

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

ansh_singh_baghel · Celebridades
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After Frank left, Josie sat alone in the living room and resumed the conversation between the two.

He finally had some suspicions that something was wrong with his daughter, but Josie was not worried because she was with "Josie. Horton "has always been a person, memories, emotions and even souls, they all share.

Josie then told Dorota to rush back to New York immediately, go to the house on the Upper East Side to take some samples for DNA identification, and call Don, a private investigator. Kangji, let him find a way to get Ashley. Mills's copy—she had to figure it out—got it and sent it for a paternity test, including her own.

Then, she and El drove to Century City.

The black Volvo was still driving smoothly, and Josie looked at El a few more times from the rearview mirror, and El asked with some doubt: "What's wrong, Josie?" "

"Nothing." Josie said, "Just found out that you recently grew a beard." "

El subconsciously touched his chin and said while driving: "This looks more mature and reliable, doesn't it?" "

"Just be happy." Josie said.

El felt praised, hesitated for a long time, and finally asked: "I'm sorry, I heard a little about your argument with Mr. Horton, you really because..."

"No, it's not." Josie replied very decisively, she easily caught El's wandering gaze from the mirror, and a smile of unknown meaning spilled from her lips, "I just see one who loves one and doesn't want to take any responsibility - so I've never been a good person." Understand? "

The smile on her lips was faint and cold, the smile clearly did not reach the bottom of her eyes, and there seemed to be a hint of warning in her tone, as if she was just joking with El.

Josie went to the CAA's Death Star Mansion.

The agent she was looking for, or the CEO of Tianji Pictures, was one of her agents, Archie. Dano.

After her career gradually got on track, Archie's role became somewhat awkward.

On the one hand, because she has always been more in tune with Martha, Archie's set is not very suitable for Josie's style of doing things.

On the other hand, Archie has also done a lot for Josie's Tianji Pictures, and it can be said that the copyright related to the first film project being planned was run down for her by this agent in the early stage.

So she decided to put him in another more suitable position.

From a middle-level member of the Hollywood boss CAA to a new company as a senior executive, Archie didn't think about it for long before he was moved by the proposal.

The reason is that he himself also feels the bottleneck of his career, and Tianji Pictures is backed by Tianmu Capital, which not only guarantees his salary and treatment, but also has greater room for improvement.

However, the specific matters should be discussed in detail, and Tianji Film also had to give a formal employment contract.

This is a good start.

After Josie received a message from Brad. Ranflo's call, he came to thank her for recommending himself to the "In the Name of Love" crew.

His audition has been successful, and the producer Universal Pictures has offered a good salary, and he can still compete with Daniel. Top actors like Day Lewis play against each other.

To be honest, Josie also wants Daniel to play her father, or something else, as long as she can work with Daniel, but there is no suitable opportunity for the time being.

"Do you have time today?" Brad asked, "If anything, would you like to come to see our band rehearsal, right in the Silver Lake area." "

Josie thought about it and thought that this proposal was good, so she agreed and prepared to go later.

Los America's Silver Lake district is close to Hollywood, where many young people with dreams live, and is home to many artists and musicians.

By the way, the director of "Mr. Sweetheart" Cameron . Crowe and his rocker wife Nancy. Wilson, who also lives in the Silver Lake District.

Josie made a call to Nancy in advance, but the other party was not at home, so she only let El carry two bottles of red wine from the trunk, put them in front of their house and left.

Arriving at Brad's rented rehearsal room, the teenage runaway teenagers were having fun, the long-haired lead singer singing an unknown rock song in a hoarse voice, the knuckles of the keyboard with smoky makeup shaking like madness, and the drummer shaking his head and making a few mistakes.

Only Brad who is in charge of bass. Ranflo looked more normal, still wearing soft blonde hair and wearing simple curt. Cobain-style flannel shirts and jeans are playing their part in full swing.

But it is precisely because of this that he seems a little out of place.

Josie's arrival made the band members work harder and harder, and it really made people wonder if this key continued to rise, whether it would make the long-haired lead singer sing and split.

Brad couldn't help but frown, stopped playing and said, "Take a break, it didn't feel right just now." Freddy, your tune is too high. "

"Ahem, I think it's good." The long-haired lead singer Freddy looked over with a sticky look and smiled at Josie: "Hi Josie, I like your movie very much, take a picture with me, right?" "

As he spoke, he walked over to grab Josie's shoulder, apparently thinking of her as the kind of girl who loved to play in the rehearsal room.

El suddenly stepped forward, his tall body blocking in front of Josie, and with a cold face, he reached out against the other party's chest.

Freddy scoffed, raised his hands exaggeratedly and said, "Hey, man, I just wanted to take a picture with her, so that it wouldn't be like this to me, right?" Are you her boyfriend or someone? "

"Freddy—" Brad walked over and grabbed the man's shoulder, holding his hand hard, "Enough, today's rehearsal is over, you all go back." "

Freddy shrugged and whistled: "Brad, I remember you said it yourself, you can't bring a girl to the rehearsal room, what is it now?" "

Brad grabbed Freddy by the collar and warned, "Then that's to prevent you guys from messing around in the rehearsal room, you fucking bastard!" "

"Oh, but without me bastard, can you stand here, Big Star?" Freddy looked mocking and slapped Brad's hand away, "So don't yell at me, Brad, and don't try to make us like a bunch of clowns to please your chicks - Brian, Dan, let's go, leave the place to our big star!" "

The remaining drummers and keyboardists obviously had a better relationship with the lead singer, and after hearing this, they rushed out behind Freddy, and when passing by Josie's side, Freddy deliberately whistled.

Elben wanted to punch the bastard directly, but Josie pulled the hem of his clothes behind him and shook his head at him.

The originally noisy rehearsal room suddenly became deserted, Brad took the bass in his hand and put it on the instrument stand, and said with a gloomy face: "Sorry, I didn't see the rehearsal as a result, but let you see a joke." "

"It's funny." Josie picked a round stool and made it, "So what about your money, Brad, all smashed into here?" "

This building is quite famous in the Silver Lake area, and the equipment in the rehearsal room is also first-class, but on the contrary, the level of this underground band is not even third-rate.

Elmo leaned silently against the door.

Brad shook his head and nodded, repliing, "Not entirely. But being a band was my dream with Freddy, we grew up in the same place and he was like one of my family. "

"A family member who smokes, drinks, burns his head and is addicted to drugs?" Josie wrinkled her nose, inadvertently glanced at the suspicious plastic cover in the corner, and suddenly jumped up from the stool, "Ewwww, it's disgusting!" Look, you really should have a cleaner to clean this place. "

Brad followed Josie's line of sight, and his handsome face immediately turned red, and he said in a hurry: "Josie, or let's go to the corridor to take a look, I don't know..."

"I'd love to tell you it's no big deal, but the truth is, I really don't quite understand the kind of friend you've made." Josie waved her hand, looking very uncomfortable.

"He wasn't like that before." Brad looked a little lonely, and as he walked out with Josie and El, he said, "We used to... It was friends who had fights, stolen cars, and entered juvenile detention centers until Mr. Schumacher discovered me and brought me into the crew of "The Ultimate Witness." "

"And then two unknown people who should have been at the bottom of this society, one became one of the most anticipated newcomers in Hollywood, and the other continued to frequent juvenile detention centers, or the police department?" Josie glanced back at the full equipment in the rehearsal room and let out a chuckle, "Brad, you are not responsible for other people's lives. "

As far as Josie knew, Brad's salary was more than enough to support himself and his family, and paying the rent for the rehearsal room was not a burden.

But the problem is that some people can use their friends to lie on him and suck blood without guilt.

Brad let out a sigh and whispered, "He's my friend." "

Josie noticed that he lowered his face slightly, and the melancholy in his brown eyes was even stronger, and there was a loneliness that did not fit his age.

She didn't continue talking to him.

The empty corridors were filled with many similar rehearsal rooms, but there was really nothing to see, and the bands, known or unknown, gathered in the building, and voices kept coming from the unclosed doors.

Of course, there are also many young and beautiful girls here.

Josie can't understand some of the culture in this circle, but she can't quite associate Brad with the bohemian rockers.

Still, they listened to Brad's bass for a while.

Perhaps because of the favorability bonus, Brad's solo level sounds higher than the previous three, and when he is immersed, he has a heartfelt smile on his face, enjoying it all.

Josie was intrigued by him, so she played a drum kit in the rehearsal room, thinking that she was much better than the drummer who had just knocked out - at least she was not wrong, and she was very capable of bluffing.

Brad and El both applauded her.

El looked surprised and said, "I just knew that your piano played well, but I didn't expect the drum kit to be like this..."

"So dashing." Brad thought of an adjective for El, "After all, you look sweet, not like a girl who can play this." "

Josie smiled, and the drum stick made a very fancy circle in midair, falling back between her thumb and forefinger, raising one eyebrow, and looking at the two boys rather defiantly.

"You mean, I look like the kind of girl who only swipes her dad's credit card and buys a bunch of name tags?" Using lines from "Alone in the Limelight", she made a joke, "Come on, boys, it's coming soon into the twenty-first century, why are you with these stereotypes?" And if nothing else, Nancy plays guitars that kill everyone in this building. "

The "boys" she named laughed a little embarrassed.

At this time, someone knocked on the door of the rehearsal room, and Josie had just talked about Nancy. Wilson pushed the door in with a big smile on his face: "Oh, sweetheart, I heard you praising me before I entered the door, I guess you must have smeared honey on your lips today." Wow, look at you, just you guys playing? "

Her gaze mainly fell on Josie, who was sitting in front of the drum kit, and she seemed surprised.

"Yes." Josie winked at Nancy, "How's that, we're at a good level, right?" Introduce my friend Brad. Ranflo, the bass he plays; I can't do without the universal assistant El. Kaiser, who was in charge of acting as a spectator. "

"Yes, almost the whole floor knows that you are coming, but I asked people to keep idle people and others out. Hi, I'm Nancy. Wilson. Nancy was amused by her, nodded at the two of them, and then turned around and shouted outside: "Keanu, willing to gamble and lose, you invite us to dinner in the evening." "

There was a chuckle outside the door, and then a tall and tall black-haired man came in, it was Keanu who had been almost hidden recently. Reeves.