

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

ansh_singh_baghel · Celebridades
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There is no doubt that Hollywood is the center of entertainment culture in the United States and the world.

There are large and small brokerage companies gathered here, and there are countless agents who have emerged from the times, they are the hub of all information and resources in Hollywood, and they are also the panacea that keeps this giant Vanity Fair running smoothly.

There are four most powerful brokerage firms recognized today.

Innovative Elite Brokerage Abbreviated as CAA, William. Morris Brokerage is abbreviated as WMA, International Innovation Management Corporation is abbreviated as ICM, and United Elite Brokerage is abbreviated as UTA.

Among them, CAA is the largest, with nearly two-thirds of Hollywood's star customers, and like the building where its headquarters is located, CAA is Hollywood's invincible "death star".

It was at this famous Death Star mansion that Josie met Martha. Miller's.

The other party was between twenty and thirty years old - forgive her, she had to admit that she was a little blind to white women - wearing a white shirt and a black dress, dark brown hair meticulously coiled, elegant and mature, and looking professional.

However, because she knew a little about the Hollywood agent industry, Josie felt that Martha. Miller is a little too young and too beautiful, if not a vase, it must be something extraordinary.

"You're lucky, Josie—I think I can call you that?" This is Martha's opening statement.

They are sitting in CAA's cookie-cutter reception room, a small room with a sofa and glass coffee table, and on the table is Josie's actor bio.

"Huh?" Josie was noncommittal.

Despite sitting on Martha's side, she adjusted her sitting posture to show that she was listening carefully.

Martha then smiled and said: "According to rough statistics, there are nearly 90,000 actors in Hollywood every year, of which actresses account for about three-fifths. How many of them can come to the front of the stage? Less than one percent. And of these one percent of the lucky ones, how many can really become famous - I dare say, only twenty people. "

"CAA can help you become one percent, and I can make you one of the twenty who will eventually win."

"I'm elitist. Signing a bunch of rookie actors who want to be famous and waiting for one of them to stand out is a waste of both parties' time, and it's not my style of doing things. "

"My client list is usually kept around three and there are only actresses, which saves me a lot of trouble and allows me to concentrate on my work." Martha named two of her clients: "Kelly. McGillies, Top Gun, I think you've seen it; Gold. Basinger, "Nine and a Half Weeks to Love You", Hollywood's top vase. "

She said and paused to look at Josie.

Josie smiled at Martha, with just the right social expression on her face, not shocked, ecstatic or timid.

Very calm.

Martha loves her performance, but this situation beyond expectations is also a little puzzling and disturbing.

Things seem to be getting out of hand.

Don't look at it head-to-head, she is a little better than a pure mailroom intern when it comes to seniority, because she has only been in CAA for five years, two of which have been spent in mailroom trials.

But sadly, neither of the actresses she took over went well.

Kelly. Maggilles passed the peak of her career early, and after marrying into a wealthy family, her focus also returned to her family; Gold. Basinger has never broken through, Sharon. Stone blocked the path of the same type of blonde stunner, not to mention her and Alec last year. Baldwin is married and trying to get pregnant.

It is precisely because of this that the agency affairs of these two actresses will fall into her hands, to be precise, she is only their joint agent.

Newcomer actors without backgrounds have just entered the industry, and of course they will not alarm CAA high-level bosses, even if someone has said hello.

So Josie, a newcomer, was also arranged for newbies.

Josie smiled softly, "It's my pleasure. "

"But, as far as I know—" Trailing the tail, Josie raised an eyebrow, "Kelly. McGilis is busy with her husband and godson, Kim. Basinger was sued by the producers of "Beauty in a Box" for breach of contract, let me think, it seems to be bankrupt in court? "

She opened those big beautiful eyes and looked at Martha with a smile.

Heck, Kelly is okay.

Why was Kim's lawsuit so clear to this little girl?

Martha's calm momentum disappeared imperceptibly.

And the person who dominated the conversation between them also quietly changed.

Josie didn't seem to notice Martha's embarrassment, and continued in a calm tone: "Oh, you seem to be curious. Actually, I'm Sherin. Fen's fans, so know a little about this movie. "

In fact, this one was written by David . Jennifer, daughter of Lynch. The film directed by Lynch ran two heroines in succession, and Sherinfen was because she was filming David . Fincher's "Twin Peaks" had no choice but to take over, but the final film was unsatisfactory, which directly caused Jennifer. Lynch's debut failed miserably.

So the mainstream media has been publicized and rarely mentioned about it.

About Kim. Basinger's bankruptcy theory naturally cannot be mentioned, and the public will only know that the actress threw 20 million to buy a blood loss in the town and was with the popular boy Alec. Baldwin is in love with marriage rather than default and bankruptcy rather than continue filming Jennifer. Lynch's films.

Martha secretly took a breath, the whole person involuntarily tensed, controlling herself not to avoid Josie's gaze, she pulled the corners of her mouth a little stiffly, and said: "Look, this is exactly why I need a new customer, and just at this time, you appeared." "

Josie smiled back.

The girl adjusted to a more comfortable sitting position and leaned back in her chair, "Tell me about it, Ms. Miller, there are so many agents in CAA, why did I choose you." "

No big man would bother with this kind of trifle, and even if Mark promised to help her, his stepfather would at most casually mention it to his agent, and there would be no more.

So Martha. Miller is not a very important character.

But she is also capable enough to serve the current Josie, although there are hundreds of agents like her.

The general promotion model of Hollywood agents is: newcomer - secretary - assistant - junior agent - senior agent.

Unlike CAA, however, their business cards have no titles, meeting rooms and reception rooms are readily available, and even payslips are arranged alphabetically, which seems to be equal for all.

The top of the pyramid can call the wind and rain, such as the head of the CAA, Michael. Owitz, founder of Ron. Meyer, co-founder Brian Lord, etc., does not ask about day-to-day affairs; The second class is the senior partners of the firm, who have connections and do not worry about customers; The next collectively known brokers, Martha is one of them, with uneven power; At the bottom are the interns in the mailroom, who can be operators, babysitters, drivers, assistants... In short, do anything, including but not limited to walking the dog and sending the baby to school for the wives of other agents.

CAA's most distinctive packaging service and 1+1>2 teamwork are not very attractive to Josie at this stage.

The reason why she chose CAA is that she has no choice, and secondly, it is the top in the industry, which can save a lot of trouble.

Martha pursed her red lips and said, "I can put Richard right for you. Goode and Steven. Sigg's affairs let you have no worries. "

That junk broker is nothing worth mentioning and Steven. As a second-tier action star, Seeger is indeed qualified to cause endless trouble for Josie.

Josie's left index finger flexed, gently clasped her chin, and raised it slightly.

This action made the pure sweetness in her personal temperament weaken a lot, and she looked a little close to a haughty sense of indifference.

"Go on." Martha heard her say.

"In principle, I'm not against unspoken rules, because that's what has always been the ethos in the circle, but I'm not going to force you to do it. Some people don't like me, but some people do. Martha raised her eyes and glanced at Josie, "I guess you're the latter." "

Josie smiled at her, noncommittal.

Martha had to say, "Well, as you know, I do have a little problem with the client, but I still have some experience and connections in pushing actresses, and most importantly, I have always respected the client's own choice." "

Saying this, she herself seemed to feel a little embarrassed, especially Josie's gaze was very calm from beginning to end, but there was no unnecessary expression on Martha's face, as if it was another person who was talking about ten minutes ago.

Well, she had to admit, Josie was surprisingly good.

Yes, Josie is beautiful.

But beautiful girls abound, and what is scarce is the kind of beauty that has characteristics and can maintain beauty in the shot.

Josie's expression management and emotional control are very good, even far better than most adults and stars, and with her beautiful posture that seems to be engraved in her bones, her whole person is radiant, and it is different from other young girls.

Martha believes that she has a star temperament and a personality that is also suitable for the path of an actor.

It can be said that even if the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park do run out, Martha believes that the girl in front of her will first think about how to survive, instead of wearing high heels and holding her head and screaming.

Just like now, with a clear smile on Josie's lips, so that people would not be embarrassed or despised, she said slowly: "Yes, you know me, Ms. Miller, this is good." Also, I have to tell you, I'm a straight guy and I hate trouble. I tell you what I want, you go find it, you fight for it, it's as simple as that, and I'll give you enough commissions, fame... And, most importantly, power. "

The room was quiet for two minutes because of her words.

Obviously, Martha first had some unconcealed shock, and then lowered her head and thought seriously for a while before saying: "Miss Horton, I have to say that your eloquence is beyond my expectations. "

Josie smiled and said nothing.

Martha took a deep breath, "I'll admit, I'm a little impressed by you, but I need to take a test." "

Josie said, "I want to hear about it." "

Martha handed Josie a sorted page of the script.

She watched Josie start flipping through it before saying, "The prospect you paint needs to be premised on your own professional ability, and in fact, you have only shot a chewing gum advertisement - to be honest, it is pretty bad." "

Josie didn't seem offended, just gently ticked the corner of her lips.

Read with your head down, quiet and calm.

Martha appreciated in her heart and continued: "According to your image and experience, I prepared several role auditions in advance, and I think this USC short film is the most suitable for you, and the time is in an hour. "

"Yes." Josie looked up and closed the simple script page, "Are there any second-hand shops around here?" I need to change my clothes. "

Martha replied: "CAA has a dedicated clothing department and cooperative stylists on standby. "

Josie smiled and stretched out her hand: "As long as the clothes are fine." And, congratulations on our initial consensus? "

She seems to love laughing.

"Don't get too happy." Martha shook her hand facefully, but said, "You'll have to prove yourself, Miss Horton." "

Josie in front of her let go of her hand and stood up from her seat, "Josie, now you can call me Josie." "

After speaking, he picked up the script page.

"Where is your clothing department?" I guess we're a little short on time, after all, the local traffic in Los Angeles is not very good, although I like the city very much..."