

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

ansh_singh_baghel · Celebridades
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Inside the Viper House -

Mark and Samantha, two similar-looking siblings, are standing in front of the DJ booth.

The former has a pair of monitoring headphones hanging around his neck, is busy DJing in his hand, and his body gently sways to the rhythm of the music; The latter held up a Sony handheld camera and filmed the most active people at the party.

The rhythmic funk music resounds in every corner, and the low-back powerful bass and complex and varied drums are very fancy, making people can't help but shake their heads to the beat.

This dynamic rhythm is offering endless possibilities for dancing on the dance floor.

Josh did not have a cool face as usual, but a sinister smile on his face, and his eyes followed the host of tonight's birthday party from beginning to end, and did not hide the hot temptation in those ice-blue eyes.

His dance is really good.

His height and leg length make his frame look particularly good, and his long-term training also makes his movements smooth and powerful, and his stepping is accurate, which is simply cool.

Most importantly, the young dancer danced with an extremely silky visual enjoyment, sometimes as soft as if there were no bones in his body, and sometimes as hard as he was covered with bones.

Almost everyone at the party, men and women, even Dorota couldn't help but hold her little heart and scream or whistle for this blessed dancer.

But as the host of tonight's party, Josie only looked appreciative, but far less excited than other girls who wanted to rip off Josh's top on the spot.

Charlotte next to her elbowed against her, leaned into her ear and asked, "Sweetheart, tell me, how did you get Josh, this bastard?" You must know that he has grown so big, he has always been chased backwards, but there has never been such a time as today, like a peacock in the courtship period, taking the initiative to show his feathers. "

"Peacock in courtship?" Josie couldn't help but deepen the smile on her face, but said in her mouth: "I dare to say that if he hears your words, he will be mad!" "

Charlotte smiled and emphasized, "But I think he's going crazy right now—for you." "

Josie raised her eyebrows lightly, noncommittal.

Enjoying the pursuit is certainly a pleasant thing, let alone facing a young boy with beautiful flesh and body.

So Josie was immersed in such an atmosphere until Josh came to her with a beautiful diamond-shaped sliding step, suddenly extended his right hand to her, and issued an invitation to dance.

The dance floor suddenly sounded a mixture of screams and whistles, very warm, young people's lives are always so unrestrained, love and hate, why not have a night of revelry?

But Josie was an accident.

With a smile on her overly sweet and delicate face, she put the empty cup in her hand into Josh's palm, as natural as breathing.

"Thank you." Josie's expression was calm, "I'm bothering with it." "

There are already many more little lovers on the dance floor, but this pair is still the most interesting, after all, one is a big star and the host of tonight, and the other has just contributed such a wonderful performance that tugged at the heartstrings of most women and a few men present.

Oh, who wouldn't want to sleep them?

Perhaps Josh didn't expect to touch the heart of the girl in front of him so easily, he shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't care and smiled, "Oh, it's yours, Josie." "

After speaking, he actually pressed the cup that still had water vapor to his cheek, and did not forget to hook the corner of his lips to give Josie an impeccable smile.

Josie raised her eyebrows lightly and was about to speak, but saw El not far away walking over with a large gift box.

"Josie, this is Ernest. Do you need my help opening the birthday present that Mr. Dawson asked me to deliver? El asked.

"No, I'll do it myself." Josie replied.

Immediately, she forgot about Josh in front of her, she stepped on her high heels like a light bird, and came to El with a few steps on tiptoe.

Josh behind her silently pursed his lips, suppressing the letter of F that was about to jump out, and cast a vicious gaze on El's face that impressed him.

As if unheard, El handed the gift box to Josie.

The blue-gray wrapping paper and champagne-colored ribbon were opened in a few clicks, revealing a beautifully bound bust inside the rectangular gift box, depicting a blonde girl standing in the water with hazy and melancholic brushstrokes, revealing a half-dreamed face belonging to Josie with the title of Ophelia in Hamlet.

- or maybe it still belongs to Iris.

Josie flipped through Ernest's handwritten greeting card, asking El to put away the gift from the romantic feelings of the literary youth, and saw that not far away, Archie's assistant Catherine was desperately making eyes at him.

Josie walked over and asked, "What happened?" "

"Archie is in trouble." Catherine leaned close to Josie's ear and said, "Johnny. Depp and Kate. Mousse came over and she said she was coming and having a drink with you. "

Johnny. Depp and Kate. Mousse is one of the hottest couples in Hollywood today, the former is not only a Hollywood first-line student, but also a partner of this viper house.

According to common sense, no one can stop or will stop Johnny. Depp, because the Viper House is his turf.

Josie gave Catherine a puzzled look.

Catherine pursed her lips and continued, "They're both overdone, and Archie is worried that it will be bad for you. "

"I see." Josie bowed her head slightly, her expression cold.

Josie's ITgirl title is becoming more and more widely known because of the Vogue feature, which clearly threatens true fashion icon Kate. Mousse's status, if you can think about it with your toes, you also know that the other party is not good tonight.

As for Kate. Moose's boyfriend Johnny. Depp, Josie, and her team haven't dealt with him, except that he's not an easy person to deal with and is easily influenced by alcohol and emotions according to industry rumors.

Thinking of this, Josie couldn't help frowning.

She looked back and saw that El had followed closely behind her, which made her feel a little calm.

Receiving Josie's eyes, El stepped forward to clear the crowd for Josie, and Catherine protected Josie behind her, and someone kept shouting "Good evening, Josie" or "Happy birthday, Josie" in the increasingly powerful music, Josie could not even remember the names and faces of these people.

Well, they most likely mixed in with friends, which is unavoidable at most parties in Hollywood.

A booth in the Viper House, Kate. Mose was leaning softly on her boyfriend, as if talking to herself, asking, "Hey, do you guess that little princess, dare to drink our wine?" "

Johnny. Depp grabbed Kate with one hand. Mousse's waist, holding a lit cigarette in one hand, looked indifferent and did not answer his girlfriend's question.

Seeing that the girl not far away was walking towards them, Kate. Mose ticked her red lips and straightened up to pull out a small bag of small white pills from her small purse, in Johnny. Depp shook in front of him.

Johnny. Depp took a big puff of smoke and said impatiently, "Whatever you want, Kate." "

"Then do it." Kate. Mose said with a mischievous smile.

She took one and threw it into the alcoholic drink on the table and reached for Johnny. The cigarette in Depp's mouth narrowed his eyes in enjoyment, and he faintly spit out a smoke ring.

There was a stench of alcohol, tobacco and other things in the air, and as soon as Josie approached here, she habitually frowned.

The anxious Archie stuffed a bottle of soda into Josie's hand and whispered a reminder: "Whatever she says, don't just drink what others give you, understand?" "

Josie's gaze fell on the soda in her hand, and she raised her eyebrows silently.

"Including me, of course!" Archie rolled his eyes, "But this bottle is fine, unopened cans are not so easy to manipulate." "

Josie nodded, and instead of asking any questions such as the legal drinking age, she puffed out her cheeks and looked up to put on a perfect social expression.

She smiled, walked over and said, "Hey, Kate and Johnny, I didn't expect you to come to my party too, I'm so happy!" "

"Oh, this is Johnny's bar after all." Kate. Mosse gave a smirk, picked up the brightly colored alcoholic drink on the table, and said, "Have a drink, for your birthday?" "

The smile on Josie's face froze slightly.

Archie next to her stepped forward and tried to make a round and said, "Kate, Josie hasn't ..."

"—or still, you didn't put me in your eyes." Kate. Moss didn't look at Archie, his eyes stared at Josie urgently, and the wine glass in his hand could not be refused.

Josie didn't want to open her body and let gravity carry Kate. The wine glass that Mousse handed over fell together.

A string of crisp cracking sounds dissolved into the dimly lit bar floor and restless background music along with fragments of glassware and colorful liquor.

Kate. Mose raised her eyes and raised her eyebrows at the blonde girl in front of her.

"What do you mean, huh?" She asked knowingly.

"Mousse, don't take others for fools." The smile on Josie's lips suddenly turned cold, and she took half a step back with her arms in her hands, putting a distance between herself and this crazy woman, "In addition, as the girlfriend of the owner of the Viper House, is it really no problem to treat the guests here like this?" "

Come to the party to send her a blessing, and Josie will of course welcome;

But if you want to do things with your identity, Josie is also willing to accompany her.

Kate. Mose was blocked by Josie, rolled her eyes unabashedly in the changing bar light, and said: "Today's Hollywood newcomers don't understand what 'respect' is, do they?" Or did your mother not teach you to be polite? "

Josie completely cooled her face and crossed over Kate in front of her. Mousse, looking at Johnny who was still sitting behind him. Depp, "That's not interesting, two, when is it still popular in this circle to discuss seniority." "

Her family is no secret in Hollywood, and the topic of her mother, Edna, is Josie's most taboo and sensitive topic.

And Hollywood has never been a place to discuss seniority, fame, connections, capital, constitute the final voice of superstars.

Kate. Is Mousse just red?


As a popular fashion muse, she became one of the most profitable models with her lackluster face and thin body, and became one of the most profitable models with Johnny. Depp's romance frequently appears in front of the Hollywood public.

But don't forget, there is an obvious chain of contempt in this circle.

Actors who appear in college movies and art films look down on sexy popcorn box office stars, box office stars look down on bluffing youth idols, but youth idols and reality TV stars despise each other... But in any case, the profession of female models still belongs to the bottom of this chain of contempt, only a little better than male models in the fashion industry.

Many times, they are even just one of the decorations for parties and yachts, with a clear price.

And Josie, who is the most popular youth idol in the United States, has even been a star Richard. Kiel dares to scare each other openly and secretly, and will be afraid of a malicious Kate in front of him. Mousse?

The only one who can really bring trouble is Kate. Johnny the popular boy behind Mousse. Depp is just that, so Josie specifically reminded them that it belonged to Johnny. Depp also has a share of the Viper House, and if there is news that any guests are embarrassed by the boss, it is obviously not a good thing worth mentioning.

Hearing this, Johnny who was sitting there. Depp sneered, leaned back on the sofa, his arms spread over the backrest, and his eyes still in a trance revealed some emotions called indifference and contempt.

Instead of replying, he asked, "What about Keanu?" "

Josie was stunned for a moment.

There are only a handful of people in Hollywood who call the name "Keanu", and everyone knows Johnny. Depp is undoubtedly referring to Keanu. Reeves.

There's nothing wrong with tonight's party location really being prepared for her by Keanu, but it shouldn't be worth Johnny either. Depp came specifically to find trouble, isn't he one of the partners here?

Josie's mind raced and was about to find out "Johnny. Depp" with "Keanu. Reeves", the association between the two names.

Then, a familiar name popped up: Ruifan. Phoenix.

As Johnny. Depp and Keanu. Reeves' mutual friend, Revan. Phoenix collapsed outside the door of this viper house, and since then the Hollywood movie world has lost a dazzling genius.

It is also since the death of Revan that Keanu has transformed from a rebellious bad boy favored by magnesium lights to a low-key and mysterious saint, but Johnny is still with alcohol, drugs, women, and parties.

Josie doesn't know exactly what the relationship between the two is now, she just goes through Lucy. Speller had learned the basic information of Keanu, and combined with his own memories, he only found that these two popular students were rarely in the same frame.

The Sirius band that Keanu joined will also perform here in the Viper House...

Josie immediately put on a puzzled look and said tentatively, "Keanu? He's not here. "

Not "he didn't come," but a rather vague "he's not here," which can be understood into several different meanings.

Johnny raised his eyebrows, in the dim light, this three-dimensional handsome face became deeper and deeper, but there was an inexplicable indifferent temperament lingering.

"You're that guy's closest 'girlfriend,' right?" Johnny was playing with a lighter in his hand, and the dark blue flame flickered and flickered, "Guess how long your shelf life will be, two weeks, or four weeks?" Couldn't be more. "

He used a slightly more ambiguous word: ladyfriend.

Kate on the side. Moss sat back and sneered, "Enjoy everything tonight, otherwise you won't even have the qualifications to take care of this place on your own, chick." "

"Oh, I think you misunderstood something." Josie picked the corners of her lips, but there was no usual smile on her face, "We're friends, so there's no ridiculous shelf life, and don't worry about me - because it's not about you." "

Without waiting for an answer, Josie lightly tapped her lips with her right index finger, pretending to be surprised: "As for the issue of the private venue, if the Viper House does not welcome me, I really don't mind leaving here immediately." She winked and set her sights on Johnny. Depp, "What do you think, Mr. Depp? "

I think?

Come on, if this chick takes all the people away now, the reputation of the Viper House will plummet in less than half an hour!

Even if it is a popular nightclub, there is no reason for the owner's woman to open her mouth to rush customers casually, not to mention that this guest is one of the most concerned female stars by Hollywood paparazzi at the moment.

Johnny, who was named, pursed the corners of his dry mouth, muttered something, and then said: "It's boring, go Kate." "

"What?" Kate. Mousse was still out of shape, "I haven't played enough, Johnny!" "

But Johnny had already gotten up and left the booth's couch, and his bodyguard quickly said something over the intercom, arranging travel for him.

Josie raised her eyebrows lightly, and deliberately reminded: "Well, just leave like this, maybe you don't mind saying 'happy birthday' to me before leaving?" "

Kate. Mousse's response was, "FXXKUBIXXH!" ", plus a middle finger.

Josie smiled indifferently, and completely pulled Viper House and the couple into the blacklist in her heart.

Tonight's party came with a lot of people.

Stacey, who once had a conflict with Josie. Dash also blended into the party and was looking for someone to talk to.

Paul. Luther specially came over to explain: "She has been quite miserable recently, her family and agent just want to make money on her and take a bunch of bad movies." "

Josie asked a little strangely, "Stacey doesn't look like a submissive person." "

"Who says it isn't?" Paul. Luther helplessly spread his hands, "But their culture is such that famous people are obliged to help their relatives and friends, even if they lie on her stomach and suck blood." "

Josie can't understand this so-called culture, but Stacey has a mediocre relationship with her, and she can't interfere in other people's private affairs.

"Good evening, Josie, and happy birthday." The one who came over to talk was Brad, who had a personal relationship. Lanflo, he was a little longer than at the party at Geffen Manor before, no wonder he harvested a large batch of loli powder.

He casually handed a small gift to Josie.

"For me?" Josie was a little surprised.

Brad smiled slightly shyly, "Do you want to open it and take a look?" In fact, I made a small thing myself, and it is not worth anything..."

He is still about the same height as Josie, and his handsome facial features have a youthful and melancholy youthful feeling, and it is difficult to imagine that there is an unruly heart under this face.

——At least in the face of the smile in front of them, no one can think of it.

Josie opened the gift box, and the handmade silver badge lay quietly inside, engraved with some unknown totem.

She smiled even sweeter, "Thanks, you're so sweet, Brad." "

Josh. Jones didn't know when he squeezed in, his ice-blue eyes were very bright, and he first glanced at Brad, who was still a teenager. Lanflo, then looked at Josie.

He invited absently, "Come and dance, Josie, I want to join you." "

"Let me go, Josh!" Josie frowned, "I'm still talking to my friend..."

Josh reminded: "He's gone. "

Sure enough, Josie turned her head, and the blond boy silently blended into the crowd, noticing her hard gaze, and silently beckoned in the distance.

Josie had to glare at Josh fiercely.

The rhythmic funk music on the dance floor has become gentle and soothing, and many people return to the booth or bar to drink and chat, leaving only some men and women who are thundering and burning each other with affection, slowly hugging each other and swinging to the music.

Josie looked at Brettney and a young man who looked like a rock star, and a pleasant smile could be seen on her lips.

— By the way, she and her high school boyfriend recently broke up, no surprise.

Josie withdrew her gaze and fixed her gaze on Josh's face in front of him, he was tall, with a handsome face and a thin but not lacking in line, dressing style is the most popular street hip-hop, young and vigorous.

Josh called again, "Josie? "

Josie smiled.

The youthful eagerness in the other party was too obvious, but also too blunt—and importantly, Josie didn't feel the same mood.

She suddenly felt a little bored, so she said to Josh, "What should I say, Josh? Oh, I can't dance with you or like you, you should know why. "

Josie's voice was good, and her tone was as gentle and soothing as the music being played, but what she expressed was like a basin of cold water poured on Josh's fiery heart.

He subconsciously frowned and faced her big eyes that seemed hazy and amorous, as if there were flashes of stars under his eyes at any time.

But that star is out of reach.

Josie flashed a sociable smile, unblemished.

Without waiting for Josh to react, she took the initiative to say, "Good night, Josh, I wish you a good time." "

Josh had just opened his mouth and before he could reach out his hand, Josie had turned and left.

Her graceful blonde hair flicked gently, and the cold light from top to bottom enveloped her, and she was so beautiful and amazing from head to toe.

"Hey, man, this isn't like you."

I don't know when, Mark stood behind Josh and reached out and pressed one of his shoulders.

Josh's gaze was still closely following Josie's figure, but his brows were unconsciously entangled.

He withdrew his half-outstretched hand and clenched it into a fist at his side.

Mark observed Josh's expression, the lights of the nightclub made the other party's cold and proud face dye the color of psychedelic jumping, but his eyes were actually warm, like burning two clusters of flames that could not be extinguished.

No one knows if this should be a fascination or an unacceptance of rare frustrations.

Or maybe both.

Josh turned around and asked, "Tell me, dude, why wouldn't she want to look at me?" "

"Because you're not the same person at all." Mark shrugged, his tone was blunt and vicious, "She is from Saturn, but you are from Mars, who rules that aliens cannot be racist?" "

Josh gritted his teeth and sneered: "I understand, you mean she can't look at me." "

Mark was noncommittal and smiled gently, "Then you should know that she is not an ordinary girl." Can you make her ador, or can you bring her something? The answer is nothing. "

Josie. Horton is the hottest youth idol nowadays, synonymous with a new generation of American sweethearts, countless girls want to be her, countless boys want to get her.

So Josh. What about Jones?

Josh secretly squeezed his fingers and did not answer.

The birthday party continues, but the owner of the party, without people noticing, has long disappeared into this carnival and sneaked into West Hollywood in the night.

In the corridor of the suites at the Manor Marmont Hotel, the slim blonde rubbed her cheeks hard and knocked on the door of one of the suites.

Keanu, who had just finished receiving a phone call, opened the door and saw the slightly red face that belonged to Josie.

Her sweet cheeks and lips were dyed with the most delicate rose juice, a pair of clear blue eyes were deep and quiet, wearing a black velvet dress with a V-neck strap design, and her thick and smooth blonde hair made Claudia. Sever-style side curls adorned with a small but delicate Baroque pearl hairpin.

The warm light warmly veined, casting a shallow halo for her, her face seemed to become hazy and dreamy, and every inch of the flawless snow skin exposed was filled with infinite tenderness.

"Happy birthday, beauty." Keanu curled the corners of his lips and offered heartfelt praise, he let go and invited Josie into the door, "I thought your party had only reached the first half." "

Josie looked like a grudge, and glanced at him: "It should be so." But your friend and his girlfriend ruined it all. "

Keanu smiled good-naturedly, "Sorry, it was my mistake. "

It was clear that he was well-informed and had learned about a little friction that had occurred in the Viper House not long ago.

The door was closed behind them.

Josie casually ruffled her silky and plump long blonde hair, as if looking at the man in front of her nonchalantly, and said, "I don't like the gift you gave me tonight." "

Keanu caught this look and stopped in place, "So, what do you want?" "

Josie hooked the corners of her lips, stepped forward and put her thin white fingers between the third and fourth buttons of his white shirt, her gentle little hand was warm and soft, silently close to the heart position of his chest, as if feeling the strong and powerful beating of blood.

Keanu had a smile between his eyebrows, and only stared quietly in front of him with dark eyes.

The blonde gave a light smile, "What I want is-"

Thin high heels sank into the carpet, leaning forward, her soft body fell into his infinitely inclusive embrace, and took the initiative to swallow all the extra words with a kiss.

The cold but spicy smell of cedar filled the breath between the two, mixed with the fresh and fruity fragrance that seemed to be absent on her body, which was irresistible.

After kissing Mo for about ten seconds, Josie first opened her eyes and stepped back a little, her long, slightly drooping thick eyelashes lifted upward, and the two shadows that fell made her flickering big eyes more and more blue and deep, like two rare diamonds.

And her fragrant and sweet lips were waiting to be grabbed in front of her, but she deliberately let out a faint sigh, always testing the willpower of others, and said in a poetic tone:

"The sun and the blue horizon, and—"

"You tonight."