
They died

Ari and Cjay stood before Aman, their eyes cold and determined. They knew that this would be the fight of their lives, but they were ready for it. Tengen stood beside them, his body tense and his eyes focused. Together, they would face the demon king and bring him down.

Aman, for his part, was amused by their bravery. He had always considered the siblings to be loyal, if not particularly skilled, servants. And Tengen's sound breathing was nothing compared to the power that he wielded.

The battle was fierce, with Aman unleashing wave after wave of dark energy against the three fighters. Ari used her sashes to deflect the attacks, while Cjay tried to get close enough to strike with his blood blades. Tengen used his sound breathing to create a barrier of noise, protecting them from Aman's most devastating attacks.

But it was not enough. Aman was simply too powerful. With a flick of his wrist, he sent Ari's sashes flying back at her, wrapping around her throat and cutting off her air supply. Cjay tried to intervene, but he was quickly overwhelmed by Aman's dark energy. And Tengen, for all his skill, could not withstand the full force of the demon king's power.

In the end, they were defeated. Aman stood victorious, his eyes glittering with cruel satisfaction. He looked down at the fallen fighters, his lip curling in disgust.

"You were foolish to think you could stand against me," he sneered. "Now, you will pay the price for your arrogance."

And with that, he unleashed a final burst of dark energy, obliterating the fallen fighters and leaving nothing but ash in his wake.

For a time, Aman ruled over the demon world unchallenged. But the memory of the siblings and their bravery lived on, inspiring others to stand up against tyranny and oppression. And eventually, a new generation of demon fighters rose up to challenge the demon king and take back their world.