Naruto and Sunset have ended up in late 1800's America. There Naruto is found by Theodore Roosevelt and became his ward. And Sunset ended up becoming the daughter of Barbie Norton. Now years later Naruto becomes a government agent along with Kurama in protecting their new home against threats from other worlds.
It was still dark when General Norton step out of the Falcon a versatile, transverse-rotor multipurpose utility helicopter created by Misriah Armory from a future world. It with other weapons and equipments were found in an armory. She looks over the camp with the soldiers who have been trained with the weapons and equipments. General Norton had worked her way up in the ranks of the army at the time where a woman serving was unheard of at the time. She served as a trainer during the early years, showing and training the soldiers and brass how to use the weapons and equipments they found. Once Spookhouse was created and Teddy became president she was made general for a special task force to handle events that need the army to step in to take care of things.
The events that the army unit that General Norton lead, were things that needed a firm hand to deal with before things got out of hand. Like the event that brought Basin City to this world. The city was like most cities came only partly intact from the event with large pieces missing, mostly the important things like the water treatment plant and power plant that no city could survive without. Basin City in its world had a major river running close to it, which was not just a lake in this world, which quickly became heavily polluted from the sewer pipes emptying into it to the point it wasn't safe to drink. The city having no water or power, things quickly fell into chaos with everyone being out for themselves. By the time word got out about a city appearing in the middle of a desert about 2 months had pasted. And the agents sent were killed but they did managed to radio out what was happening.
The army unit lead by General Norton was called into action for the first time. The city was already a cesspool to begin with the event just causing it to all spill out into the open. The army had a massive cleanup operation in bringing law and order to the city. By the time the army got there the city was breaking down, with many people dead. The city was a complete write off seeing how there was nothing worth to have a city there in the first place. It would cost more to restore the city then just moving people from the city. But that's where the problem came with the city.
The city was run by Ethan Roark Senior who in his world is a senator, his family had been running Basin City since the Gold Rush. Rich, corrupt and sleazy, the senator is effectively in control of the city, better known as Sin City. It's a place where corruption is king, honesty is lethal and power comes from lying. And as senator, he'd have it be that way forever so long as he and his family can benefit from it. He took it hard learning that everything that he worked for in his world meant nothing, all of his money is worthless and power as a senator meaningless. And General Norton told him to his face that in this world he will never get any of the power he had in his world. She showed him the graphic novel 'Sin City' that showed the events that happen in his world, with him, his son who her soldiers found bringing him in front of his father. Who John Hartigan one of the few honest cops in Basin City took the fall for his crimes of rapping and killing young girls. General Norton went and executed him right in front of his father before beating Roark senior in public showing where even the most powerful man in the city stood in the new world, when it came to crime.
General Norton had shown Teddy the graphic novel before hand so he knew what to expect. He wanted to nip things at the bud so that any powerful crime syndicate wouldn't make themselves at home in this world. The Roark family had to go as well as the Wallenquist Organization, Magliozzi Crime Family and other crime groups. The leaders and important figures were all dragged out of their homes if they weren't gunned down and executed in the street. Seeing how they weren't citizens of this world's United States they didn't have the rights of citizens till they were granted citizenship. A fact General Norton made quite clear that the rights they had under the law they break all the time, is only for the citizens of this worlds America and not the one they're form. (1)
After sorting people with skills that are needed and stripping the city of resources. The people of the city were sent around to other places and the city largely abandon. With the city becoming a ghost city after a few years, thanks to the lack of power and supplies that a city of that size needs to be maintained. It was the early years and resources weren't as abundant as they are now, not to mention how the city was a wretched hive. A out of control fire a few years later destroyed much of the city, leaving it abandon with only scavengers picking through the remains appearing now and then.
People who came from events need to be registered before being granted citizenship, which Spookhouse handles with the other duties that they do. There are plenty of out worlders who in their world were rich and powerful or held important positions. Which all meant nothing in the world they found themselves in. There were people who had job skills that were needed in the ever changing world once Spookhouse was made, but they still needed to be sorted. When it came to hiring people from events who use to work in their world's government, Spookhouse found that most of them are just bad. Some of them were corrupt and sleazy, with arrogant, paranoid bureaucrats with delusions of grandeur. Teddy made it clear that there are enough people like that in this world and he didn't want someone from an event who is a crime lord just picking up where they left off in their world and being like Boss Tweed. Spookhouse quietly took care of people like that.
Then there are the cops who came from events, while some of them are good at what they do there are others who are useless or corrupt. In their world even with everyone knowing what they do the cases against them are sabotaged one way or another. But once they're in this world the dirty cops are just blacklisted from ever joining a police force. And those who reacted violently to the fact that in this world they couldn't have the same power they once had seeing how they wouldn't even be cops anymore, it gave Spookhouse the excuse to get rid of them for good. And said dirty cops got to feel what it's like on the other end where they're completely powerless. Then when the Judges came out of an event and they were integrated with other law enforcement agencies, they handle the sorting of people from other worlds who use to work in law enforcement.
"Agent K and J," General Norton greeted the two Spookhouse agents. In their world Agent K and Agent J two members of the M.I.B. or Men In Black who in their world handle the sorting of alien refugees but in this world are now help in sorting out worlders like them.
"General everything is ready," Agent K said.
"And the technology is something your team will be able to handle?" General Norton ask.
"The tech heads have studied the animal machines and know how they work. The device that girl Aloy uses to override the machines been studied and improved," Agent J said.
"And she'll be joining the team going into the cauldron?" General Norton ask.
"Your son Diego insisted on her going with the shaman who is friends with the A.I. that was captured, along with her brother the chief," Agent J said.
"He and his girlfriend have been equipped with the shields?" General Norton ask.
"Fresh from the factory," Agent K said.
"Good," General Norton said. "And what of my sister?"
"She's in the women's cabin still sleeping," Agent K said.
"Might as well see the kids she picked up," General Norton said walking to the cabin.
"It's always surprising to see a serious Barbie like that," Agent J said.
"There are hundreds of copies of her and some of them are very different from the more friendly ones," Agent K said.
"So why we never see an evil one?" Agent J ask.
"The Empress never lets them out," Agent K answers.
Inside the cabin -
General Norton walks into the cabin seeing most of the women inside already awake and getting ready for the upcoming battle. She scans the rooms seeing the female bodyguards that came with Diego before seeing her sister Trucker Barbie still in bed. Snuggle up on either side of her are two young Asian girls with dark hair. Trucker Barbie was already awake but is just laying in bed letting the two young girls continue to sleep, nestled up to her for warmth.
"Hello sister," General Norton greeted her having walked up to the bed.
"Hello to you too. Keep it down or you wake them up," Trucker Barbie said. Her arms are around each of the girls holding them close to her. With only Lincoln and Vanellope still children, it wasn't that often that she or other Barbie's got to snuggle up like this.
"So you picked up 3 more kids?" General Norton ask.
"I couldn't just leave them," Trucker Barbie said.
"Are they special?" General Norton ask looking at the two sleeping girls.
"I think they are. Jade was one of those kids who sneaks away to join in on a adventure but with her being starved and dying from thrist she learned her lesson. For Terra and her brother Tom, they came from a world where there's a group of kids who call themselves Kids Next Door and fight against adults. It's a long story with them," Trucker Barbie said.
"I hope this works out better then those girls the Biskit twins," General Norton said.
"These kids aren't like that," Trucker Barbie said.
"There are already too many who want to get close to us already," General Norton said. "Speaking of which, where is that girl our son is traveling with?"
"Aloy is in the shower," Trucker Barbie said.
"And what is your take on her?" General Norton ask.
"She's a good match for him and they get along. She didn't even know he was a prince in all the time they were traveling together. It's nice to have someone who doesn't see you for your title," Trucker Barbie said.
"So many men tried to win our sister hand and mostly just for the wealth and power we have," General Norton said.
"And that our sister can summon us who are all still in our prime unlike our sister," Trucker Barbie said.
"Now our kids have to deal with so many trying to seduce them and offering of marriages," General Norton said.
Their children all have people some from other royal houses all offering their hands in marriages, either from themselves or their parents. It's no secret that the Nortons are a powerful royal house both in money and political power. Sunset being heir is the most political active being a diplomat like her mother, she has many suitors but even if she and Naruto won't admit it, they're in love with each other which leaves the other Norton children. Charlie is in the entertainment industry the sports and film entertainment, while his sister Peppermint and Penny are in the stage shows and music. Charlie like his sisters have offers of marriages coming out of the woodwork. Lila being a Spookhouse agent and isn't interested in doing royal things as she calls it, doesn't have many offers but through her is still a way into the royal family. Ginger is running the family company likewise has offers coming to her seeing how rich and powerful she is running the company. Diego being a field researcher for the college that he works for and just becoming an adult doesn't have as many offers as his older siblings. Then there's Lincoln and Vanellope who are still underage but there are offers to them as well, which their mother is very against in arranging any kind of marriage with her children who are still underage.
"Which reminds me the Russian royal family wants to send the royal prince and heir here for schooling and wants for him to be housed at the royal palace," General Norton said.
"Wanting the royal prince to form a relationship with Vanellope," Trucker Barbie said. "At least they be able to form a relationship instead of just meeting each other out of the blue. They might even make a cute couple."
"He's a force user," General Norton said quietly so only her sister would hear.
"How do you know?" Trucker Barbie ask.
"Our sister Intelligent Barbie," General Norton said walking towards the bathroom to meet the girl her son has taken a liking to.
Elsewhere -
The Barbie known as Intelligent Barbie thanks to her job skills being in intelligence/defense agency. The former HQ for the CIA of one world became the HQ for Intelligent Barbie's agency, Safeguard. With the backing of the president, Safeguard was place in charge of all the intelligence/defense agencies of the United States. There have been many people from other worlds appearing who use to work in government agencies, with some people could only had been allowed to work in high levels because of how their worlds worked. Like the CIA personal who were lead by Deputy Director Avery Bullock who was a very amoral in his actions and authority. He ran the CIA like kindergaten with time outs, show and tell, snack time, and field trips. He was an unabashed drug user, sex fiend and general thrillseeker, who should had never been put in charge of anything. He and the other agents were force out of the building and weren't hired when the building reopen under new management, seeing how many of them couldn't do their jobs right or used their power for their own self interest. (2)
Intelligent Barbie made it clear that she didn't want anyone working in Safeguard who are arrogant, paranoid bureaucrats with delusions of grandeur, who have the mind setting that everyone but them is out to destroy the nation. Those people who left to fend for themselves and make a life for themselves in the new world they found themselves in, without any retirement or power they once had. Many found themselves having to take any work that they could get, in the new world they found themselves in. Where how they use to deal with things wasn't accepted or tolerated.
Currently Intelligent Barbie was in a meeting with Roosevelt on the view screen being updated on the status of the Yellowstone super volcano. In the room with her is Zed head of the M.I.B. in his world and now a member of Spookhouse top brass, after he and the M.I.B. HQ were teleported to this world. Nick Fury the head of Shield, who found himself in this world by himself, after learning about Spookhouse he went to the nearest agency and work his way up like he did in his world. Amanda Waller, who is a ruthless, high-ranking government official in her world. Who uses guile, political connections, and sheer intimidation to achieve her goals, often in the name of national security. General Hawk of the G.I. Joe team and his counterpart Gen. Hunter Gathers who is head of O.S.I., both of their teams were merged together with Hawk's team handling the West coast and Gathers the East coast.
"The operation has began with General Norton leading the forces," Intelligent Barbie said bringing up the screen with what the number of eyebots are seeing.
The Banuk had open the compound by triggering the emergency fire escape making the main door open. Once open the first wave of sentry and securitrons attacking the robot animals and allowing the human soldiers to mop up the remaining robots. In the center of the group is Aloy, Diego, Aratak, and his sister Ourea. Aloy with her spear would be able to open the locks and open the systems to reprogramming.
"Prock is on site with other hackers. Once Aloy brings down the firewall that's protecting the rogue AI, they be able to takeover the systems of the cauldron and keep Yellowstone from blowing it's top," Intelligent Barbie said.
"What's the backup plan?" Roosevelt ask.
"Supergirl and Perfect Guy are on standby to drill holes to vent off the pressure. Fluid-Man, soldiers equip with ice guns and robots with freeze rays will charge in to cool things off," Waller said.
"And the jedis, Talpan, Velmwala, Barbie jedi and other force users want to try to force lift the lava right out of the volcano. Which could work," Fury said.
"It has work, at least in my universe," Zed said.
"Why the sam's hill you're holding back the supers? Sure having the boys going off showing they can get the job done is good and all. But when there's something big like this and there's some heroes who have the right powers to handle it right there," Gathers ask.
"The machines are being lead by something from what Aloy managed to discover so far, it seems to be an AI like that one that took over Yellowstone, name Hades. If Hades has been brought to this world and learns of superheroes then it will step up it's game," Intelligent Barbie explains.
"Which is why you're holding back," Hawk said.
"Yes, the robot animals have been spreading and causing problems since the event. Attacks and deaths caused by them, which the lab coats have discovered that most of them are just for terraforming and salvaging from dead machines. We placed the machines in different classes, acquisition which gathers resources, combat which number only 6 so far, communication which is the Tallneck, recon the Longleg and the two types of Watchers, and the transport class. From what Aloy told my son Diego the machines weren't always like this, in attacking people. Something happen right around the time she was born where machines began attacking the hunters who use to hunt them for parts, with deadlier machines with weapons appearing. And recently there are the machines they call corruptors that fire darts that corrupt machines which all have moving red vines covering them and leaving trails of them behind them that last a couple of seconds before fading. A recon team found what Aloy calls a corrupted zone and discovered that the red stuff are nanomachines that takeover the machines. Aloy having taken the device used to corrupt machines and linking it to her focus, allows her to reprogram machines to work for her. Mr. House is working on to counter it, but it doesn't work on his robots very well thanks to how different their working parts are compared to the machines," Intelligent Barbie said.
"There's also the matter of those mountain size robots... the Metal Devils," Roosevelt ask.
"Army units have been sent and secured almost all of them. The ones that remain unsecured are ones with large populations of natives around them and till we know more about the natives, we don't need a repeat of what happen with the Native Americans," Intelligent Barbie said.
"Wouldn't make us look good with all the things we have done since Spookhouse was founded," Roosevelt said seeing Barbie's point.
"Sunset and Lila have already made contact with the Carja, who have a large population and are more advanced economically and militarily compared to the other tribes. My daughters are being escorted to their capital Meridian where she will talk with the Sun-King Avad," Intelligent Barbie said.
"Is it wise sending your daughters?" Waller ask.
"They're being protected by their bodyguards and a unit of soldiers and robots. They also have Naruto and his team with them. Then there's my sister who is with them but is going to be just standing back while Sunset handles the talks," Intelligent Barbie said.
"Which one?" Fury ask.
"Tour Guide," she answers.
"Tour Guide?" Hawk ask.
"Yes there are Barbies who had low wage jobs like ones who worked in stores like shoes," Intelligent Barbie said. "It gives us a board range of viewpoints."
"Surprise that you all managed to work so well together," Zed said.
"It's thanks to our father. He's nothing like any of you have ever met," Intelligent Barbie said.
"I have," Gathers spoke up drawings attention to himself. "Time travel in my world and all that. If your father was anything like the one in my world, it's no wonder he managed to get all of you to work together."
"Wouldn't there be mob boss Barbie?" Hawk ask.
"Of course there is and more," Intelligent Barbie said. "But Dominant Barbie keeps them inside most of the time. Besides with us all being a hive mind with all of our memories link together when we're not out, has mellowed them out from what they use to be. Dominant does bring some of them out when there's need or when something happens that causes us to lose it."
"Trust me when I tell you, that when it did happen the ones who responsible had it coming," Roosevelt said.
"What happen?" Hawk ask.
"A clan of radiation mutants that killed travelers for food and using the women as breeders. Straight out of the horror movie Hills Have Eyes. Caught one of my sisters who was traveling with a young girl who if she had lived would had been another daughter. We made sure there wouldn't be anymore of them," Intelligent Barbie said.
Yellowstone -
Aloy felt strange as unlike the other cauldrons she has been to, this one is far larger and that she isn't alone. The soldiers of Diego's people are here with their own machine soldiers, with their advance weapons they cut down the machines faster then with arrows. The deathbringer guns that the soldiers carry and those energy weapons as they're called made short work of the machines, with soldiers holding positions as the descend deeper into the cauldron. The soldiers called engineers are securing anything that looks important and using copies of her corrupter and other devices are trying to take over the cauldron.
Diego stood near wearing a suit of armor called power armor, that gave him the strength to use a minigun a very heavy weapon like it was nothing. He placed himself in front of her letting any attack thrown at her, hit him instead. Aratak, and his sister Ourea stood behind her. Aratak is using an improved stormslinger and protected by the shock of using it by some rubber gloves. Ourea having learn how to use it, is armed with a rifle. They all kept back letting the soldiers do their jobs while giving them backup when they needed it.
The Darmon has spread metal roots around the machines, making the path that Ourea used block off. The soldiers and robots made traveling through the complex easier, with them getting her to the control pods that allowed her to turn on machines or create bridges instead of going the long way around. They also found a projector on the way inside where they saw the creators of CYAN, where at the time was keeping Yellowstone from erupting for 1,654 years. And with each door leading deeper that she overrided, they learned more. With the reconfiguration of the facility made the primary geothermal pipeline unstable. Engineers and robots were sent to see what they can do as they wanted to keep the complex intact.
"There is no blue light here. Is the Spirit present, or only the Daemon?" Aratak asked as he steps into the main control room after the soldiers cleared the room.
"I think it's both," Aloy said as she steps onto the circle on the floor and place her spear into the override source node. And while she was connecting the lines on the floor together,the head engineer Prok, connected his omni-tool device to hack into the system.
"You're right there are two A.I.s here. The spirit CYAN and the Daemon HEPHAESTUS. Who went and turn this complex into a factory to mass produce hunter-killer machines. And there are thousands of them ready to be release, with a new prototype of those Frostclaws, the bear like machines," Prok said.
"Can you deactivate them?" Diego ask.
"Working on it," Prok said.
The circle lit up as a blue orb appeared over it.
"Partial recovery initiated. Caldera of Yellowstone Analytic Nexus, online," CYAN said.
"Spirit of the Blue Light, it's Ourea. Your servant. Your friend," Ourea said stepping forward. "Please, tell me how to aid you."
"Ourea... the Daemon is building hunter-killers, thousands of them. Several new elite units have already been released. To counter this threat, much of the facility must be destroyed. Recapture imminent. Go to... core... I will try to raise... restraints... One... exposed, but...," CYAN said before being cut off.
"Unauthorized protocol. Return to scheduled task," HEPHAESTUS said.
"Oh no you don't," Prok shouted as his Omni-tool link up with the AI and began hacking away at it joined by other computer expects connected to his device to reprogram it. "Ok we go it pin down."
Do you have control?" Diego ask.
"Need the control core brought down and I'll have the entire complex under my control," Prok said.
"Ok I see it," Aloy said pointing to an energy dome and protected by a tower.
"Careful there's a prototype on standby that will be release once the energy dome is gone, once the tower is destroyed," Prok said.
"What is it?" Diego ask.
"It's base on the Frostclaw, Fireclaw I guess. It attacks with lava and is heavily armored to protect itself from the heat it generates," Prok explains.
"We need heavy weapons, anti-tank grade down here on the double," Diego said over the com link.
"I'm sending down a heavy arms unit down to you," General Barbie said over the com link.
"Alright once they get here we send in the robots to take down the tower and let them wear down the Fireclaw before we open fire on it," Diego said.
"There that should lock down the Daemon," Prock said having lock down HEPHAESTUS in a server and sent some robots to cut the lines so only the power cable be left to keep it from escaping. And using a small EMP blast to make sure there aren't any working nanomachines for the A.I. to escape in. (3)
Once the heavy arms unit came, the eyebots and securitrons were sent in to destroy the tower. Once the tower was destroyed like Prock said the Fireclaw appeared and attack the robots, destroying most of them. The Fireclaw is much bigger then the Frostclaws about the size of a Thunderjaws, the armor plating protecting the machine allowed it to slug off some of the energy blast from the eyebots and securitrons. The soldiers used the distraction to get into firing positions and setting up the anti-tank rockets and guns. Then they all fired at once, the heavy weapons design to take out a tank proved to be it's down fall as a rocket completely destroyed it's head.
"Go now," Prock shouted at Aloy who ran to the now expose centeral core.
"Here it goes," Aloy said as she stabs down with her spear overriding the core. A burst of electrical power shocks her sending her back.
"Aloy!" Diego shouted running up to her and infusing she's still alive.
He reaches down and grabs her spear and like how she showed him how to override machines presses the end at the core, overriding the core to follow his commands. His suit protecting him from the surge of electrical power. Then the core was completely overridden and the hold that HEPHAESTUS had was now gone, the nanomachines that spread metal vines around the complex broke down and control went back to CYAN.
"I'm free," CYAN said as her blue light return to the floating orb.
"And I got control of the killer machines and shutting all of them down," Prock said.
"What about the Daemon?" Ourea ask.
"Got it contain and sending a team down to secure it," Prock said.
It's over then," Aratak said.
"Yes it is," Diego said lifting Aloy up in his arms.
"I can walk," Aloy said still weak from the shock.
"Just rest you're not alone anymore and have to push yourself because it's only you," Diego said walking back to the surface carrying Aloy in his arms.
Elsewhere -
Sunset stared at the city built on top of a massive mesa, it reminded her of Canterlot in many ways. But it wasn't built on the side of a mountain where resources had to be brought up. The land around it gave all the resources it needed to survive. The city looks very prospered and advance for the kind of world it's in. Her train of thought ended when Naruto pop his head into the car she's ridding in, which is part of an armed escort to protect her. They have stop after coming within sight of the city and after passing by the port town, north-west from where they are and after picking up a guide to lead them.
"The guide says that the way into the upper city and to meet with the Sun-King is through the Meridian Gate," Naruto said.
"Have the escort make camp here and you and a small group go with Sunset and Lila to see the Sun-King," Barbie said.
"And where will you be?" Sunset ask her mom who is driving the car.
"Stay here and talk with the locals," Barbie said as the train of cars of trucks and army vehicles have drawn a crowd. Especially seeing how the traders and merchants have followed them seeing that they cleared way for them of the dangerous machines, with their advance weapons.
"At least the Sun-King knows we're coming," Lila said seeing how they didn't hide the fact that they're heading for Meridian to see the king.
"And if he invites you two to stay do so and learn more about the world they came from and teach them about this world," Barbie said to Sunset and Lilam then looks at Naruto. "Also you should stay with Sunset and sleep in the same room as she does."
"MOM!" Sunset said blushing.
"Sis you really shouldn't be so shy in seeing Naruto naked. You already seen him," Lila said causing the two to blush.
"Well you did push her into the room," Naruto mutters remembering how Sunset saw him naked.
"And you did the same to him on me," Sunset said glaring at her sister.
"Fine, we'll share a room together and bed like we use to do," Lila said. It was before Sunset brought the boarding house and they had to share rooms with her and Sunset sharing the room and bed when they were younger.
"Do you still cuddle to things?" Sunset ask.
"Yes," Lila said smirking.
"So it's either you sleeping with your boyfriend or be used by your sister as her stuff toy like you two use to do," Barbie said.
"Naruto you're sleeping with me," Sunset said miff.
"What?" Naruto ask wondering what's happening.
"I had to share a room and bed with Lila for years growing up. And I don't want to do it again. She cuddles me and refuse to let go," Sunset said.
"With that out of the way all of you kids go and get ready to make a good impression," Barbie said.
"Yes mom," Sunset and Lila said getting out of the car and joining with their bodyguards who are going to go with them to the city.
"You're really ok with me sleeping with Sunset?" Naruto ask.
"Please you two aren't just going to have sex, seeing how you two act like. Now go and join the others," Barbie said.
"Yeah sure," Naruto said walking off to join the group.
Author's Notes -
1 - With how some villains get away with being as evil as they want while having the same rights as other citizens, why would they be granted citizenship and be given rights when it's clear that they are villains to begin with. And seeing how they're in another world they don't automatically be given citizenship of what country they appear in. It's also a good way of getting rid of people before they become a problem, when its clear that they're evil.
2 - Yeah the kind of things most government people get away with in fiction could only happen there in that setting. In most governments anyways.
3 - The A.I.s and other cyber lifeforms won't be able to process things like a ghost without a physical connection or wi-fi. As the glowing ball that Hades took in the game can be waved away by nanomachines. But there be no ghost like takeovers of machines in this fic.
First appearances of fictions in this chapter -
Sin City
M.I.B. the cartoon series
Littlest Pet Shop
American Dad!
Men in Black: The Series