
America's baby boy

RedBeeSAndAmber2's Real Name is Treasure Marie Denise Jackson and I am her, I collaborated with GOD A.K.A. Jesus Christ To help me write this book. Scene: The cult is in America, they believe all the American stereotypes about males and rape. They are rapists, at least their women are, they genuinely believe raping a man is okay but the fathers know better, they don't believe it because they were raped. They don't worship God but God is acknowledged to be real in the story while the other false idols are simply known to the story as false idols. In other words, those false idols they worship aren't even real in the storyline. The cult is in a small commune called "Genade en vrede" Which is Dutch meaning "Grace and Peace" In English. There are little girls running in a circle in a feild singing "Papa zegt: bescherm je broers, laat ze bij papa want mama wil hem pijn doen." It's Dutch, it means in English: "Daddy says protect your brothers, leave them with daddy because mommy wants to hurt him." One baby boy is in the middle of the girls. The little girls don't know what sex is and they don't think about it. The baby boy's name is "Behoeden" which is a dutch word meaning "preserve" This story is inspired by Midsommar, a movie I haven't watched but saw people talk about it. _________________________________________________________________________ This story is copyrighted. (Copr. ©) The copyright symbol, or copyright sign, ©, is the symbol used in copyright notices for works other than sound recordings. The use of the symbol is described by the Universal Copyright Convention. Copyright refers to the legal right of the owner of intellectual property. ... This means that the original creators of products and anyone they give authorization to are the only ones with the exclusive right to reproduce the work.

RedBeeSandAmber2 · Terror
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The world's sexual perversion

We need to become closer to God; this is a sign of the world's sexual perversion, not all men have this kind of issue, but most men in the Amish have been taught to abstain from sex and have done it until marriage.

Then they also get shamed for having sex out of wedlock if they do.

God also keeps them on track.

Other than that, people in different societies have loose reigns over men.

While some societies choose to train out the bugs that come with some people, when it comes to men, America sheds a blind eye to sin.

The Bible bans men from having sex outside of marriage, but America chose to shut its eyes, even blaming the women for horrific deeds such as rape, claiming, "The men were men, they did what men do, you shouldn't have dressed like that!" Meaning they all got away with sins like this.

Women do horrible things like this, too; we let them because we refuse to believe a woman would do it to a man or another woman. Our views on male sexuality make us think it's okay for women to sexually assault men; our views on women make us believe a woman wouldn't even try.

The Bible says fornication is a sin, but we only allow women to be punished for it. In many of America, men get called Players and are complimented for their sins.

The men spread their seed, becoming fathers to 60 children by 60 women they hardly know and never see the women or children again and may never know they exist because it was all a one-night stand; he never knew her address, name, or phone number.

60% of America is fatherless, and only 40% still have a father.

These men blame the women; even though they charm and coerce women into sex, they put all blame on her and accept none for themselves, and while the women should say no and hold off until marriage, we cannot withhold blame from men and put all focus on women alone.

I mean, think about it:

We created their sinful nature.

They were told their entire childhood how fantastic a player is; they watched the sinful sex movie where fornication is prevalent.

When they do fornication, we congratulate them for their sin.

They get more validation, they get taught to dump the women the got pregnant in high school, and the boys are trained to see the women as whores for having sex with men, including themselves, but they are never taught to look in the mirror at themselves and see their own sins.

The fact that men were even allowed to rape shows that people have gone insane in the past; they thought it was okay to cause such pain to women.

They were so perverted that their idea of Men being unable to control themselves was used as an excuse, but when an insane murderer goes around murdering people, we suddenly must stop him, even if he cannot control himself.

We never look at him and say, "Oh, but he can't help himself! It's the dead person's fault for being there first!"

The Bible says that rape is as if a man murdered his neighbor, the sin is in the man that raped her, not the woman who was raped.

Our view of male sexuality became so perverted that when a man was raped, some never showed comfort but laughed at it and said he should have liked it because they would have, which is sickening.

Some even laughed at the men and called them to curse words over the men reporting the rape, even if the rapist was in her 40s and the male was 14.

One male rape victim was raped at 5 by his mother, and he told his story; another man told him he was lucky to have had sex from a hot chick at such a young age. The "Hot Chick" was the rape victim's mother. How have you gone so perverse you think sex with your mother is okay?

Making fun of male rape victims is not okay at all.

Making fun of women raped by women is not okay, either.

Making fun of men raped by women & men is not okay.

Making fun of and blaming any gender for rape by any gender is not okay.