

MY SADNESS LIFE My name is, ame i have 4 kids i leave my live in partner before in past 2 years ago. So i live now together with my kids i work much hard to support my kids because the father cannot support to my kids.Then until one time i dont have work now my work before is i am lady gaurd then during nightshift i bring my youngest son in to my duty because no other can care with him so i dont have choice so i bring. Then after my duties i teach to my kids into the modular class, then after that i clean my boarding house, feed the kids then after if already finesh my work i sleep for while only i relax a little bit only. Because i need to prepare for my duty and bring again my son that time my son is sleep my son is sleep only in cartoon i cry when i was looking into my son while sleeping. I always i dont have money because my salary as a lady gaurd is 230 pesos only per day then the time the salary is came i dont have extra no more money again because i pay all my boarding house, electrecity and also water, i cry because i dont have money for my food so i need to credit into store. Then after 3 month i terminate my work becuase i go back my province without confirmation into my company. Then until the time i meet a norwegian man then say to god i hope thise mn can he help i dont need much money the important of me is i have food everyday i have house and my kids cannot suffer about the foods i say that into my self. So until i live together in a one house with the norwegian, so at the time he my partner now in my life im thingking the good life together with him he is very kind man he love my kids he never angry into my kids if sometimes my kids if have happens wrong then i say to my self thanks he good into my kids. But the problem he give me always small food to me and into my kids he cannot he help to me into my kids he like blind man he appriciated my all good works to him i always cooks to his favorate food but never can appriate in you he never pity to me but im pity to him becuase he need to care to hm coz he is old man now. But im very dissapointed to him. And i always pray to god i hope i have work and i can find a man not greedy not same my live in partner that is my very sadness life.


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