

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

ansh_singh_baghel · Celebridades
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Before leaving Warner Studios, there was a slight surprise.

Matt, who should have concentrated on preparing "Mind Catcher". Damon actually found it.

It's Matt. Damon, not Ben. Affleck?

That's kind of interesting.

"I heard that your agent turned down the role." Matt. Damon said.

He carefully observed Josie's expression and found that the other party was not as tired or troubled as he thought, but as calm as ever.

Seems... Not even the slightest influence of those scandals.

"Oh, maybe I don't have a schedule." Josie said with a smile and met Matt Damon's slightly inquiring gaze.

Matt couldn't help but take a deep breath, suddenly feeling a little dull.

In fact, he couldn't tell how he felt.

It is true that the heroine of the script, Skyler, is a girl who wins with her personality charm and should not look for Josie. Horton, an actress known for her appearance - he is not saying that she has bad acting skills, but her appearance makes most people preconceived.

But after actually meeting Josie in person that day, he was a little... I want her to play his heroine.

Even if she's been in disrepute.

But he had an intuition that she was not the kind of person he was rumored to be.

Well, he gotta say, blonde is not the type he would like, he prefers girls with dark hair and eyes, smart and attractive, he thinks he should not have fallen in love with her at first sight.

But the question is -

Harvey had auditioned for many equally young and beautiful actresses, most of them dark-haired and only a few blonde, and he only remembered that on the day of the audition, Harvey chose the most beautiful one and gave the girl a hotel key card.

I have to say that for his own films, he simply does not have as much control as he imagined.

Another co-chair of Miramax, Jonathan. Gordon told him that this was Harvey's usual preference, and when it came time to choose a heroine, they would let him choose a suitable one instead of being casually into bed by Harvey.

As for the girl?

No matter which movie she is, just assign her a role with lines.

Hollywood, drunk with gold, shows another side behind the glamour to young people who are new to this place: it is also the other side of the real world.

In this regard, Ben. Affleck only shrugged: "Oh, please, they chose it themselves." "

Matt. Damon also understands that this is a choice, or a rule, but it feels more powerless because they are just irrelevant newcomers.

Whether it's an audition for the heroine or some inappropriate changes to the script.

But if you add a heroine who contradicts Harvey and is a popular heroine at this time, will the power part of this project about them improve slightly?

He doesn't yet know how bad Josie's current situation is, only seeing David. Geffen favors her, Sony Columbia offers her a premium salary, and Harvey . Weinstein never succeeded with her, and even the Cruises had a personal relationship with her.

"Oh, maybe, I've been busy lately." Josie in front of him said, "But I still want you to know that the script is good." "

"You've emphasized it twice." Matt. Damon couldn't help but smile a little, looking very shy.

They stood outside the crowded studio, and given Josie's own recent demonization in gossip magazines, she invited Matt to let her give him a ride.

Al, who drove for Josie today, and Kelly, sat in the passenger seat.

Because of those reports and parcels, Josie now takes El with her when she goes out, which makes her feel more secure.

As well as her titular father Frank after the incident. Horton called for this, and paid for a public relations firm that had worked for the campaign to work with Josie's public relations team to turn the situation around.

Even Nicole. Kidman, Amy. Hecklin and others also specially called to comfort her.

Especially Nicole, who is responsible for her husband Tom. Cruise made a guarantee that Josie's absolute heroine treatment on the project "Mr. Sweetheart" would not change.

Tom. Cruise shouldn't talk to David. Is Geffen on a good relationship?

Or did the Oscar defeat of "Night Interview with Vampires" finally leave a serious rift in their relationship?

For a moment, Josie couldn't figure out the intention of Liang Tang to show favor at this time, but it was not a bad thing.

When choosing an enemy, you are also choosing an ally.

"Harvey. Weinstein is famous in every sense of the word, and there are many producers like him who like unspoken rules, and so far, no one can stop them. "

"But you know, this is Hollywood."

While in the car, Josie said more coldly.

Matt. Damon moved his lips and stopped talking.

Josie looked sideways at him and continued, "Let's learn how to face all this normally. Anyway, your project will most likely not be aborted, because there is already Robin. Williams joined. "

"No, Josie, what I want to ask is, do you really not want to play my heroine?" Matt. Damon asked.

In fact, after hearing that this whimsical young man wanted to please Josie. When Horton played the heroine, Jonathan. Gordon was not optimistic, because Harvey had asked the girl to go to the hotel once before, but the other party did not appear, and after becoming popular, he rejected a series of projects led by Miramax.

- Except for "Everybody Says I Love You", but that's Woody. Allen's movie, Miramax can't tell the finger.

"We should leave room for each other." Josie then gave him a smile, "Okay, big talent, you should get off at the front intersection, otherwise you will have to make headlines with me tomorrow." "

Matt. Damon had to get out of the car at the place she requested.

As soon as the car door closed, he couldn't help but look down at the car and asked, "Josie, can I still see you?" "

Josie rolled down the window and gently draped her arms over there.

She raised her plain and fair face and looked at Matt. Damon looked at it and asked in a joking tone: "Matt, it won't be what I think, do you want to ask me out?" "

Interestingly, the last time he asked her for coffee, it was obviously his good brother Ben. Affleck.

"We've always played fair." Matt. Damon admitted frankly, "Yes, I want to ask you out, not coffee—or, so I can contact you?" "

Perhaps, he should ask her out.

Josie. Horton, this girl, is clearly not his usual type, and does not have much in common with the heroine described in his script.

However, he watched so many auditioned girls, but all that remained in his mind was her perfect blonde hair and blue eyes and a touch of extremely bright red lips.

- This is completely different from what she has today.

Similarly, her big bright eyes are always calm beyond her age, and occasionally flash a cunning and agile look, which is impressive.

Will the male protagonist of a movie fall in love with such a girl?

The answer is too simple.

"No, Matt." Josie replied slowly, "My rule is that only I can choose when to contact you." "

As she spoke, she rested her beautifully shaped chin on her arm and blinked her charming blue eyes.

Matt. As if bewitched by her, Damon obediently asked, "You have my number?" "

"If I want it, then there will be." Josie lowered her arm and waved at him in the car, "Bye bye! "

Watching the car drive away from his line of sight and standing in place, Matt was standing. Damon straightened up, his face gradually faded from his superfluous look, and he returned to his usual calm.

Root. Affleck called him and asked, "Matt, where have you been?" It's not bad to have a British girl for the audition today, I think you should come and check it out. "

"I'm going to see Josie. Horton. "Matt. Damon said, "I want her to be our heroine." "

"What?" Root. Affleck was taken aback, but immediately said, "Oh, so that's the case, so did she give you an answer?" To be honest, she looks diametrically opposed to rumors, not the kind of girl who can easily take down. "

"So?" Matt. Damon didn't answer instead.

"So, if you're interested, you don't need to take care of me." Root. Affleck had a smile in his voice, "Don't say you don't, we're the best brothers, I found out last time." "

"But I was also rejected." Matt. Damon couldn't help but chuckle, "But I think you can give it a try." "

He deliberately went to watch "First Class Fear" and "Life Sounds Beautiful Because of You" again, and found that as an actress, Josie. Horton has a wonderful screen charm.

It's like Keanu. Reeves always feels good and has a temperament close to divinity, so he is very suitable for playing the savior.

And Josie. Horton, she is obviously not a very perfect or sexy image in the movie, but it is particularly heartwarming. And the dress she wore the last time we met, she was another, more intense shocking beauty, like a symbol derived from desire.

Either way, she can easily draw pity in people's hearts.

However, the casting of most Hollywood movies is never simply decided by auditions.

The matter about "L.A. Confidential" has come to an end for the time being.

Soon, the crew announced that Kim. Basinger got the role, Arnold. Milkan made a special call.

"Actually, it's better if you don't join this crew." Arnold. Milkan clicked to the point, "You should know that the biggest star in the crew is Kevin. Spacey, the producer does not have much power in front of such male stars. "

"I understand, Arnold." Josie said calmly, "We will still work together happily." "

The filming of another intimate scene continued that day, but today's scene is a little more complicated than the smoothness of the previous one, director Cameron. Crowe shouted the card a few times and always felt that something was wrong.

"I wish you were a little tighter." He said and looked at the two leading actors, "Tom, you need to be gentle, but don't be so careful, you have a hesitation because you are not sure of your feelings for Dorothy." "

"As for Josie, it's good to be willing to refuse, but you have to always remember that you are very much looking forward to this thing in your heart, you have to let the camera feel your nervousness, and the kind of height that is almost the next second. The strong throbbing of the tide. "

Josie nodded after listening, maintaining her deep emotions and resonating with the heroine.

Tom. Cruise looked at her with a solemn look and asked in a gentle tone, "Are you okay, Josie?" I mean, the scribbled tabloids. "

In fact, now it's not just the tabloids who are participating in this, it is obvious that there is a big man with good energy who is evil in front of this young girl.

But this is not a dead hand, at most it is just some small troubles, so the Colombian side did not jump out at the first time to protect the heroine of the movie.

Josie towards Tom. Cruise made an OK gesture and replied, "Don't worry, I won't let anything affect my performance." "

In fact, regarding the acting, she thinks that she should have some talents that ordinary people cannot match, such as the control of micro-expressions, such as easily entering the state of the character.

And she never skies on revealing her inner world in front of the camera, and even digging into the secrets or wounds in the depths of her soul, but perhaps due to the more conservative concept of Orientals, she has no way to work in front of the camera for the time being.

As for other aspects, isn't the performance just a matter of using your brain?

After making several films, the actress finally realized an established fact -

Not every actor can easily enter the life of another person, the character, and not every actor can have such imagination and creativity.

It doesn't take much pinching, the sense of presence occupies a large part of her performance, and the real self-emotional mining is the most moving part of her performance.

That's why her character is always sympathetic.

That night, Josie filmed until four o'clock in the morning, and most of the people were exhausted and just wanted to go home and fall asleep.

It reminded Josie of the story of "Los Angeles at four in the morning" about a certain basketball superstar.

Rounding up, she's almost working hard, right?

Well, she knew that the wife of a basketball superstar used to make a public rumor about it, and her husband only occasionally got up early and took naps during the day.

In fact, professional basketball players are a profession that requires a lot of energy, basically will maintain adequate sleep, not as some people imagine, either get up in the early morning to train hard, or only know how to mess with women.

Rumors are always emerging.

For example, Josie herself, the latest gossip revelations portray her as a female addict, as if someone is determined to put her to death, how much people loved this still fresh American sweetheart, and now how she is in those newspapers.