

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

ansh_singh_baghel · Celebridades
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103 Chs


Paul couldn't help but touch his nose, but he also had to shrug his shoulders and say, "Me too." "

Amy smiled heartily.

She sees these young actors as if they were her own children, so she is also very concerned about their private interactions, and she thinks that the two of them feel quite good today, and maybe there will be surprises.

The camera assistant rearranged the camera, the gaffer was adjusting the lighting, and Josie and Paul were sitting on the stairs of the villa hall, but the two most leisurely people in the audience.

"I heard everything your agent said." Josie spoke first.

Paul was stunned, then said, "I'm sorry. "

"It's nothing, he's good to you." Although some of the protection is overprotective, the agent is right about one thing, she is indeed not the kind of person she seems, huh, naïve girl?

Josie smiled indifferently and asked, "So, we can still be friends, right?" "

Her smile was unaffected, and her big cornflower eyes were bright and clean, and they were clear, reflecting Paul's overly embarrassed appearance.

"Uh? Of course! Paul looked like he had been relieved of the burden in an instant, and he didn't know why he was a little guilty and a little anxious, "I mean, we're friends. "

Josie smoothly pinned the hair hanging down on the right side behind her ear, and seemed to ask casually: "By the way, since you have said it, can you tell me what 'protecting people' is all about." "

Paul was slightly surprised and asked rhetorically: "Didn't your agent mention this to you?" This is actually..."

"This is actually the unspoken rule of another way of playing."

In the reception room of CAA, Martha. Miller is still wearing the familiar Armani suit, only this time it is a particularly neat navy blue pants, with a white streamer shirt and dark blue heels, and his long hair is also draped loosely.

On the other side of her, at this time, there was a bald man slightly shorter than her, wearing glasses, and obviously a half-race, but Josie had a hard time judging his specific blood by his facial features, and only felt that he belonged to a colored person, because his skin color was light brown.

Lebanon? Mexico? Or Ah San?

Who knows.

Josie raised her chin, not caring about the other party's bloodline, and passed her gaze to her agent Martha.

"Archie. Dano, one of your joint broker alternatives. Martha folded her arms and sat down and said, "Regarding your question, I think it would be clearer for him to explain." "

She looked a little serious, not knowing if it was because of the upcoming joint brokers, or if it was the topic they were talking about.

"Thank you, Martha." Archie raised a gentle smile and sat down in front of Josie: "Skip the self-introduction and greetings for now, let's solve your problem first." "

Josie made a "please" gesture.

Archie then said: "I assume that you already understand the basic rules of Hollywood, then 'Protector' and 'Protectee' are high-level gameplay, and the most famous couple at the moment is undoubtedly the Cruises." Nicole's protector who just came to Hollywood is Warren. Beatty, I think you know him, he had some connection to the Kidman family in Australia, and later Tom. Cruise needed a wife who stood out from hundreds of candidates. "

This sounds a bit like the ancient emperor's choice of concubines, and it is also inconsistent with the drama of the Cruise couple falling in love at first sight in media reports.

But the truth is that someone does for Tom. Cruise held a concubine election.

Archie said with a slight pause and looked at Josie.

Josie was leaning against the back of the sofa, pinching the edge of her chin with one hand, not knowing what she was thinking.

Archie continued: "Hollywood is different now than in the golden age, and the people who can stand at the top of the small group of superstars must be male actors, because since the rise of Wall Street, men who are born with gender advantages have begun to dominate the circle: they can pull Wall Street capital, and money makes power." "

Hearing this, Martha's face clearly showed disdain, and Josie even heard her sneer softly.

But neither Archie nor Josie thought they hadn't heard.

"Actresses, to be precise, women, have a weaker and weaker voice in this circle, they are more like a kind of offering." Archie shrugged, his tone flat, "Sex offerings." There are too many girls who want to climb up, like Marilyn. As Monroe said in her autobiography, if you don't do this, there are countless girls waiting outside the door waiting to unzip the producer. "

"The consequence of weakening the moral bottom line is that the atmosphere of objectifying women and even objectifying young men is becoming more and more serious, and if no one covers you, then you are 'free' in the circle, and anyone can attack you."

"Everyone knows how to choose a man who looks good to you and a man who is forced to face the succession of men who try to sneak rules on you."

Josie chuckled and asked in a joking tone: "Listening to you say so, the men in this circle are almost all a bunch of perverted pornographers with sex addiction. "

"Not entirely." Archie pouted, "Many people think that this is a manifestation of power and power, and it is not necessary to go to bed, they have a variety of strange ways to play, the key point is obedience." "

Josie thought of David. Geffen, with a clear heart, "Please continue." "

Archie observed Josie's face and confirmed that there was nothing unusual before he spoke: "Your best solution, of course, is to find a 'protector', before the official release of the movie "Monopoly", then he is responsible for protecting you in the present, and you are responsible for repaying him in the future, which is also an important part of Hollywood connections." "

At each stage of the filming, a part of the sample film will be cut for the evaluation of the filmmaker, and Paramount has already obtained this part, and they are internally interested in the film, especially Josie as the heroine. Horton, all very optimistic.

Several middle-aged white men privately told CAA that she was really charming.

Even some of them, after delivering the news, couldn't help but convey some signals that they wanted to have a spring breeze with the heroine, and they were willing to pay a certain price for this...

Of course, this situation is quite normal, because most men's life's pursuit is nothing more than money and power, and it is too difficult for men with successful careers to manage their □□, especially in Hollywood surrounded by beauty.

They get what they want, and the other party gets opportunities or money, win-win, isn't it?

Now this kind of small role is still irrelevant, the more famous the female star is more likely to be coveted by those big people who hold the power of mainstream society, and then it will not be as simple as spoiling a job opportunity.

Nobody believed Marilyn. Monroe and her Mr. President are simply friendships.

"I personally think that Keanu. Reeves is the best choice. Archie felt that the atmosphere was a little frozen, so he couldn't help but clear his throat, "Ahem." He is definitely the best. Young and handsome, single state, also very personable to women, for God's sake, since the release of "Speed of Life and Death", women all over the world want to sleep with him, including the heroine of that movie..."

The more he spoke, the weaker the volume, because right in front of him, Josie was looking at him with a smile, playing with a strand of her hair on her fingers, nonchalantly.

"But I don't want to." Archie heard Josie say, "At least don't want to sleep with him this way." "


Martha beside her finally couldn't hold back and laughed in front of her.

"Hello?" Archie raised his hand in bewilderment, "What do you mean, ladies, is this funny?" "

Martha smiled and curled her red lips, "I told you earlier, Archie, Josie doesn't believe in your so-called rules." "

Josie tilted her chin at the right time and smiled at Archie: "Only the weak follow the rules." Tell me, if my first movie was a hit, would they still try to do something to me? "

As if hearing something, Archie opened his mouth and said after a short while: "God, have you always been so confident and even arrogant?" You know, even Keanu just entered Hollywood..."

He said and stuck in the shell.

"Say it, why not go on." Martha said, "Your idol Keanu. Reeves, who just entered Hollywood and was arranged the best manager, starred in the phenomenal "Abhiadi's Adventure" without making a few movies, followed by "Flashpoint" that transformed him the following year, and this year there are super films such as "Life and Death Speed", which quickly completed the triple jump of youth idols - action stars - A coffee stars, and achieved what many people can't do in their lifetimes. Isn't it? "

Archie choked and had to mumble, "Can that be the same?" He's Keanu. Reeves... Besides, Keanu's first movie didn't become a hit. "

Josie said, "Answer my question, Archie." "

Archie raised his forehead and replied, "Not anytime soon." "

"Then it's no problem." Josie was completely confident in her abilities, "Keanu. Just because Reeves can't do doesn't mean others can't — like me. "

Other factors aside, Amy. Hecklin's final choice gave Josie enough confidence, which shows that she can control and is very suitable for this movie, and indeed has the talent to become an actor.

On the other hand, on this film, she doesn't think she will do worse than anyone, Alicia. Silverstone's rapid fortune back then shows that the other party's talent, self-control, and luck are really average.

Little Red is close, Big Red is fateful.

Before the official release, no one knew whether the movie they took on was a box office bomb or box office poison.

Except for Josie.

Josie has an advantage that no Hollywood actor has, and she thinks she has the talent, perseverance and ambition to make the most of it.

Perhaps, she is not such a brilliant talented actor, but she is definitely an expert in experience and a patient speculator.

Archie was helpless.

He looked at Martha and spread his hands: "Is it really okay for her to be so confident?" "

"If you don't try, how do you know the result." Martha smiled, "Besides, you also said that this movie has conquered a large number of sexually normal old white men on Paramount's side, and we are already an insignificant part of the success." "

Josie also had fun, half joking, half serious: "Anyway, my worst result is to go back and inherit tens of millions of inheritances, of course, the most important thing is to be happy, so go fuck the protector, I don't care!" "

"Oh yes, a million legacies..." Archie shrugged and said bitterly, "Well, I'm out, aren't I, but Keanu is really nice, really." Well, I shut up, do you need me to bring it to the door when I go out, or help you buy two cups of coffee or something? "

Josie and Martha exchanged a look, and the latter got up from the couch.

"No, quite the opposite, Archie." Martha stretched out her hand, "If you wish, you are welcome to join us - although in a few years, we may all withdraw en masse." "

She made a joke for the first time.

Archie was stunned there at first, and suddenly he was full of joy, stepped forward to give Martha a happy high five, and sighed: "Oh, Martha, I know, we are friends, don't we have a touching hug?" God, it's kind of crazy, I actually believe that you can really succeed..."

"Stop, stay away from me." Martha resisted Archie's enthusiastic embrace with one finger, "The reason why I chose you is because you are different from most people outside, Josie and I don't like the unspoken rules, or even hate it, but the professional restrictions have to understand it, and then we can avoid risks." "

"I understand, in fact, I don't like it very much, I personally have a lot of respect for women." Archie said kindly, raising his trademark smile to Josie, very honest, "Of course Keanu is an exception, I am a fan of his, but this will never affect my future work for you." "

Josie bowed her head slightly, and then stretched out her hand to Archie: "Josie. Horton, welcome to my team, Archie. "

Martha's work ability is actually good, but her personality is black and white, she is not smooth enough, and sometimes she is too simple and rough, so after discussion, they decided to bring in Archie. Dano this man.

Anyway, after Josie's career is on track, CAA will also be equipped with her co-agent, it is better to choose one of them early, and you can choose one that is easy to get along with and can communicate.

After all, she and Martha are quite strong, and it is difficult for ordinary people to integrate in.

"Nice to work with, Josie." Archie shook her hand, and then said, "It's a little hard to say, but I have to tell you, Josie, the old men of Paramount really treat you as a sexual fantasy object, you know." "

Josie doesn't care, anyway, she chose to be a star to make a movie, it is inevitable, as long as she does not encounter that crazy and extreme illegitimate meal, she does not have any psychological burden.

Besides, billions of people on the planet, can she still send lawyer letters one by one to warn?

That's too boring.

Martha clapped her hands, attracting the attention of the two.

She smiled and said, "Okay, partners, let's talk about next year's work plan." Let's be confident, if Josie becomes popular and becomes a hot youth idol in 1995, then what should be our next project? "

"Break free from the shackles of idol stars and attack high-grossing movie stars?" Archie replied, "In short, don't spin around in youth films, once you are stereotyped, the consequences will be for a long time, and you can only receive similar offers." "

If you don't follow the ideas provided by Martha, you should naturally stabilize the basic plate, follow a few youth movies to deeply embed the image of idol stars in the hearts of the people, and then start trying to transform after three or four or five or six years.

This is the practice of ordinary people.

"Correct. Taking on traditional commercial films, this is one of them. Martha said, "The second way is to take a role in the public sense, a commercial film or a literary film on the horizon, a supporting role with room to play." "

She glanced at Archie and said, "Maybe you may have questions, why not the protagonist." First of all, Josie's performance level, we need to have a tacit understanding in our hearts, she can perform but not everything can act, on the one hand, we must consider her image, on the other hand, we must not expose her shortcomings that she can not act in everything - she has to be an absolutely high-quality female star, so that she has the opportunity to go further faster. "

"Secondly, it takes too much time and effort as the protagonist, and you also need to bear most of the consequences of the film's failure, which is not worth it. Because our goal is not to prove how talented and good Josie is, but to distinguish her from other beautiful girls in the first place. "

Josie interjected here, "Winona. Red? "

"Yes, Winona. Red. Martha said, "Winning the favor of a great director is very important for any Hollywood star." Finally, a supporting role with few scenes is easier to strive for and has more goals than a perfect heroine project. "

She looked at Josie and asked, "So, you're the boss, which one do you want to choose." "

Josie smiled and asked her, "Why don't you want them all?" "

She got up from her couch and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, carrying her agents on her back and overlooking the scenery in front of her.

"I said, I want them all." Josie turned and leaned her back against the window, her elbows resting in front of the window, "Both to prove that I am good enough to sell and to show people that I am not a simple vase." Don't the people at Paramount like my performance? They signed three film contracts with us, and asked them to bring all the project outlines for next year, and we picked them one by one. I'm sure they won't immediately agree to me for the role they want, but they will definitely put me on the list. "

"And then, maybe one day it will have to be me?"

Archie opened his mouth, still a little incredulous: "You mean, the day "Alone" was officially released? "

Josie gave him a smile and said, "Who knows, I should go, there are people at home waiting for me for dinner." "

Martha waved her hand, "Go ahead, call us." "

"Goodbye, Josie." Archie turned to look at Martha after speaking, "Has she always been so confident, or is she only so confident today?" Just now, I unknowingly accepted the setting that "Alone Leader" will be as popular as "Abiadi's Adventure", because her attitude is too serious and determined..."

Martha didn't say a word, just tucked the phone landline into Archie's arms and ordered, "Call those old white men, I know you can do it." "

Archie hugged the phone landline and opened his mouth to ask, "Wait, then why are you going?" "

Martha picked up a small underarm bag, waved her hand, and said, "Go back to New York and find someone." "

It was getting dark.

El drove Josie home safely, and Dorota and Brettney were already waiting in the restaurant.

By the way, Brittney's apartment expired, and Josie became her new landlord, and after charging half the market price — Brettney insisted, in fact she thought she was still taking advantage — the two became new roommates.

Dinner is still fish with cherry tomatoes and vegetable leaves, and the life of female celebrities is always so boring, especially since both of them are in adolescence, and the result of indulging themselves is either to start out of shape now, skin texture to deteriorate, or to taste this bitter fruit in the near future.

Where in the world do so many physiques that are not born fat, either lying on the lips, or paying enough sweat or price behind their backs.

Of course, complete dietary control is not advisable, Josie chooses healthy ingredients recommended by dietitians most of the time, and there will be a cheat meal once a week or month.

This cost her a lot of money.

Fortunately, in the harmony of everyone, "Alone" was filmed before Christmas, and Josie and Brettney both received checks for the second salary.

In November, Josie had a small private party to celebrate her birthday, and finally became a seventeen-year-old girl.

As for where the "big" is, according to Mark's observations, she may have grown her temper in recent years... He is only barely a little taller.

Another thing is that the IRS finally caught Frank. Horton's Little Tail, who said it failed to report more than half a million dollars in income between 1986 and 1990, pleaded guilty and was promptly sentenced to three months in prison/imprisonment and three months under house arrest.

Well, it doesn't matter, because Josie wasn't even allowed to go to the hearing, only notified of the outcome.

Although the amount of half a million dollars is too much for a Wall Street financier living on Manhattan's Upper East Side to see.

But it also says that the whole thing is water/very/deep.

Dorota's Christmas scarf and hat were also knitted, and in double portions.

Josie returned Dorota's cashmere shawl, Brettney picked out a new pair of leather shoes, and the two exchanged gifts for a diamond-encrusted necklace that could be used as a headband and a pair of designer heels.

- Why does Brettney like to give shoes so much?

El also got Josie's first Christmas gift, but it was a random add-on, this Motorola model 9900 on sale, the biggest role is to make it easier for Josie to find her assistant anytime, anywhere.

There is also her agent and co-agent, cooperative PR team, stylist, makeup artist, etc., Amy. Hekela, Paul. Luther and others, one by one, received Josie's handwritten greeting cards and holiday gifts.

So after a Christmas, the small vault that Josie had just replenished quickly dried up again.

Fortunately, "Life Sounds Beautiful Because of You" also notified her to officially enter the group to shoot a few years later, and she spent two weeks in the crew to film her scene, returning to Santa Monica to catch the new year's Oscar ceremony.

Of course, she didn't make it to the red carpet and watched it on TV.


"Forrest Gump!"

The exciting moment came, the American Dream triumphed over the Palme d'Or, Forrest Gump beat "Pulp Fiction" and won six awards, Tom. Hanks won the film star after "Philadelphia Story".

Watching the soundtrack of "Forrest Gump" resounding on TV, and Dorota and Brettney hugging each other on the sofa next to her and crying with joy, Josie was calm like an outsider.

This is the moment of glory that belongs to a superstar?

It's probably really nice to be loved by countless people.

Tonight, Hollywood is destined to sleepless.