
Chapter 313 Charity is a Business

Dean's first act of charity was a donation of 6 million dollars to Stanford University last year for research in the field of computing.

This money had already been put to good use, with a building dedicated to computer science currently under construction on the campus of Stanford University, named after Dean.

This kind of practice is very common in America, where charitable projects often end up being named after the donors.

Perhaps after 1995, more buildings named after the super-rich will spring up here in California.

Dean's donation was just a beginning, but it brought him many benefits.

For example, the 9 million dollars in capital gains tax that had accumulated last year was completely waived.

In the end, thanks to his charitable work, he paid 3 million dollars less in taxes.

And all of this was perfectly legal, which goes to show that charity is good business.

It was then that Dean had his financial and legal team start a serious study of the charity business.