast as I could and walked out after wrapping a towel on my waist.I couldn't understand how slow and sluggish I had become.I had been in the tub for more than forty minutes and I had not even realized it and I had slept for hours...it wasn't adding up.

"I will go see a doctor after this whole event,"I spoke to myself while walking downstairs.

"Here comes the boss...."I heard Vivan speak as I walked downstairs.

"And he is on a towel....so prepare your eyes,"Michael added and they bursted into laughter.

"I believe that I will have a message before the whole preparation stuff so I came prepared,"I explained myself.

"Of course master..."Miguel agreed and we all walked to the beauty parlour, ready for the whole deal.We laid on the on the massage tables and waited as the artists prepared themselves to get to work.

"You don't look too good Max..."Michael spitted his observation.

"And that's why I really need this massage.I feel tensed and nervous and I don't understand why exactly,"I confessed.

"I have not been a groom yet but I think that's normal.Its your day...your big day that is and so I think it normal,"Miguel tried to explain and it did make sense somehow.

"I have been on bigger business deals with big guys and I was never this before,"

"And you compare your wedding with a business deals?"Michael asked and I just sighed.

We began the massages and I let myself drowse in the relaxation.The fifteen minutes of the swedish massage was like an eternity for me and I really felt much better after the section.What followed next was the make up and hair dressing.Only my brother and I had long hair and Vivan and Miguel's were just the normal size and so there was no much work there.They slightly trimmed our hair and side beards, blowdried it and all that kind of hair magic they do and we got to the closet before they could finally style our hair.My grooms men dressed in black gaucano wool made suits and I got dressed in my blue vicuna wool made suit and the well polished Tom Ford Edgar zip boots and wore my silver omega watch.They styled our hair and we left the parlor when the artists were convinced that we were finally ready.

"Won't even have something before we go there?...am really hungry,"Vivan asked.

"They definitely will cook something for the guests Vivan so hold it right there,"Miguel responded.

"But a glass of wine can work best,"Michael answered and that sounded like a good idea.

"That's a perfect idea...."I answered.

"That was not for the groom Max,"Michael answered me.

"Well then, not for the groom, not for the groom's men either,"I responded to him.