
American History 1988

``` Debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies, anti-government, freedom. At the end of the 1980s, a wave of change encompassed a country boy from the Rust Belt. As the gate for upward mobility was on the verge of closing, he struggled to move forward. College, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship; HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become part of the 1%, or even 0.1%, he sacrificed a lot, but also gained a lot. ```

Quiet thoughts · Urbano
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385 Chs

Chapter 172: They're All My People

Boris Feldman was originally vacationing by the sea, having attained a temporary victory in the highly watched Byte & Bell case, and WSGR had made a little name for itself in the Bay Area.

Now the lawsuit was set to enter a state of prolonged entanglement, and it was highly unlikely that there would be direct, heated confrontation between the parties, so it was also time to relax a bit.

However, Boris Feldman, who was enjoying the beach and models in San Francisco, hadn't even had the chance to pamper himself before he was called back by a phone call from Dean.

After reading the newspaper in his hands, Boris Feldman's originally serious expression gradually relaxed.

"Dean," I think Bell's statement is more like bravado,"

Dean, Valentine, and Durell exchanged glances. "Bravado?"

Alright, because of this newspaper, Byte Company had to convene another board meeting.