

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

ansh_singh_baghel · Celebridades
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103 Chs


Since Josie couldn't drink, Edward ordered only two glasses of freshly squeezed juice, a signature burger, today's salad, recommended snacks and some oysters, which are said to have been served at the restaurant since 1844, and the coordinates of the proximity to Huddison Pier make these oysters very fresh and delicious.

When she was very young, Josie read Maupassant's short stories and was so impressed by the scene in which the noble lady eats oysters, she became ill in middle school and begged the etiquette teacher at the time to use several lessons to teach her how to eat a variety of seafood elegantly and decently.

But when she grew up, her action was judged to be really contrived - contrived is contrived, but she felt beautiful, so she always did.

Holding up the bottom of the oyster, her lips opened slightly and moved gently, and the fresh oyster meat slipped meekly into her mouth, the whole process did not make unnecessary croaking sounds, and the movements were fast.

These manners have long been deeply rooted in her marrow, and years of edification have made it a trivial matter, which is why her agent, Archie, said that she carries an air of old money no matter what she does.

Just like now, she eats quite beautifully, and at first glance seems to be no different from the diners in the restaurant, but her every move is to eat ordinary street restaurants with the temperament of high-end French food.

Edward Wan, asked: "Eating seafood is also a compulsory course on the Upper East Side?" "

Josie pressed the corner of her mouth with a tissue and replied, "No." Just my elective. "

Reservedly speaking, the Norton family is an ordinary middle-class family, but in fact, they are rich people, who only started in the generation of Edward's grandfather, who called him "a great American entrepreneurial legend."

But Josie was not quite like him.

"Josie's" mother Edna's family is an ordinary rich man who coincides with his fortune, but his father Frank is an Upper East Side "aristocracy" who can trace his bloodline, except that he was not born in the power center of the Horton family, but a sideline loser and Italian prostitute. Daughter's son.

As for the other "Josie", her ancestors have been slaves for three generations, and the marriage and alliance of generations have made it a towering tree with lush leaves, and the richer the family, the more dirt and dirt are hidden, and her life once did not have much to nostalgia.

Only after the two had finished eating did Edward begin to say, "You know what? Woody filmed "Annie. Hall", the hero and heroine reunited after breaking up, the camera advanced from our position, right here, through the glass window of the restaurant, to Lincoln Center not far away, they silently looked at each other, the scenery was faint, like a world away. "

Edward's speed was a little fast at first, talking about Woody. Allen's film begins with a soothing tone, as if sharing a short story that he thinks is interesting, with a bright smile on his face.

Josie remembers watching Woody for the first time. Allen's Anne. Hall" was in college, and she remembers the two protagonists, Ive. Singh and Annie. Hall's name, as well as Woody. Allen's literary youth and his contradictory love.

It is worth mentioning that Woody outside the play. Allen with Diane, who plays the heroine. Keaton fell in love, and the latter was also sealed for the film's Oscar.

"Anne. Hall has taken a lot of scenes in this neighborhood, and it's interesting that Manhattan doesn't seem to have changed much over the years. Josie sipped the little lemon soda left, "I remember Diane. Keaton's look, white shirt, vest and beige trousers, is cute. "

Without thinking, Edward said, "Yes, I remember that she was wearing that outfit and then the hero sent her home, between 68th Street, Madison Avenue and Park Avenue." "

"Why do you remember so clearly?" Josie asked with some surprise.

"You know, it's a very classic movie, Woody. Allen is also a very interesting director, he has created a new way of cinematically, you can see in the film he sometimes looks directly at the camera, like an audience outside the camera and says, like, 'Hey, I know you're there', but the next second he comes back to the plot – thanks, no change. Edward said as he put the money on the bill and got up to leave the restaurant, "Actually, this is the charm of movies, each movie is like a new world, waiting for people to explore." "

He stepped forward and opened the door of the restaurant and turned sideways to let Josie go out first.

The streets are full of people, and under the bustling night view of Manhattan, almost everyone's face is so hurried, like the crowd waiting to enter the subway station, most of them only care about their next station, not where others will go.

Josie wore a New York Yankees baseball cap, which covered most of her small face, and was not recognized in the darkness of the night.

She put her hands in her coat pockets and said as she walked: "But not everyone can enjoy movies from this perspective, and generally speaking, movies are a way of entertainment for people, not a process of exploring the world and exploring themselves." "

"That's why we're actors, and they're just spectators." Edward smiled, "Actors are mysterious others, absurd and unpredictable, exploring, observing, listening, creating, this is the creative ability of actors to give life to characters, many people misunderstand that actors are just commodities placed in movies, but in fact we are creators, the soul that builds the characters' flesh and blood." "

Josie nodded from time to time, and thought for a moment after Edward finished speaking, before saying honestly, "This is too complicated for me. I'm just a beginner, I'm just acting and enjoying my role. "

Edward nodded and told Josie, "I saw your first short film, and you know that the talent of experiential actors is not as common as people think, and your debut is amazing—but you seem to have a preference for dramatic characters with contrasts." "

"You don't love?" Josie asked rhetorically.

"Yes, I love it too." Edward shrugged, "The more dramatic it is, the more fascinating it is." "

"For example, someone smiling and saying, 'I hate you'?"

"So to speak, but you can design the scenario a little crazier, like 'I hate me for loving you'?"

Josie laughed at this time and said, "There is a sense of picture." The greater the contrast between the two poles of the psyche, the more dramatic it can be, and the collision of lines and hearts will make the characters more real, because people in reality are always so duplicitous. "

"Haha, you are so right, this is human nature, complex human nature." Edward laughed, then improvised a quote, "'Human nature is not black and white, it has many gray areas. And this is the beauty and unpredictability of human nature. "

Josie felt that this sentence was a little familiar, and gently raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh, it turns out that you also read Maugham." "

Hearing this, Edward turned to look at Josie, and a smile converged on his face, turning his smile into a softer smile.

He didn't answer the rhetorical question: "Also?" "

"'If a man is powerless to win a woman's love, it will be his fault, not hers.'" For the work of one of the kings of poisonous tongues, Josie can be said to be at hand, especially this "Veil".

Edward asked, "So, do you agree with that, Josie?" "

"No one is obligated to respond to the love of others, is there?" Josie gave him a rhetorical question, but said to herself: "No one is wrong, only mistakes are wrong in the real world, and there is no fairness in the real world." It is a painful and sweet truth that those who indulge in love must obey, and of course there are occasional cases of close matches, either for a long time or because of love. "

Speaking of this, she didn't open her eyes, and a hint of ridicule overflowed from her graceful red lips, as if she remembered something less pleasant.

But when Edward looked closely, the strange appearance disappeared again in that moment, and Josie had returned to her usual appearance.

Edward pressed the urge to inquire back to his heart and only talked about the problem: "Because of love and hatred, in the final analysis, it is still self-respect, because no one is willing to compromise, everyone is unwilling, and everyone has their own helpless reasons." "

Josie said: "It sounds like you are very emotional, do you believe that love can overcome everything? "

Edward replied, "Perhaps, I guess?" I haven't encountered this situation yet, but people should face their hearts more than hate each other, rather than choose to run away from problems. "

Josie was noncommittal.

They walked all the way to the intersection of 70th Street, next to the circular building with a white façade that stood quietly there.

Josie suddenly suggested, "Let's do a test." "


"Don't talk."

Edward smiled and shook his head, but also kept silent according to Josie's instructions, asking with his eyes: And then?

Josie continued, "I'm going to close my eyes, guess what I'm doing. "

They sat outside the Asian Art Museum on Park Avenue, which was closed at this time, and the white façade was illuminated by street lamps as a dim warm yellow.

The sound of traffic outside the road.

Real estate agents talking on the phone, artists preparing exhibitions, publisher editors urging manuscripts, young people on their way to a boutique not far away, and Christmas music coming from the boutique.

Oh, and two models who went diagonally opposite to do nose work, one with a nose shaved head and the other with a nose pad, from different small countries in Eastern Europe, speaking English with too strong accents.

But no one paid attention to the two people who were quiet under the white exterior wall.

The pedestrians passing by are hurried, occasionally leaving only a few words, allowing people to piece together trivial stories.

The name of the story is "New York".

Under the warm yellow street lamp, Josie's snow-white side face became more and more dazzling.

Her eyebrows were hidden from the shadow of the brim of her hat, and she couldn't see clearly, but three-quarters of the side lines were very smooth, and every place was as warm and beautiful as that white marble sculpture.

You can imagine why the camera is so partial to this girl.

As if sensing Edward's gaze, Josie suddenly opened her eyes and met his gaze, her pupils bright and clear, and she looked at others defenselessly, with a bit of childish innocence.

Edward couldn't help but smile slightly, and he reluctantly put his wandering thoughts back in his place, returning to this test of whim.

"Are you listening to their stories?" He asked instead.

"Precisely," Josie said, "it's the New York story." The lights are strange and green. "

Edward looked ahead and said, "Hopeful but lonely." You can't influence anyone, but no one can influence you. "

This bustling city is actually very cold.

He smiled slightly and continued, "But I like it here. No one will make me uncomfortable, anyone can be 'anonymous' forever. "

"Then I don't think you will like Los Angeles." "I wake up every day to find that the trash can in front of my house has been rummaged, which is one of the biggest annoyances that fame brings, and people are so happy to peek into my life with impunity." "

Edward shook his head, "You should move back to New York or stop anything you don't want to see." "

"I'm planning to move." Josie casually said, "Back to our test, I just heard something interesting." "


"Just passed by the real estate agent messing around with his wife behind his back, and was busy going to the hotel with his client to open a room."

"... And what? Edward paused subtly.

"That artist is a misogynistic bastard who thinks that no one sponsors his exhibition because of damn unspoken rules." Josie thought it was interesting, "The little model from Ukraine thinks of New York as a dream city, but her companion just wants to make extra money and casually perfunctory to her, and she thinks she's too fat to get on the catwalk, but to be honest, size 4 is not fat - why look at me like that?" "

"I suddenly remembered something."


"I saw that the real estate agent's client was a man."


Josie wrinkled a small face.

They turned in the direction of Madison Avenue and walked down.

It was difficult for Edward to describe exactly how he felt at the moment.

Love at first sight starts with the character's filter bonus, which is actually easy, because how straightforward a man is a visual animal, he can't be a complete exception.

Then there is the subtle tacit sense of understanding during the performance, sparks splashing, full of tension.

The nerve endings in his arms seemed to be dancing, spreading from heart to fingertips, and she was completely immersed in the state of the character, and the look in her eyes looking at him was so mesmerizing and so haunting.

Then, what is happening tonight is another dimension of attraction.

As Maugham writes, there is a gap in everyone's heart, but Edward never thought that he needed a well-shaped heart to fill it like everyone else, because he had so many things that interested him, such as acting.

But at this moment, an unprecedented storm swept through his heart, creating a strong desire in his blood that the road in front of him could be longer and slower.

He looked up and saw the moonlight.

In the moonlight, Josie stopped and turned to face Edward.

"I've arrived." She said.

"Oh, there you are." Edward was stunned before returning to his senses, and a trace of unbearable astringency suddenly rose in his heart, and he couldn't help but open his mouth, "Josie, tomorrow..."

"Yes." As if guessing his thoughts, Josie tilted her head playfully and smiled at him: "Three days and seventy-two hours, I belong to you." "

The meaning of these words is too ambiguous.

Maybe she didn't pay attention at once, or maybe she did it on purpose, anyway, for Edward, this is undoubtedly amazingly lethal.

That faint sourness was completely crushed, replaced by countless light and dreamy soap bubbles, one by one, rising in front of his eyes, reflecting colorful and wonderful light.

Edward couldn't help but smile and said slowly, "Good." See you tomorrow! "