

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

ansh_singh_baghel · Celebridades
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103 Chs


Ernest. Dawson had called her before and said that the new version of "Perfect Victim" had been completed, and if Josie had time, she could come to the studio to take a look.

Although she had acted in short films before, Josie was still looking forward to it, so she readily agreed.

Friendship with any talented director is a must for every actor, and she keeps that in mind.

Especially Ernest . Dawson's talent surpassed CAA's previous expectations of the high-achieving student - yes, he is indeed a full-fledged high-achieving student, although it does not look like it.

Before entering USC, he was a student at Cambridge University, a prestigious British school, but no one knows why he went to California to learn to make films, and was admitted to the AFI director training class, even the crew included Lily. White, too, only knew that Ernest was from England.

Josie heard Martha say that several agents have already found him, director agents, screenwriting agents... There are even modeling agencies.

But Ernest seemed to have refused them all.

Martha reminded Josie before: "You can probe his style, and using it properly is a favor." "

At that time, Josie couldn't help but ask: "Human favor, human favor... Is this circle connected by human feelings? "

"And the genitals." To this, Martha replied, pouting with extreme disdain, "So once someone has a dirty disease, most of the circle will be scared and angry." "


How to say, the more drunken behind the glitz, the more dirt is hidden, and desire is always swelled with power, so never easily test how terrible human nature can be.

Some people want the sea to sink, but there are still people who hesitate to move forward, and this world has not only a dark side, but also light.

When Josie stopped the car, Ernest was already waiting there.

She drove a sky-blue Jaguar classic car today and received a word of praise from Ernest for the first time.

"Your car is beautiful." He added, "Just like new, the owner cherishes it." "

Josie gladly accepted: "Thank you, but it's really new." "

Her maternal grandfather collected a lot of vintage classic cars, and the Jaguar E-Type was not the most expensive one, but just like Ferrari. Enzo said, it is indeed one of the most beautiful cars in the world.

- This "one" is a note added by Josie herself.

Forgive her, she really is not a very single-minded person, and this phrase applies in other ways.

Ernest glanced at Josie quietly.

"I'm going back to London." He said almost abruptly.

"London?" Josie asked suspiciously, "What happened, Ernest?" "

She regretted the temporary stranding of "Perfect Victim", but Martha had reminded her before that not every project in Hollywood can be successfully made into a movie and successfully appear in theaters.

On the contrary, more projects died in the middle of the process.

"My family... Something happened. Ernest looked at Josie and said with some difficulty, "Josie, listen to me, this movie can't be made for the time being." He paused, "But I still want you to look at the new script and some storyboards." "

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it too." Josie observed Ernest's expression and felt that he didn't want to mention the British side, so he asked in a brisk tone: "Which way to go?" Today I am your guest. "

"Follow me."

They left the parking lot and entered the West Hollywood building, which was home to a variety of small Hollywood workshops, most of which occupied only an office and an operator, not to make a profit, but to avoid taxes.

Ernest's studio was on the eighth floor, and the elevator was soon there.

He used the key to open the door, and behind the door was a space of twenty or thirty square meters, and inside the door was an old sofa, a large table full of materials and videotapes, an open sketchbook on the table, several folding chairs leaning against the corner, a TV, coffee machine, cold kettle on the small bar next to it, and a refrigerator and fax machine.

In addition, the most striking thing is the whiteboard hanging on the wall, on which small strips of different sizes are pasted, the largest one is a sketch of the heroine the size of a palm, depicting only a pair of proud and conceited eyes.

- That's Josie's eyes too.

"It looks good, there is a place to work and talk about things." Josie commented, "Surprisingly tidy, did someone clean it?" "

"No, not yet." Ernestra opened a chair, "Sit down." Coffee or tea? "

"Just plain water, thank you." Josie said.

Ernest first put his handwritten script in front of Josie and went to find the cup himself: "Do you want to add sugar?" "

"No, never."

Josie began to read the script.

Ernest's handwriting is neat and somewhat flowy, and almost every page is interspersed with numerous notes and occasional flashes of inspiration, especially about the character of Iris.

Obviously, the heroine's scenes have become more, her character background and growth experience are closer and clearer, and Iris is more vivid.

It is also more sympathetic.

Josie took half a glass of boiled water and finished reading the new story in her hand.

"You're too nice to Iris, Ernest." She commented, "Maybe after watching it, the audience approved of her approach and felt sympathy." "

"What do you think?" Ernest sat on Josie's side, "Do you recognize her?" "

He rested his elbows on the table, his fingers folded, and his expression was as serious as ever.

Josie put down the script and replied, "If I say 'yes', will it seem that I am a little evil." "

Ernest tugged at the corners of his mouth almost inexplicably, "It's just small talk between friends, you don't need to be too careful." Moreover, this is just a movie, a fictional story. "

"But in you, 'she' is truly alive, flesh and blood." Josie's right index finger lightly tapped her temple, "A living person." "

"Maybe." Ernest did not explain.

Josie then asked, "When is the plane, do I need to give you a ride?" "

"No, my apartment is a five-minute walk from the metro station." Ernest made a rare joke, "Unless you hitchhike all the way to rural London." "

Josie raised her eyebrows and responded to him jokingly: "If you pay for fuel, it's not impossible." I miss the English countryside. "

Ernest gave a shallow smile, "Sun, fields, Austin-esque estates, and animal waste? "

"... Can the last item be omitted? Josie wrinkled a small face exaggeratedly, "I originally wanted to talk about the idyllic scenery and garden scenery, and the grandfathers and old ladies over there all like dill flowers and grass." "

"To add, it's the old grandfather and old lady who have money and leisure. I can imagine that the British idyllic you impression will not be the real life of a British rural countryman. In fact, the suburbs of London have long been one of the summer destinations for the wealthy. Ernest said seriously.

Josie was noncommittal, she herself could not remember exactly when and where the fragments of memory happened, but the manor she had been to was very spectacular and indeed orderly, just like the home of the eldest lady in the famous British drama.

Wait, which British drama?

She frowned subconsciously, and found that she couldn't remember a little...

"... Josie, are you listening? Ernest asked, "Are you okay?" "

Raising his head, facing a pair of concerned ice blue eyes, Ernest's expression changed, making his face glow with a different radiance.

Josie couldn't help but smile and said softly, "Sorry, I'm distracted." Where's we going, Austin or Shakespeare. "

Englishmen, especially literary and artistic Britons, are always right to talk about Shakespeare, and even have a plus, after all, this is a magical country where you can talk about the weather for half an hour.

As for Austin, they also love this female writer, whose works have been remade in various ways throughout the years and still enjoy it.

"Francis. Bacon. Ernest quoted, "'I hate violence, but I often surrender to it. His work is special and part of my inspiration. "

Hear "Francis. Bacon" is a familiar name, Josie's first reaction is the famous phrase "money is a good servant and an evil lord", or "love and wisdom, you can't have both".

Then she remembered Ernest mentioning an English painter who died in the nineties and whose works set new records for contemporary art transactions at auction prices.

His style of work is very grotesque, some people like and seek it very much, but others feel uncomfortable, Josie is the latter.

So Josie did not continue the topic, but brushed it off.

She spoke, "I guess, you didn't just want to say this?" "

The brilliant California sun shone through the glass, staining most of the room and the faces of the two blonde beauties kissed by God.

Ernest raised his eyes slightly and looked at Josie.

The next morning.

The decayed Josie enjoyed a delicious breakfast in bed very comfortably, and by the way, she roughly scanned today's newspaper, only to find the sports car maintenance bill sandwiched inside.

After counting the decimal point on it for the second time, Josie let out an inelegant scream in chagrin: "Dorota! "

The Slavic woman, who had been promoted to the sole housekeeper of this villa, appeared out of nowhere, and when she entered the door, she asked: "What happened, my young lady?" "

"Scavenge all the tabloids about my dad lately." Josie said viciously, "Especially the one I wrote myself, package it and send it to my father!" "

She personally went down to publicize for him!

Both contribute and pay, and as a result, receive a bill for repairs!

Angry to death, angry to death!

Dorota didn't know what happened, but she agreed without any hesitation, and reminded: "It's six thirty-five, are you sure you want to drive to the shooting base yourself?" "

"Of course." Josie said and got out of bed and put on her silk dressing gown, "After shooting this movie in my hand, I will have money to hire a driver." "

Generally, the salary will be paid according to the three date nodes after the signing, during filming, and after the release, and 40% of the early stage will be deducted by the CAA commission and various messy advance fees, including this time the public relations fee, leaving Josie with less than 30,000 US dollars.

She can't even give the cloakroom a big change... Well, it's okay to change blood a little.

In any case, save money for the latest Motorola, I heard that an ultra-thin model will be released soon, and it is always inconvenient to go out with a brick every time.

Oh yes, Mark's birthday is also coming up, and the twin sisters of the Rongsen family are also her playmates, so their gifts must be prepared.

It seems necessary for her to return to New York and request a visit by the way.

"But you'll receive the trust money in September." Dorota reminded bluntly, "There are thirty thousand dollars in the account." "

Thirty thousand dollars is not much, and less is no less.

Compared with the nearly 20 million yuan she inherited, 30,000 US dollars is only a drop in the bucket.

But in fact, the average middle-class family earns only $100,000 a year, and they can have extra money to save 401K (pension), drive a good BBA, and rent a good apartment.

By this standard, her little life will certainly not be strained, but splurging is impossible, and financial freedom is still a long way off.

A junior assistant in Hollywood earns a thousand dollars a month, and Josie earns 150,000 yuan as a heroine making a movie, which is still Paramount's package price.

However, when she was studying on the Upper East Side, Josie spent more than 3,000 knives on her school uniform alone, not to mention the course study and beauty care that she was doing every week after becoming an actor, and the money was gone.

But the money was on the blade, and every Franklin in it was carefully caring for her appearance, her figure, and her heart, which made her feel happy and satisfied.

If she had to cut the rope in order to save money, then she probably felt that her soul would be hurt.

Josie stepped barefoot on the carpet, stepped into her cloakroom, rubbed a fur coat with a sweet expression, and exclaimed: "Oh, this is the taste of happiness and money, wonderful." "

She was choosing today's look, like a queen touring the territory, and her eyes were full of treasures that belonged to her, which obviously made her feel a little bad and brightened all of a sudden.

According to Josie's instructions, Dorota took the opportunity to pick up a leather tape measure and measure Josie's body size today, which will be Josie's practice every morning.

When Dorota finished recording the data, Josie also chose clothes, shoes and accessories, and changed them on the spot without twisting.

Well, today is the reading meeting of the crew of "Leading the Style", there is no need to dress up too much, as long as it is refreshing and natural and beautiful.

So it's still a forever classic T-shirt with jeans.

Grunge was prevalent in this era, and Nirvana's frontman Kurt. Cobain led the way in dressing today's young people, and although he killed himself at his home in Seattle in April, the baggy rock 'n' roll T-shirts, flannel shirts and ripped jeans were comfortable anyway.

They even pride themselves on finding a perfect rock 'n' roll t-shirt at a second-hand store.

However, the premise of being able to dress this style well is that the wearer himself must be good-looking and have a rock temperament.

But most people don't care, they only care about comfort.

Just like now, at this round-up meeting, most of the young people even directed Amy. Hecklin is all dressed similarly.

Including Paul who starred in the male lead. Luther.

The young actor was only twenty-five years old at this time, with a handsome face so tender that he could pinch out of water, and shortly after returning from studying in England, he appeared in a number of TV series, his first film work.

When he reads his lines, he occasionally can't help but come out with a little Shakespeare, it seems that Ben. Kingsley's Hamlet had a deep influence on him.

As the male protagonist, Luther is not quite like most of the young actors in this play, he looks more stable, and he is already an adult.

——Although there is a warm temperament of some old good people.

Brettney, who really plays a nerd in the movie. Murphy was much more lively than Luther, and she was obviously surprised to see an acquaintance here, although the so-called acquaintance was only a one-sided relationship, but this greatly eased her easily nervous state of mind.

"It's so nice to see you!" Brettney did not hide her joy, but there was some hesitation, as if she was hesitating whether to step forward and shake hands or give her a hug.

Josie opened her arms generously, smiled and said, "Hello, my friend, don't you give me a sweet hug?" "