
Amalgam Universe Beast Boy

This book will be LOOSELY based on Amalgam Comics. An old combination of DC and Marvel with a few more things added for my enjoyment. A 36 year old Garfield Logan is a military veteran working a Museum security job. A robbery goes wrong and our story begins. He finds himself in a different body and wouldn’t you know it he doesn't just have to worry about a big purple nut chinned simp that wants to kill 50% of all living things to impress his crush, Death (Balance my A&&). But he also has to worry about an Anti Lifer whose look really can kill. Seriously Darkseid, take up a hobby, learn to paint with more than the blood of the innocent. Set up an adoption agency for abused space animals and retired Paradeamon’s. Something, just leave Earth alone. This is my first time writing and I am doing it for my enjoyment. Will look forward to comments and constructive criticism but complaints will have a better chance of getting to me of you scream them out your window and I happen to be walking by at that time. My greatest hope is that this story will inspire someone else to write a story I will enjoy. Going to shoot for daily release but I have to work to do the things I enjoy so we will see. I don’t own the Pic’s or the Original Characters concepts. Also I accidently placed this in Novel instead of FanFic so moved it. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Malamber · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
132 Chs

A Voice in the Green


 Logan and Pam were inside a tunnel that had all sorts of piping and electrical conduit running along the walls.


 "How did you know?" Pam asked as she waited for Selina to join them and pull the cover down, so it wasn't apparent someone used it.


 "These are the original steam tunnels. All the buildings from the 19th century had them. Remember we talked about it at the diner the first time we went over the schematics."


 "Yeah, well a lot has happened since then, so I forgot."


 Selina joined them, so Logan began leading the way. "According to the blueprints, there should be an old service entrance just up here."


 Once Logan was a short distance ahead, "He is very cute, Ivy. Why not just put the whammy on him? Use one of your pheromone recipes on him to make sure he stays."


 Pam covered Selina's mouth and put a serious look on her face. "SHHH. And that would be cheating!"


 "This is fascinating Ivy, I almost don't recognize you." Selina said after her mouth was uncovered.


 Logan reached the door and tried the handle, "It's locked, I can… Hey."


 Catwoman quickly moved to the door and used her hip to nudge Logan away from it. "Step aside, Junior." As she squatted down and started pulling out wire tools to work on the door handle.


 "You know, I can just…"


 "Stop hovering." Seconds later, the door opened. "There. Still got it. After you…"


 Logan sniffed the air after the door opened, "I smell smoke…"




 Pam's head jolted up and she drew in a sharp breath. "I hear a voice through The Green. It sounds afraid." 


Just as the group walked through the door and started looking around for an indication to tell them what direction to move. A loud siren sounded in the tunnels.


 A computer-fabricated voice sounded out. "LEVEL 6 EMERGENCY. ALL PERSONNEL MUST EVACUTE!!!"


 **I'M… Afraid.**


 **Will you help me?**


 From a nearby corridor, there was a sound of many people running in their direction. 


 Logan pointed to the corridor, "This may come down to a fight or flight situation here ladies."


 "He is right Ivy, back the way we came or prep for a fight."


 "Then it will be a fight, someone is calling to me through The Green, so we find her!"


 As all three prepared for a fight, they finally saw who was running down the corridor. It was a bunch of men in lab coats and fear in their eyes. Panting their way towards what we assumed was an exit.


 "God Help Us." "It's A Nightmare."


 "The fear I feel isn't coming from these guys," Pam told her companions as they watched them pass by.


 Suddenly the door the trio came through slammed shut. The computer voice sounded once again. "LOCKDOWN IN PROGRESS: LOCKDOWN IN PROGRESS."


 Selina looked around warily, "Great, now we are trapped."


 Without giving the door another glance, Pam started off in a direction of her choosing.


 "Ivy, where are you going?"


"To rescue someone. Someone who can talk through The Green."


 "Let's go, Selina. I need to stay close to Pam." 


 They followed Pam as she seemed to turn down corridors at random. At one intersection we could see scorch marks on the walls, it gave them all bad vibes.


 **Can you hear me? Who are you? Where are you?** "I am trying to talk to her through The Green, she sounds young and frightened." Pam told us.


 We moved on from the scorch marks. Until a couple of corridors down we found what made them. 


**They were bad men. They hurt me. So I escaped.**


 We found a man in a lab coat on the floor, his hands and most of his body were made of wood somehow. He held a makeshift flamethrower. Made from butane bottles and a spray nozzle. His eyes were wide open, and his face was filled with terror in his last moments. 


 Selina covered her mouth, "I think I may hurl…"


 "Don't you dare, because if you do, I will follow you and I'm still not ready for Pam to see me like that just yet."


**What did you do?**


**I had to hurt them back!!!**


-(Scene Shift)-


 From a brightly lit room full of computer screens a large figure witched Pam, Logan, and Selina walking through the halls. "ISSSLLLEEEY… To Close. WHEERRE ARE THE Childddrren?"


 On the screen, Pam spoke, "There is… It must be somewhere upstairs. I can feel it. Someone interfering with The Green."


-(Back in the Corridor)-


 "There are these wooden bodies everywhere, they all died with fear being the last thing they felt. What could have done all this?" Logan asked Pam.


 "I don't know, this is all plant-based, but it feels wrong, it feels sick." 


 Moments later Pam indicated a door and opened it before Logan could stop her. So, he quickly followed her. Selina brought up the rear. 


 "Someone was just here. This is the place I felt earlier." She looked around at the screens and all the servers and files. "This is a mirror facility of our lab. State-of-the-art research setup. There's no way this could have been constructed without higher approval. No, this had to of come from the top."


 Pam looked at more monitors, "Our offices in the main lab building. Someone was watching all of us from here." She went to a desk that had a bunch of printouts and files on it.


 "My missing notebooks, And all our HR files?!" 


 "You think maybe that asswipe Victor is behind this?"


While Pam and Logan converged on the table Selina wandered around. 


 Pam had some notes and files in her hands, it must have recently been looked through. "Where is he? I understand he never liked Luisa, or me for that matter. But he was close to Grimley for years."


"Hey guys, there's another room over here, but It's sealed shut."


 Pam tossed the papers down in frustration, "I don't understand. This doesn't make any sense."


"I have a feeling the answers are behind door number two here."


 Logan walked up to the door, "That looks like a high-tech lock, Want me to…"


 "High-tech? Ha, break out a timer and watch me."


 Logan smiled and stepped back with Pam. Selina goes to work like she knew exactly what she was doing. Pulling wires and twisting others together. "Almost there…" With the last spark from a wire, the door opened. 


 "56 Seconds." Logan smiled.


 As the door opened all three of them were stunned to see three men with various body parts turned to wood and vines, all on the ground surrounding what appeared to be a small gurney with leather restraints that had all been broken.


 Selina still on her knees from working the lock mechanism, "I am definitely going to hurl."


 Pam stepped forward, "These scientists were experimenting on someone or something and they didn't like it."


 Logan placed a hand on Pam's back in silent support.


 From back behind the gurney there came a Thump Bump sound. 


 Then from a door that looked like it belonged to an industrial refrigerator, there came a weak cry for help.


 Pam approached it, "Someone is still alive in this fridge unit." 


 The faint sound "Help Me." Came from inside.


**Who are you?** Pam reached out within The Green again.


 **I hated needles. I had to change the bad men to make them stop.**


 Pam opened the door and out spilled a half-frozen middle-aged man wearing a suit and tie. When he fell out, he busted his face on the ground and started bleeding out his nose.


**And he was a very bad, bad man**


 "Victor Lee… I shouldn't have opened the door to let you out. You broke into my home and threatened my Sporelings. WHY?"


 Victor looked up from the floor, blood spilling down his face. Heh. You think you're so smart, Isley. But you have no idea what's happening. What you have UNLEASHED."


 While Pam had gone to the fridge door, Logan went to where the sounds behind the gurney came from. He saw a vent screen, but he could just make out something behind it. When he realized what it was, he slowly reached for the cover and pulled it away like it was made of cobweb. 


 "Hey there. Don't be scared. We won't let the bad men hurt you anymore, no one will hurt you anymore."


 What he saw nearly broke his heart. A young girl, with green skin was wearing a dirty children's hospital gown and hiding in the vent crawl space. She looked to be four or five years old and had a vine of thorns wrapped around her head and body. Her green eyes were frightened, and she hugged her knees with her lips turned down like she was getting ready to cry.


-(Image here)-


 Selina approached. "She was hiding, Like a smart girl."


 Logan called out for Pam to come see, and then he changed his skin color to green to match the little girl. Maybe that would provide her some comfort.