Naruto and Sunset have ended up in late 1800's America. There Naruto is found by Theodore Roosevelt and became his ward. And Sunset ended up becoming the daughter of Barbie Norton. Now years later Naruto becomes a government agent along with Kurama in protecting their new home against threats from other worlds.
In her chambers that oldest living royal member of the English crown sat at her table that's been with her for the last couple of hundred years. She is the last of the House of Tudor having been married to Henry the VIII, one of the 9 wives who he had married when he was king. Aleena what her name but in this world she is known as Lady Alena Tudor. The reason why she lived so long was because she's an elf who is able to lived hundreds of years compared to humans. She was forced to marry Henry and bore him a son Franklin, who was half elf whom she had loved.
She turns to the painting of him as a young man who died in battle, which left his half brother, then his two half sisters taking the throne after each of them had died in turn. Leaving only her the last of her house alive. She never took power for herself as she wasn't human or had a power based for support. She merely became apart of the royal court giving advice to the houses that took the crown, giving them useful wisdom that she had picked up over the years. Which she continued to do under the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. (1)
Alena had watched as the events that took place in America changed the world. With how Theodore Roosevelt went and let the world know about how events as they became known brought beings and places from one world to this one. America was one of the few places where ancient orders that would hush up things to make sure the world at large didn't know about out worlders, just couldn't operate like they did elsewhere. Which after Roosevelt publicly paraded the horse size talking fox with 9 tails around, ended any future plans they had in maintaining the coverups. That got the ball rolling as people step forward claiming to be from the future with some still having advance machines or items from their time with them. Which got people in America to wonder and dream of what out worlders and places from other worlds could bring to change their world. Instead of fear and seeing out worlders as demons, like the groups who handle them in the old world started by those followers of Emperor of Mankind that spread from Europe to Asia. The people of America saw them as a promise of what could be if they learned from them.
Alena had followed the news stories of people and even non-humans who made themselves known, some of whom showed what skills they had brought with them or machines that could be made with the tools at hand. But the final nail that spelled the end of the old ways was by the newest royal house to be made, House Norton the only recognized royalty of the United States. She had been surprised by the news of Joshua Abraham Norton laying claim to being the Emperor of the United States. Even writing to the heads of states of other countries which only the kingdom of Hawaii had taken seriously. He would had been nothing but an interesting footnote in the history of San Francisco if it wasn't for his daughter, Barbie. Norton was able to win people over by his sheer presents and charm but it was his daughter who got people to love them.
Barbie Norton had news stories about her with all that she was able to do. During a visit to city hall Barbie had wondered into the tax office and looked over the paperwork, somehow coming up with a plan to balance the city's budgets. Not only that but thanks to her father's backing got the people in city hall to let her help out which she did. Saving the city money and getting the funds to the places that needed it and not being wasted. Which was the beginning of years of news stories of Barbie going around the city of San Francisco, giving check ups and dental work, working on machines that broke down and getting them to work again. It was like there wasn't a job that she couldn't do. Which people tried to see with her being able to do anything that was put in front of her. Well there were somethings that she wouldn't do as she refused to help whalers as she made it clear she like whales. Those kind of things went on for years, till the day Joshua died and Barbie revealed why she was able to do what she did. The shock caused her to use her power to create copies of herself, all of which had different sets of skills and jobs.
Alena had heard of hive minds before in her world of magic but Barbie wasn't magic as magic simply didn't work in this world. Barbie mind housed hundreds of minds of different hers, all of them waking up to find themselves all in the body of a young girl who looked like them when they were young. Alena couldn't even imaged how Barbie had survived with all those minds screaming inside of her. But somehow she did thanks to her father who found her huddle in the corner of the alleyway where he found her and years later where the last missing Barbie was found. The many different groups had to work overtime in trying to maintain cover of events, trying to play Barbie off as a one time thing but with her being a public figure and well known to most of the world.
Alena looked at the framed picture of the Helper Barbie, who controls the main body. Dress in dirty rags, with eyes that had no more tears to sherd, body barely clinging to life, with a look of being completely helpless. On the bottom of the picture were the words spoken by the Jedi Barbie who told the crowd of people who searched the city for the missing Barbies, 'The helper seeks to help, because she knows what it's like to be helpless'. The picture became a motivation poster for people around the world, like those posters of those cats hanging on something, with the words saying hang on there.
People already knew of out worlders but when Barbie revealed that she herself is an out worlder, it changed everything. Barbie is a public figure and well known thanks to news stories of her and more then earned the love of her city of San Francisco. After she buried her father she claim the title of Empress of the Untied States, she began using her powers to make copies of herself to help around the city. It wasn't a surprise to see a Barbie working at the port and to see another working on the sewers or another working at city hall or at the bank. Then came the day Sunset Shimmer came to this world through the horse statue that stood in one of the parks. Her wild hair color and her orange tainted skin made it clear that she came from another world. She ran into one of the Barbie's who saw her coming out of the statue and calmed her down after Sunset displayed her power to move things with her mind.
Barbie took Sunset in with her, learning how to control her new power. While in her world as a unicorn she could already use telekinesis but in this world where she's cut off of magic but connected to instead the force which the Jedi Barbie uses. The only power that works in this world it seems, there are tales of objects brought from other worlds which still had power that must be what they were able to tap into the force. Jedi Barbie taught Sunset how to use her power, and as time went on adopted her making her the first child Barbie would take into her family.
With Barbie getting support from the people of San Francisco she made the city into a safe heaven for those who came from other worlds. With her helping humans and non humans from other worlds to integrate into the city, so that they wouldn't all just be clump together. Barbie used it to also press for equal civil rights for different races and women. San Francisco quickly became advance thanks to so many skills and talents that the out worlders brought with them, as Barbie made it clear that while she's more then happy to help them out. There be no free handouts as everyone is expected to work as it's not a all take and not give back in return. Unlike Europe which mostly got people and places from worlds of magic, America got mostly people and places from advance worlds even ones from possible future worlds. Which is where the robot X49 came from who became the personal bodyguard of Barbie and Sunset. Many people were interested in X49 a machine that could think and feel emotions thanks to the emotion chip in his head. X49 showed what is possible with the right knowledge and technology.
Then came the election where the people of the United States were allowed to vote if they wanted to make the Norton's the official royal family of the country. Barbie went and drove around the country more then 2 years before the election to build up support in that RV she found. Taking with her Sunset and her robot bodyguard X49, with other copies going off on different transports to also build up support. And it made headlines around the world when the election happen and the Norton's became the royal family. Which never happen before, at least not on such a large country as the United States, she remembers a few kings who were voted by the people of the kingdom but for larger kingdoms, the ones made king were from the noble houses. The story of the Norton's made it clear that the American dream can happen to anyone, as long as they're able to do it. Something that Barbie made quite clear when she was crowned as empress, dreaming to be something is good but you should be able to do it or you'll find yourself wondering what to do after you get what you wanted. She doesn't want people thanks to being short-sighted to see the consequences of what they dream to be and what they need to be able to do to do it. It's nice to dream like being a singer but only if you're good at singing to begin with. You shouldn't waste time and energy on something that you're not good at.
With Barbie now being empress of America even if in practices she's just a public figurehead she still wielded great political power. People who wanted to get into office, would often go to a Barbie to get her support. People who got her backing always won any election, or get the support they need to press any issue they wanted. But with that said anyone who got on her bad side quickly found her doing what she can to drive them out of whatever power base they had. In cases where its a whole town or city, once she made it known how upset she is with the people there for one reason or another. The people of the place quickly found that few people outside their community wanted to do business with them. As the different Barbies and out worlders with useful job skills don't work for the people who did business with people who they refuse to have anything to do with.
It wasn't just political power that Barbie wielded as the many different Barbies pooled the money they made from all the different jobs they did, which the business Barbie's used to invest in many different areas. Being on the ground floor for businesses that became household names and products that were first seen as never catching on. Making the Norton's very rich and only richer as Barbie went and adopted more children into her family. Allowing her not only use political power but also financial as well.
Then came Spookhouse and with it everything changed. With America taking in out worlders and studying objects instead of just killing and destroying like everyone else had been doing. Caused the very culture of America to change, their technology made leaps and bounds, with their standard of life improving for the places embracing the change. Then came the alien ship crashing down in America, showing that there is life on other worlds. With people still don't know if they came from other world or this one.
Alena saw the envy the other countries had seeing how America became the shining city on the hill. The other countries quickly got their versions of Spookhouse to follow their lead in how to deal with people and objects from other worlds. With some examples having to be done so that the message be clear that the old way of killing and destroying won't be happening. Not with America getting all the benefits of the skills and technology of other world, with them having little or nothing to show for all the centuries that they could had advanced but didn't. All because they held onto the mindset of nothing good could ever come from any out worlder or learn anything from anything from other worlds.
"The American's not only having the lead in just about everything, also have superheroes as well. Of course, why not with them embracing out worlders has allowed them to gather people that other countries like ours have long have scared away," Alena said to the other person in the room with her.
"We can only do so much in improving our image out worlders, the only ones we been able to get are the ones that are new to this world. Even then we're getting mostly people from worlds like yours where there's magic and mostly people with no useful skills," M said who came in person to talk with Alena, who is one of the people he answers to. He's been giving her the report that Mr. Poppins turned in after she and her girls came back from their trip in the US last year.
"I've been saying that for a very long time. And only now when the Americans are advancing in all fields does anyone listen," Alena said.
"It is hard to change things and what was done was for the greater good," M said.
"For who? As I remember you destroying that vault with all those advance machines inside created by a group called Da'at Yichud, saying that it's too much power and that no one should have it. Now that the Americans showed what happens when people like you are ignored, how those things you claimed are dangerous can be used to improve the standard of life for the user," Alena said.
"Things were different back then," M said.
"You mean after you watched as all the higher ups were hanged in front of all members of Torchwood to drive in the point that you all either change or join the ones hanging on the end of a rope," Alena said looking at M. "I was the one who had them hanged after a search found them trying to hide things from me after I was put in charge. I have little hope in your generation improving things but there is always hope for the young ones learning from your mistakes. Especially when other countries are getting more events then England does, with people and items that can be used in this world."
"We're doing what we can to make up for that. Ms. Poppins has gathered much information from her trip. But do we really need to setup a joint task force with Spookhouse," M ask.
"In how the Americans are out doing us. Torchwood has much to do to make up for all the past mistakes, short-sighted and closed minded views that only broke when I had you all force to change or be put to death. So you see what I have little faith in you all. By opening our doors to Spookhouse all the items just sitting in the vaults will have experts looking over them and figuring out how they work and what they do. And I did get the others in the government to agree with my plan. With it we'll be able to get our hands on the technology that they have and be able to call on them for aid, and make good trade deals with the American companies," Alena said.
"You really think the Americans are going to be the most powerful nation like what happen in some of those history books from other worlds?" M ask.
"I don't think, I know so. With how far they have advanced and even with the changes put in place to keep out worlders, they're still flocking to America, and more importantly they already dominating trade with other countries. Having a good relationship with the United States will help us and with us working with them will make us look better. We need something like Lonely Mountain to improve our image, it did wonders for Austria-Hungary. They're now a financial powerhouse," Alena said.
"I'm surprise you're not suggesting one of the royal family to marry one of the Norton's," M said.
"Oh, I am as well as many other royal families are doing the same," Alena said.
"They are?" M asked surprised.
"The Norton's are a royal house, they have great political power and thanks to Cookie Corners and other investments are one of the richest families in the world. And they are the only royal family in the United States so any house that marries into the family won't have to deal with any other houses. While there are member of houses living there, no one recognizes them for their status they would have here. Then there are the blue bloods who have fallen onto hard times who see the Norton's as a way to climb back up the social ladder. But Barbie made it clear that she doesn't want her children to have arranged marriages, as she never took any offers when she was younger. And there were many suitors trying to woe her, with her being able to create copies of herself who are all in their primes, its not hard to see why she was an item and still is. Now it's her grown children are being targeted by land-rich, bankrupt aristocracy without a penny to their name. Peppermint and Penny Norton while they were touring around here were invited to so many dinners and parties, all in the hopes of charming them," Alena said. (2)
"I still can't believe a family like that became royalty," M said.
"Of all the kings and emperors that I have known, Norton is the best, I have seen," Alena.
America -
In an old and abandon boom town that died the moment that the silver mine dried up. Scratch a tall, roughly humanoid robot with chicken-like features, including "scaled" feet, winglike arms, a feathered tail, and a beak. And his brother Grounder a short teal mole based robot with continuous tracks for mobility. He has a drill for a nose as well as two on the ends of his arms. Grounder specializes mainly in gadgetry, he can turn his drill "hands" into any number of weapons or tools, stores assorted equipment. Both of them had came back from a information gathering mission with Queen Vexus, the former tyrannical queen of the Cluster. She is a female robot with a humanoid body with green and yellow strips that gave off a queen bee look. She can transform her body into just about anything, which she uses to make herself look human.
They're not alone in the town as it's the home for others like them who found themselves in this world. Who are all mechanical beings who have been living in this world for a few years and more. They had been surviving as best as they could with what tools and machines that they could get their hands on. But that all changed after their leader appeared and took control. Bringing in more people from other worlds or locals all working for him.
They brought in supplies in the truck they use to make deliveries of mushroom oil. Once they found themselves in this world many of them found that that infinite supplies and funding that they're use to having no longer works. With some finding other they couldn't just walk in a bank and steal as those who do mostly got shot to death. No in this world they needed a way to make money to buy things that they need. Mushroom oil is one of the ways that they generate revenue, with them developing and selling high-tech devices from their worlds to sell. All thanks to Cobra Commander who had wandered into the town and after organizing everything took over. Which everyone went along with as they now have things they needed and not just scrapping by anymore. Cobra Commander revealed he use to lead a vast organization that wanted total world domination and he was the one who built it up as he was doing now. He put everyone to work to earn their keep. (3)
Speaking of which, Vexus saw SCP-1370 as as he likes being called Pestbot at the junkyard, one of the legal businesses that they run. Pestbot is an odd robot, as his head which is a voltmeter soldered upside down to a neck joint, giving the appearance of a friendly smile. His head is attached to the formerly mindless killing machine the Mecha Scorpion which Grounder found while working in the mine. As he was useless otherwise with that toy like body he had before. The mecha scorpion is an enormous yellow spider-like robot with four fast pneumatic legs and three arms; two small ones in front and two long ones in back armed with loud, squealing buzz-saws. The smaller arms are capable of shooting out a pair of grappling hooks to snag and drag humans closer to the robot, allowing it to deliver a killing blow with its buzz-saws. Which Pestbot is using to chop apart trash for resources.
As they are right now they wouldn't be able to do much but with everything that they're doing they'll be able to do something in the future. Which is why Vexus is so excited as what they found while they were out of town. They came upon a metal door built on the side of a cliff that open to release several robot animals, which are deer like. She captured one and is now in the back of the truck with those two fools looking after it. It looks like there's a underground factory that creates robot animals and if they can take it for themselves. The dream of Cobra taking over will happen sooner then expected.
Author's Notes -
1 - The world history of American Fox is mostly like real life but because of out worlders and objects have changed things. So forget the story following how history in real life went.
2 - Many, many aristocratic families have ended up paupers. For example, since the nobility in the United Kingdom were large farmers, most of them lost their wealth largely due to the availability of cheap food grown in the Americas. Rising wages, inheritance tax and the reduced influence of the House of Lords did the rest.
3 - There be no off screen villain dark matter that allows the villain to never have to worry about funding or lack of manpower. Or how they are able to get new equipments so fast after they old ones are destroyed. Cobra Commander in the comics showed how he was able to built up the funding needed to start Cobra unlike other villains who just seem to be able to get hold of vast amount of money and resources off screen some how.
My Life As A Teenage Robot
G.I. Joe
Cabin in the Woods
Power Rangers