
Logan death

Logan faces Shinobu, Inosuke, and Kanao, determined to eliminate them and prove his loyalty to Aman. Shinobu, with her quick movements and deadly poison, makes it difficult for Logan to get close to her. Inosuke, who has the ability to turn into a beast, attacks Logan relentlessly, while Kanao uses her flower breathing techniques to create illusions and confuse him.

Logan remains calm and focused, using his cryokinetic powers to freeze the ground beneath Inosuke's feet, making it difficult for him to move. He then sends a barrage of ice shards at Shinobu, who tries to dodge but gets hit on her left shoulder.

As Kanao tries to confuse Logan with her illusions, he uses his cryokinetic powers to create a thick layer of ice around his body, protecting him from any attacks. He then launches a massive wave of freezing energy towards Kanao, which shatters her illusions and leaves her vulnerable.

Inosuke tries to break free from the ice but fails, and Logan takes advantage of the situation by creating a giant ice blade and charging towards Shinobu, who tries to retaliate with her poison. However, Logan's cryokinetic powers allow him to freeze the poison in mid-air, making it harmless.

In a final effort, Shinobu tries to escape, but Logan catches up to her and pierces her through the heart with his ice blade, killing her instantly.

As the intense battle between Logan and the demonslayers continued, Kanao and Inosuke managed to corner Logan with their combined attacks. Kanao's flower breathing technique allowed her to move with incredible speed and agility, while Inosuke's beast form gave him incredible strength and endurance.

Despite Logan's powerful cryokinetic abilities, he was unable to withstand the combined onslaught of Kanao and Inosuke. They were able to dodge his ice attacks and strike him with precise and powerful blows, slowly wearing him down over time.

Finally, Logan was defeated, collapsing to the ground as Kanao and Inosuke stood victorious. Despite the fierce battle and the tragic loss of their comrades, the demonslayers remained determined to continue the fight against the demons and protect humanity from their evil influence.